Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Technologischer Totalitarismus – Punkt.PRERADOVIC mit Prof. Dr. Max Otte 16.03.2021

Wohin steuern Deutschland, Europa und die Welt? „Auf ein neues politisches und wirtschaftliches System hin“, sagt Prof. Dr. Max Otte. Der Ökonom ist sicher, daß sich Arbeitswelt und demokratische Systeme ganz grundlegend ändern werden. Ein Gespräch über die Macht der Tec-Konzerne, gerechte Steuersysteme und die mögliche Rückkehr zu regionaler Marktwirtschaft.

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Inflation Top Ökonom Thomas Mayer mit düsterer Prognose

Quelle: René will Rendite. Willkommen zu einem neuen Interview bei "René will Rendite". Angesichts der Geldflut der Notenbanken steht der Anstieg der Inflation schon seit Jahren im Raum, ohne das sich viel tat. Doch nun wächst die Angst, die Raten steigen. Wie ernst ist die Lage? Darüber spreche ich mit dem ehemaligen Chefvolkswirt der Deutschen Bank und Gründer des Flossbach von Storch Research Instituts, Thomas Mayer.

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Best Time To Buy Gold And Silver is Now! – David Brady

The best time to buy gold and silver is now, according to, #GlobalProTrader David Brady. David shares with us his thoughts about gold as a hedge against inflation and gold as a hedge against the dollar. Using his personal trading methodology FIPESTxM, he discusses rising bond yields and the prospect of Yield Curve Control and how that will affect the prices of #GoldandSilver. He explains why everyone should buy gold and silver now and why he...

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“Das ist eine Quittung für die Corona-Politik der CDU” – Max Otte über den Flop seiner Partei

Prof. Dr. Max Otte kommentiert die vorläufigen Ergebnisse der Landtagswahlen in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz. Klar ist: In beiden Bundesländern hat die CDU Wählerstimmen eingebüßt. Für Max Otte, selbst langjähriges Mitglied der CDU, ist das die Folge der Corona-Politik seiner Partei.

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Biden Showers States with Bailout Money, Are Tax Hikes Next?

As Washington prepares to pump another $1.9 trillion in stimulus into the economy, asset prices are lifting. From food to housing to equities to precious metals, inflationary pressures are being felt in all markets this week. Read the full Transcript here: Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 3.12.21

Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver joins us to discuss the recent price action in the precious metals as we look ahead to next week's meeting of the FOMC. You can submit your questions to [email protected] Visit our website​​​​ for more news.

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Outsiders to Rob Us of Our Property

Strains in the Debt, Dollar, and Banking COMEX & BASEL III Impacts Gold/Silver Ratio Price Inflation Impacts: People End Up Starving, Middle Class Wiped Out Outsiders Rob the Population of Their Property It’s Going to Be Very Nasty You’ve Got to Think About Your Community What Are You Really Going to Do?

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Markets, Gold, Bonds – Ross Clark. Hyperinflation – Marc Faber. Real Estate – Steve Saretsky. AMY.V

Ross Clark – Markets, Capitulation in Gold, Bonds. Special Offer! For New Subscribers 2 Months for $200 OR 25% Off For One Year. Offer Ends March 14, 2021.

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Gold And Silver Prices 2021 – Max Keiser Interview

What's happening to gold and silver prices 2021? Max Keiser of The Keiser Report talks to GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood about what's going on with gold and silver and bitcoin. With gold and silver prices dropping while bitcoin rallies Max Keiser asks if Bitcoin is putting gold in it's shadow and acting like a store of wealth and if Bitcoin can replace gold as a hedge against inflation. Stephen warns about the impact of higher yields on stock...

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Gives His Predictions on Stock Market Collapse, Gold, US Dollar

Gives His Predictions on Stock Market Collapse, Gold, US Dollar

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Alasdair MacleodFiat Monetary System Collapse $15,000 to $50,000 Gold Price Prediction

  Full Document transcript go to: Contact advertising: Would you like to place ads on my youtube channel? Email: [email protected]: akira10k Join discussion on Topic on Fan Page

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The Fedcoin is Coming, 8 March

Before we talk about Fedcoins, let’s look at the old school non-digital, non-blockchain, coin. Gold. And silver. Since January 4, the price has dropped about $244. And the price of silver has fallen about $4. Are these buying opportunities? Or the end of the brief gold bull market of 2020 (i.e. Covid)?

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Fed Considers New Interventions as Bond Markets Tumbles

As financial markets sold off this week, precious metals got dragged down in the selling. The culprit, once again, was rising bond yields...

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Bitcoin – Ende der Blase? Gibt es Gemeinsamkeiten mit Tesla #BTC #TSLA

Seit Erreichen des Allzeit-Hochs hat der Bitcoin Preis bereits 20% nachgelassen. Deutliche #Abstürze wechseln sich mit #Aufschwüngen ab. Einen ähnlichen Anstieg hat auch der Tesla Kurs gezeigt. Seit dem #All-Time-High hat auch die Tesla Aktie massiv nachgelassen. Ich suche nach Erklärungen und diskutiere Ähnlichkeiten.

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Alasdair Macleod: Bitcoin Will Die Along with Fiat Currencies

Tom welcomes a new guest to the show, Alasdair Macleod. Alasdair is the Head of Research for Goldmoney and an advocate for sound money.

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Central Banks Will Still Do “Whatever It Takes”!

Governments are taking a page out of the play book that monetary policy began a decade ago – which will lead to even higher debt levels.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 3.5.21

Technical analyst market forecaster David Brady joins us for a discussion of the current trends in the precious metals as well as his forecast for where prices will head later this year and into 2022. You can submit your questions to [email protected] Visit our website​​​ for more news.

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Episode 14: Unexpected Insights On Fractional Reserve Banking

Our previous episode on “money printing” veered into fractional reserve banking at a few points, so this week John Flaherty and Monetary Metals CEO Keith Weiner dive into that topic.

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Alasdair Macleod – Gold A Perfect Storm For 2021

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David Brady: Gold to Bottom Imminently as Yields Peak

To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit Tom welcomes back David Brady, CEO, and Co-Founder of Global Pro Traders. David explains his trading methodology and why multiple approaches can provide a high degree of certainty with market trends. The IMF continues to encourage countries to spend, and the Biden administration has passed more stimulus. Powell plans to issue more debt, and...

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