Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Guy Christopher on Robin Hood, Sound Money, and Rising Anti-Globalism

Read the transcript here: Interview starts: 5:26 Guy Christopher enlightens us as only he can on a couple of well-known but very misunderstood stories – Robin Hood and The Wizard of Oz – and explains how both underwent changes and ultimately developed either a socialistic or an anti-sound money narrative. You will not want …

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The Undemocratic Nature of TTIP

Mounting Resistance Thousands of people recently demonstrated in Brussels against free trade deals negotiated by the EU. This happened just days before a meeting of EU trade ministers in Bratislava last Friday, which was considered the last push to salvage the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the United States.

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The Fed is Good for Gold

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Dr. Doom Marc Faber Plays A Game Of Probability

In this episode of China Money Podcast, returning guest Dr. Marc Faber, renowned investor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, speaks with our host Nina Xiang. Dr. Faber played a game of Long & Short, where he spelled out his view on central banks, currencies and commodities, among other items. Then, he …

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Dr. Doom Marc Faber Plays A Game Of Long/Short

In this episode of China Money Podcast, returning guest Dr. Marc Faber, renowned investor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, speaks with our host Nina Xiang. Dr. Faber played a game of Long & Short, where he spelled out his view on central banks, currencies and commodities, among other items. Then, he …

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U.S. Imports Record Amount Of Gold From Switzerland In July

Switzerland's gold exports to the U.S. are already 60.7 mt in 2016, up more than 18 times the volume in 2015. For the first year since 2011, U.S. gold imports are higher than exports.

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The World’s Reserve Currency is Failing, Which Means You Need Something Outside of the System

This, of course, is gold and silver. Particularly small coins that are easy to trade or barter with. Some people wonder how precious metals will be useful if the dollar collapses. Well, here’s our answer: 00:00 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “It’s been a big week in the precious metals markets, with gold …

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Janet Yellen Forecasts Fed Funds Rate to be Just Over 1% by the End of 2017

The Fed’s jawboning has confused investors, but the data shows that the Fed is more likely to move towards lowering interest rates – even into negative territory. This would not be an ideal situation for savers. Click here to read why: 00:00 – Audio starts 00:04 – Announcer: “Markets rejoiced yesterday following a decision …

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Economic Rhetoric from Officials Seems to be a Key Driver in the Markets

Fed officials have everything to gain from a strong stock market. People on the inside of the Federal Reserve System know when decisions to hike rates are coming, so they have the ability to go ahead of these announcements and profit from this information. Of course, we already knew that. Here’s how it’s done: …

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Confiscation: Sorry, You Can’t Have Your Gold

We warn regularly of the risk involved in storing wealth in banks. They’ve made the removal of your deposits increasingly difficult in addition to colluding with governments to allow them to legally freeze or confiscate your money. To add insult to injury, they’re creating reporting requirements with regard to the contents of safe deposit boxes and restricting what can be stored in them – again, at risk of confiscation.

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Silver Rocket and Gold Moribund

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Michael Rivero Exclusive on Bizarre Hillary Developments and Other Machinations

Interview Starts at: 6:16 Read the full transcript here: Coming up we’ll hear another fantastic interview with the man who pulls no punches, Michael Rivero of Michael Rivero of ( shares his insights on Hillary’s health and what it all means for the presidential election and also gives us his thoughts on …

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Marc Faber Says Dow Could Reach 100,000!? – Kay Kim

Today, Marc Faber came out with his provocative “Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) could reach 100,000” call. I will be examining the veracity of the call and the pragmatic degree of it’s nature, while also examining his past behaviors on the market calls. *Source Articles: -Epoch Times “Marc Faber: Dow Could Reach 100,000” -Market …...

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Best Countries To Store Gold: How Did America, A Serial Defaulter, Make The Cut?

An era of slowing growth, falling corporate profits, record debt levels, and currency debauchment has many investors buying gold as a bet against global central banks. Holding that gold outside the banking system, and for some, outside one’s own country, are increasingly popular options. Canada, Switzerland, and four other countries have particularly attractive characteristics.

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There’s Going to be a Collapse in the Bond Market Like We’ve Never Seen Before

Stagflation, no growth, coupled with massive, unprecedented, intractable increase in the base money supply all lead to a rapid rise inflation. The result will be a market bubble burst. Learn more here: 00:00 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “Despite headwinds including opposition from both presidential candidates, President Obama plans to promote the Trans-Pacific …

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Crimea: Digging For The Truth

This summer witnessed a renewed escalation between Russia and Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of sending saboteurs to attack Russian troops, targeting “critical infrastructure”. Kiev denied the allegations and claimed Russia’s “fantasy” was nothing but a false pretense to launch a “new invasion”.

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CEOs and Top Level Financial Leaders Must Have “Get Out of Jail Free” Cards

Despite the widespread discovery of fraud in the financial sector, individuals leading the fraudulent activity never get charged for their crime. Instead, the company or bank is slapped with expensive fines. Here’s a great example: 00:00 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “Markets took a bit of a breather yesterday following 3 days of …

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Central Banks can Easily Manipulate the Stock Market

Central Banks can simply manipulate high frequency trading machines. Bullion investors, however, have an advantage over trading machines. Click here to see what it is: 00:01 – Audio starts 00:04 – Announcer: “Nervous investors sold most asset classes yesterday, erasing Monday’s recovery. Precious metals and oil ended lower. The only traditional “safe haven” asset …

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Odds Makers Are Betting That There’s an 11% Chance of an Interest Rate Hike

These remarks, once again, contradict what other Fed officials are saying. In an interview with Michael Pento, he reveals that the Fed is committed to propping up markets no matter what. Listen to this: 00:01 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “Another Fed official cautioning against withdrawing monetary stimulus too quickly. Gold and silver …

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Silver Returns Earthward

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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