Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Turkey and Russia Highlight Gold’s Role as a Strategically Important Asset

On 17 April, Turkish news publication Ahval published a report stating that during 2017, Turkey withdrew 26.8 tonnes of gold that it had stored in the vaults of the New York Federal Reserve, and moved this gold under the custodianship of the Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The source of the Ahval report was a Turkish language article from the popular Hürriyet newspaper in Turkey.

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London House Prices See Fastest Quarterly Fall Since 2009 Crisis

London house prices fell by 3.2% in the first quarter – Halifax. Brexit, financial and geo-political uncertainty lead to falls. Excluding sale of seven £10m-plus houses in London, prices were down 3.4% in the year. UK house prices climb by just 0.4% in April, the slowest increase since 2008 for same period. Sales transactions fall by 19% and asking versus selling prices show turning into buyers’ market. Homeowner or not, buy physical gold to hedge...

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Wrong-Way Breakout in Silver – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Russia Buys 300,000 Ounces Of Gold In March – Nears 2,000 Tons In Gold Reserves

Russia buys 300,000 ounces of gold in March and nears 2,000t in gold reserves. Russia now holds just over 1,861 tonnes, more than officially reported by China at 1,842t. Both Russia and China have the power to destabilise US dollar by dumping dollar-denominated assets. Turkey has removed all gold held in the U.S. opting for Bank of England and BIS. Turkey follows trend set by both Germany, Netherlands and others to remove gold reserves stored in...

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Family Offices and HNWs Invest In Gold Again

Family Offices and HNWs Are Investing In Gold Again. Rising interest by family offices and high-net-worth (HNW) into gold bullion investments. Gold ETF assets have reached almost $100 billion due to HNWs and pension funds’ increased demand. Volatility in equities, concerns over trade wars, Trump’s Presidency and other economic worries are spurring demand for gold coins and bars. Prudent money ‘trickle’ back into gold as investors are reminded of...

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‘New buyer found’ for ailing Monetas blockchain firm

Troubled Swiss blockchain payments firm Monetas has found a new mystery buyer to pull it out of the mire, has learned. The company has run into major problems in the last few months, including enforced bankruptcy proceedings and the acrimonious failure of a previous takeover. “We are in the process of completing the purchase formalities with a buyer of Monetas.

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CRYPTO CRAZE IS CONCERNING | Marc Faber Marc Faber says the U.S. Dollar’s strength will not last long. “The last thing the U.S. administration wants today is to have a strong Dollar.” Right now, investors are geared towards equities and cryptocurrencies. However, Faber expects within a few years investors will turn towards gold and silver. Faber does not have faith …

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From Fake Boom to Real Bust

More is revealed with each passing day. You can count on it. But what exactly the ‘more is of’ requires careful discrimination. Is the ‘more’ merely more noise? Or is it something of actual substance? Today we endeavor to pass judgment, on your behalf.

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Getting High on Bubbles

Back in the drug-soaked, if not halcyon, days known at the sexual and drug revolution—the 1960’s—many people were on a quest for the “perfect trip”, and the “perfect hit of acid” (the drug lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD). We will no doubt generate some hate mail for saying this, but we don’t believe that anyone ever attained that goal.

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Russian Gold Rush – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Silver Bullion Remains Good Value On Positive Supply And Demand Factors

Silver bullion remains good value on positive supply and demand factors. Industrial demand set to continue to climb from 2017, into 2018 and beyond. Speculators are bearish on silver as net short positions in silver futures reach record. Investment demand sees silver ETF holdings at eight-month high of 665.4 million ozs. 2017 saw fifth consecutive annual physical deficit in scrap silver, of 26 moz. Global silver mine production fell 4% last year,...

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Hỏi đáp tỷ phú Marc Faber

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Hair Club For Traders S01E01

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Monday morning run down of the recent trending phase in equities. We'll also go through some basic statistical stats in the context of recent price action. If you want to pull your own stats for any Yahoo Finance symbol then...

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New All Time Record Highs For Gold In 2019

New all time record highs for gold in 2019. ‘Powerful bull market’ will likely send gold to $5,000 to $10,000. If USD & Treasuries keep falling, stocks may decline at ‘moment’s notice’. Traditional portfolio of stocks and bonds will not protect investors. “Gold will replace bonds as the go-to hedge”.

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Hair Club For Traders S01E01

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Monday morning run down of the recent trending phase in equities. We’ll also go through some basic statistical stats in the context of recent price action. …

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Palladium Bullion Surges 17percent In 9 Days On Russian Supply Concerns

Palladium bullion has surged a massive 17% in just nine trading days. From $895/oz on Friday April 6th to over $1,052/oz today (April 19th). The price surge is due to palladium being due a bounce after falling in the first quarter and now due to Russian supply concerns. In a volatile month, precious metals and commodities have been the clear winners so far, with palladium having the greatest gains of all – up 10.7% in April (see table below).

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Spoofing Futures and Banging Fixes: Same Banks, Same Trading Desks

On 29 January 2018, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Division of Enforcement together with the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice and the FBI announced criminal and civil enforcement actions against 3 global investment banks and 5 traders for involvement in trade spoofing in precious metals futures contracts on the US-based Commodity Exchange (COMEX).

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Global Debt Bubble Hits New All Time High – One Quadrillion Reasons To Buy Gold

Global debt bubble hits new all time high – over $237 trillion. Global debt increased 10% or $21 tn in 2017 to nearly a quarter quadrillion USD. Increase in debt equivalent to United States’ ballooning national debt. Global debt up $50 trillion in decade & over 327% of global GDP. $750 trillion of bank derivatives means global debt over $1 quadrillion. Gold will be ‘store of value’ in coming economic contraction. Global debt is the mother of all...

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Volatile Week Sees Oil and Palladium Surge Over 8percent, Gold and Silver Marginally Higher and Stocks Gain

Gold & silver eke out small gains; palladium surges 8% and platinum 2%. Oil (WTI) surges over 8% to over $66.90/bbl; supply disruption risk. U.S. dollar and Treasuries fall; geopolitical, trade war and fiscal concerns. Stocks rally and shrug off trade war, macro and geo-political risks. Bitcoin, major cryptos (Ethereum, Ripple etc) rise sharply. Russia-US tensions high: Trump warns attack ‘could be very soon or not so soon at all’.

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Talk Show – Health & Summit By Mary Buffet And Marc Faber

Talk Show – Health & Summit By Mary Buffet And Marc Faber

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