Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

#NewtonInterviews Keith Weiner, Monetary Metals

Please note this is not sponsored content. Thank you Keith for speaking with me so extensively. Your insights are profound! Make sure to check the YouTube transcript for some great quotes. Who Would Invest in a Gold Bond? Nevada Gold Bond Petition Vote “If Nevada Democrats perceive this as a Republican bill, they will …

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Gold Surges to Record Highs in Emerging Market Currencies

– As emerging market currencies internationally collapse in value, there is a real risk of contagion in bond and currency markets – Turkish lira falls 43.6% and Argentine peso falls 51% and are the 2nd worst and worst internationally traded and non pegged performing currencies in 2018 – Venezuelan bolivar has completely collapsed – Inflation …

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Illicit Arbitrage Cut by Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Report 3 Sep 2018

This week, we are back to our ongoing series on capital destruction. Let’s consider the simple transaction of issuing a bond. Party X sells a bond to Party Y. We will first offer something entirely uncontroversial. If the interest rate rises after Y buys the bond, then Y takes a loss. Or if the interest rate falls, then Y makes a capital gain. This is simply saying that the bond price moves inverse to the interest rate.

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As Emerging Market Currencies Collapse, Gold is being Mobilized

In recent weeks, global financial markets have been increasingly spooked by an intensifying crisis in emerging market currencies including those of Turkey and Argentina. Add to this the ongoing currency crisis in Venezuela and the currency problems of Iran.

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David Morgan: We’re near a turning point for gold & silver, stock market topping David Morgan of The Morgan Report joins Mike Gleason of Money Metals Exchange to talk about what the coming months are likely to have in store for the metals and the markets, tells us how the smart money has already exited stocks and shares his secret to finding value and success in any market. …

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Sprott Money News 8 31 18

Eric Sprott discusses the current price action in the precious metals and looks ahead to how trends may evolve over the final months of 2018.

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Why Am I Fighting for the Gold Standard?

Life is good. They could not have imagined what we have now, back in the dark ages. So I have never understood why people prep for a return to the dark ages. The only thing I can think of is that they don’t really picture what life is like. 14 hours a day of back-breaking labor to eke out a subsistence living. Subject to the risks of rain, sun, and insects.

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Why Am I Fighting for the Gold Standard?

Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals talks about his personal motivations, why he is fighting the fight. He doesn’t believe that prepping for the so called “zombie apocalypse” makes any sense, when you think about what you’re prepping for. What a so called “reset” will be. A new dark age. Recorded August 12, 2018. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Links of possible interest... The Dollar Cancer and the...

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Sound Money Index: Everything You Need to Know About Gold & Silver Laws in 2018 The 2018 Sound Money Index is the first index of its kind, ranking all 50 states using nine indicators to determine which states offer the most pro-sound money environment in the country. ================== Follow Money Metals: ================== Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Google Plus:...

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Will Indebted Nations Globally Follow Venezuela Into Hyperinflation?

Will your fiat paper or #digital #currency become worthless as currency wars deepen? – Fiat currency has become worth less than toilet paper in #Venezuela – Venezuela was once one of the wealthiest countries in South America – Currency collapse due to massive currency “printing”, digital currency creation and socialist government – A roll of …

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Another Gold Bearish Factor, Report 26 August 2018

Last week, we said that the consensus is that gold must go down (as measured in terms of the unstable dollar) and then will rocket higher. We suggested that if everyone expects an outcome in the market, the outcome is likely not to turn out that way. We also said that this time, there is likely less leverage employed to buy gold and that gold is less leveraged as well.

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Sprott Money News Ask the Expert August 2018 – Mickey Fulp

“Mercenary Geologist” Mickey Fulp answers questions on gold, gold mining companies and prospecting.

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Is Silver Set for a Massive Breakout?

Is silver set for a massive breakout? Stephen Flood ( CEO) takes a look at the silver price chart with commodities technical analyst Carley Garner of Silver looks to be forming a base with very strong support. After a long period of consolidation is silver set to soar? How will its volatility compare with …

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What If Gold Breaks $1200?

Gold is technically still in an uptrend with higher lows still being achieved. The strong support level at $1,200 has now been breached since this video was recorded. So what is next for the price of gold? Are we going to see a further leg down in the price or will it rally from here? … Continue reading »

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Gold Speculators Least Bullish in Years

Are gold speculators really the least bullish that they have been in years? In this video we look at what the charts are suggesting. While gold speculators are almost always long the charts are showing that they are the least long that they have been in a while. Historically when this has happened gold has … Continue reading...

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Annual Mine Supply of Gold: Does it Matter?

The topic of how much extractable gold is left in the world has become increasingly discussed within the last few years. This is because of increased focus on ‘peak gold’ and also a concern about remaining levels of unextracted gold reserves. Peak gold is a term referring to the phenomenon of annual gold mining supply peaking (i.e. the rate of gold extraction increases until it peaks at maximum gold output and subsequently diminishes).

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In Next Crisis, Gold Won’t Drop Like 2008, Report 19 August 2018

Last week, we discussed the tension between forces pushing the dollar up and down (measured in gold—you cannot measure the dollar in terms of its derivatives such as euro, pound, yen, and yuan). And we gave short shrift to the forces pushing the dollar down. We said only that to own a dollar is to be a creditor. And if the debtors seem in imminent danger of default, then creditors should want to escape this risk.

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Gold Season – Is This It?

Gold prices have a certain seasonality to them. Typically gold prices tend to bottom in July and August and then rally in to the end of the year. According to Carley Garner of this is driven by a number of underlying factors. However as of yet we haven’t seen gold turn up again and … Continue reading »

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Fundamental Price of Gold Decouples Slightly – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-Up 8 17 18

Eric Sprott discusses the difficult week for the precious metals and mining shares but also looks ahead to where prices are likely headed from here.

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