Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Flight of the Bricks – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert – April 2018 Michael Kosowan

Michael Kosowan is the CEO of Torq Resources. In this interview, he fields Sprott Money customer questions regarding gold, the Canadian dollar and the mining sector.

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EU and Euro Exposed To Risks Including Trade Wars and War With Russia In Middle East

– EU and euro face growing risks including trade wars, energy independence and war with Russia in Middle East. – Middle East war involving Russia may badly impact energy dependent & fragile EU. – Trade and actual wars on European doorstep show the strategic weakness of the EU. – Toxic combination due to growing anti-EU and anti-Euro sentiment in many EU nations.

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Silent Circle founder joins metals-backed crypto coin project

Renowned cryptographer Philip Zimmermann, who moved his smartphone encryption firm Silent Circle to Switzerland four years ago, has signed up to the metals-backed crypto Tiberius Coin venture as chief science and security officer. Zimmermann, who was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame by the Internet Society in 2012, came to Switzerland to further develop his anti-snooping Blackphone away from invasive surveillance techniques in his native...

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Trump Tweets Russia “Get Ready” For Missiles In Syria – Gold, Oil Rise and Stocks Fall

Dow set to drop 300 points at open after Trump tweet today. Stocks see sell off and gold pops to test resistance at $1,350/oz. US stock futures suggest over 1% losses at New York open. Oil surged to a two-week high and has surged nearly 7% this week. U.S. bombing Syria may provoke escalation of conflict with Russia and wider conflict in volatile Middle East.

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Gold Out Performs Stocks In 2018 and This Century By Ratio Of Two To One

– Gold outperforming stocks in 2018 and this century (see chart) – Gold up close to 2% in 2018 while S&P 500 is down 2% – Trump trade wars and Kudlow as Trump chief economic advisor is gold bullish – Given gold’s performance, Kudlow’s dismissal of gold as “end of the world insurance” is “irrational” – Market volatility could drive gold to $1,500/oz in 2018 – Holmes

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US Gold & Silver Futures Markets: “Easy” Targets

Following news coverage of the charging of five precious metals traders and three banks in January, Commodities Futures Trading Commission and Department of Justice documents reveal a global criminal cabal of 16 traders operating in at least four major financial institutions between 2008 and 2015 to defraud COMEX gold and silver futures markets.

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Claudio Grass on Cryptocurrencies and Gold – An X22 Report Interview

The Global Community is Unhappy With the Monetary System, Change is Coming Our friend Claudio Grass of Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland was recently interviewed by the X22 Report on cryptocurrencies and gold. He offers interesting perspectives on cryptocurrencies, bringing them into context with Hayek’s idea of the denationalization of money. The connection is that they have originated in the market and exist in a framework of free competition,...

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China’s Secret Gold Supplier Is Singapore

Since 2013 China continues to absorb physical gold from the rest of the world at a staggering pace. Worth noting is that gold imported into the Chinese domestic market is not allowed to be returned in the foreseeable future. Because ownership and the disposition of these volumes of gold likely will be of great importance next time around the international monetary system is under stress, it’s well worth tracking China’s progress of imports –...

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No Revolution Just Yet – Precious Metals Supply and Demand Report

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Jamie Dimon Warns Of Potential ‘Market Panic’

Jamie Dimon Warns Of Potential ‘Market Panic’. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon sees ‘chance of market panic’. In annual letter to shareholders Dimon warns of increased inflation and interest rates. Concerned QE unwinding could cause chaos as ‘markets will get more volatile’.

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The Dollar Cancer and the Gold Cure

The dollar is failing. Millions of people can see at least some of the major signs, such as the collapse of interest rates, record high number of people not counted in the workforce, and debt rising from already-unpayable levels at an accelerating rate.

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Silver Bullion: Should We Be Worried About Silver?

Silver Bullion: Should We Be Worried About Silver? Bloomberg’s Mike McGlone silver “set to test the $18 an ounce resistance level”. LBMA report: volume of silver ounces transferred in February fell by 24%. Standard Chartered: gold-silver ratio and supply/demand fundamentals favour silver. Gold/silver ratio at near two-year high on silver’s underperformance. Silver COT reports remain more bullish than at any time in history.

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David Morgan: Silver Market Set Up Is “Best I’ve Seen for a Very Long Time”

Read the full transcript here: Check silver prices at Money Metals: David Morgan of The Morgan Report highlights a very interesting set-up in the silver market that could lend itself to significantly higher prices. David also shares his thoughts on the price levels he wants to see before getting...

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Brexit, Stagflation Pressures UK High Street

Brexit, Stagflation Pressures UK High Street. UK high street and wider consumer market feeling effects of financial crisis, Brexit and inflation. 350,000 retails jobs expected to disappear between 2016 and 2020. Centre for Retail Research predicts 9,500 shops to close this year and 10,200 in 2019. UK is ‘worst performing’ European market for new car registrations – Moody’s. UK’s growth outlook is the ‘worst in the G20’ – Institute of Fiscal...

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Gold Is Money While Currencies Today Are “IOU Nothings”

Now that the international monetary system we have long known has broken down, and the world is groping through monetary reform for a new one, it is time to consider some fundamentals. What is money anyway? First, it is a means of payment or medium of exchange. I prefer that first phrase. It is simpler. We all use money to pay our bills, to buy goods and services. We also accept money when we sell.

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Has Switzerland blown its crypto-opportunity?

Legendary United States crypto investor Tim Draper believes Switzerland has missed the boat in establishing itself as an attractive global hub for blockchain start-ups. Draper has invested in Tezos, which ran into a damaging governance row in Switzerland shortly after its initial coin offering (ICO) fundraiser.

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The Dollar Cancer & Gold Cure: How to fix what’s wrong with our money

Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, explains what is wrong with our monetary system, and how to fix it. ----- Table of Contents ----- What is the Problem with our Monetary System? | 00:47 The Dollar Cancer | 2:27 Two Fatal Flaws of the Monetary System | 5:36 1st Flaw: Dollar is Irredeemable | 6:04 2nd Flaw: Interest is Unhinged | 9:11 Negative Interest Rates | 11:50 Debauching the Currency | 15:08 Underpants Business Model | 20:17 Not Enough...

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The Dollar Cancer & Gold Cure: How to fix what’s wrong with our money

Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, explains what is wrong with our monetary system, and how to fix it. —– Table of Contents —– What is the Problem with our Monetary System? | 00:47 The Dollar Cancer | 2:27 Two Fatal Flaws of the Monetary System | 5:36 1st Flaw: Dollar is Irredeemable | 6:04 …

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Gold Outperforms Stocks In Q1, 2018

Gold Outperforms Stocks In Q1, 2018. Gold signs off Q1 2018 with best run since 2011. Gold price supported by safe haven demand, interest-rate concerns and inflation. Trade wars and concerns over equity market have sent investors towards gold. ETF holdings highest in nearly a decade. Goldman Sachs: ‘The dislocation between the gold prices and U.S. rates is here to stay’.

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