Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Greg Weldon: Expect a 3+ Year Up-Move in Metals as Banks Counteract Debt Deflation

Read the full transcript here ?: Interview Begins ?: 9:18 Check Out Live Precious Metals Prices ✨: ? SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★★FOLLOW MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ★★ FACEBOOK ➤ TWITTER ➤...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 9.6.19

Eric Sprott recaps a volatile week in the precious metals and looks ahead to earnings season and more developments in the mining shares.

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Gold To $3,000/oz By End Of 2020 As The Dollar Will Fall Sharply – Ron Paul

Where Does Gold Go From Here? — Ron Paul’s “Cautious” Prediction. “Gold is an ‘insurance policy’ as the dollar will continue go down in value as it is printed” and it will end in a monetary “calamity”. “Gold is not money due to any man-made laws. Gold is money despite man-made laws, and is a product of the voluntary marketplace”.

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Asset Inflation vs. Consumer Goods Inflation, Report 1 Sep

A paradigm is a mental framework. It has a both a positive pressure and a negative filter. It structures one’s thoughts, orients them in a certain direction, and rules out certain ideas. Paradigms can be very useful, for example the scientific method directs one to begin with facts, explain them in a consistent way, and to ignore peyote dreams from the smoke lodge and claims of mental spoon-bending.

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Gerald Celente: “Monetary Methadone” Is Running Out, Crash Looms

Read the full transcript here: Interview Begins: 7:30 Check the price of gold here: Coming up Gerald Celente, top trends forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal joins me for an explosive conversation on the state of the markets, gold, the upcoming presidential election, and why he believes the next...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 8.30.19

Eric Sprott gives his latest assessment on the precious metals, where he’s particularly excited about the prospects for silver in the months ahead. To Ask Eric a question, contact us at [email protected] with the subject as #AskEricSprott.

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Gold $5,000, Bank & Digital Risk, Bitcoin & Cryptos, Storing Gold In Switzerland & GoldCore’s Story

◆“Don’t just count your bullion coins and bars … count your blessings” ◆ Dale Pinkert of interviews Mark O’Byrne about GoldCore, gold’s outlook, bank and electronic risk, bitcoin and cryptos and Swiss storage ◆ Gold is 20% higher year to date and the best performing asset in the world ◆ Gold is 8% higher in August and may correct in the short term so cost average ◆ Deutsche Bank is a “basket case” and share price has collapsed to...

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Gold $5,000, Bank & Digital Risk, Bitcoin & Cryptos, Storing Gold In Switzerland & GoldCore’s Story

◆“Don’t just count your bullion coins and bars … count your blessings” ◆ Dale Pinkert of interviews Mark O’Byrne about GoldCore, gold’s outlook, bank and electronic risk, bitcoin and cryptos and Swiss storage ◆ Gold is 20% higher year to date and the best performing asset in the world ◆ Gold is 8% higher …

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Marc Faber im Interview – Wie sicher ist unser Geld wirklich? Euro-Crash? Finanzausblick (2019)

Marc Faber: Euro-Crash-Report: Finanztipps erhalten: Interview mit Dr. Marc Faber in Thailand Vielleicht kennst du ihn als Finanzexperten aus dem Fernsehen, von seinen Publikationen oder unserer Veröffentlichung zu den treffsichersten Finanzanalysten der Welt: Dr. Marc Faber Er bei hat nachweislich bei seinem „Gloom, Boom,...

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Cryptos/Switzerland: Mountain Pass

Facebook takes on global finance. But its proposed digital currency Libra frightens central banks and regulators. Below the radar, Switzerland launches its own skirmish. Two local crypto-finance pioneers this week became the first to win banking licences.

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Jeff Christian Exclusive: We’re Now Forecasting Sharply Higher Gold & Silver Prices Sooner…

Read full transcript here: Gold & Silver Live Prices ?: Coming up we’ll hear some very interesting comments from a first-time guest, Jeffrey Christian of the CPM Group. Jeff talks about who’s been buying gold, and who hasn’t been – at least not compared to levels of a few years ago, tells us …

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Gordon Chang: Gold to Benefit as Chinese Economy Hits the Wall

Read full transcript here: Check out gold prices ?: Coming up we dive into China with one of the foremost experts on the subject Gordon Chang. Gordon shares his thoughts on the U.S.-China trade war and why he believes it’s not likely to end anytime soon, talks about the pending economic catastrophe he …

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Bitcoin-Friendly Banks

Over its 10 years of existence, Bitcoin adoption has been just like its price—up and down. At this point in time, it’s safe to say that the adoption of our favourite cryptocurrency has never been higher. Since adoption is so high, it has never been easier to buy bitcoin (with hundreds of payment methods available on peer-to-peer marketplaces).

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Gold Is Overvalued in Short-Term, Says Goldcore’s O’Byrne

Aug.26 -- Mark O’Byrne, executive director at Goldcore Ltd., discusses his outlook for gold amid the global uncertainty. He speaks on “Bloomberg Markets: European Open.”

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Switzerland’s First Crypto Banks Receive Licences

The Swiss financial regulator has awarded banking and securities dealer licences to two new “crypto banks”. SEBA and Sygnum have been cleared to operate in the new world of tokenised digital securities, a major milestone for the fledging industry.

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Directive 10-289, Report 25 Aug

Everyone must ask himself the question. Do you want the world to move to an honest money system, or do you just want gold to go up (we italicize discussion of apparent moves in gold, because it’s the dollar that’s moving down—not gold going up—but we sometimes frame it in mainstream terms).

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Gold-gedeckte Kryptowährung als Alternative? Interview mit Prof. Thomas Mayer

Mit der Blockchain-Technologie lassen sich neben Bitcoin & Co. durchaus auch andere Kryptowährungen darstellen. Davon ist Prof. Dr. Thomas Mayer, Gründungsdirektor des Flossbach von Storch Research Institute überzeugt und nennt als Beispiel eine gold-gedeckte Kryptowährung. Diese könne eine wichtige Funktion übernehmen, sollte das bestehende Bargeldsystem zusammenbrechen oder verboten werden, so der Finanzexperte. Das komplette Gespräch aus dem...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 8.23.19

Eric Sprott returns this week to discuss negative interest rates, the failing global economy and growing demand for physical gold and silver.

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert August 2019 – David Rosenberg

David Rosenberg is Chief Economist and Strategist for Gluskin Sheff in Toronto. In this episode, David answers questions regarding negative interest rates, central bank policy and the outlook for the dollar and gold.

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Marc Faber: Negativ-Zinsen, Bargeldverbot, Orwell

Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Marc Faber. Die Minus-Zinsen werden die Banken zerstören. Diese werden dann verstaatlicht. Und dann hat der Staat Zugriff auf alle Konten. Somit leistet die Bankenkrise Vorschub zum totalen Überwachungsstaat.

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