Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

CHARLES HUGH SMITH – That System Is Completely And Incredibly Unfair


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Asia Lockdowns vs. Re-Openings

We apply the five-factor model used to analyse lockdowns and openings in developed markets and in Latin America to Asian Markets. It evaluates the restrictions imposed by different countries in the region, how they compare in terms of severity of lockdown, and where they are heading in the spectrum of reopening. The scale we use measures grade restrictions from 1 (open) to 4 (closed) across the following five factors: (a) schools/universities, (b)...

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The Event Has RevealedThe Structural Fragilities Of America,The [CB] Model Failed:Charles Hugh Smith

Prepare Today And SAVE $100 Off A Full 4-WEEK SUPPLY My Patriot Supply Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Todays Interview: Todays interview is with Charles Hugh Smith, Charles talks cv-19 in Hawaii and how the island is handling it. The discussion then branches off into centralization, the [CB] and how the people have the …

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How scientists calculate climate change | The Economist

Climate activists talk a lot about following “the science” around climate change. What actually is the science and how is it calculated? Read more here: Find our school briefings series here, including our recent climate explainers: Sign up to receive The Economist’s fortnightly newsletter to keep up to date with our latest coverage on climate change: Find The Economist’s...

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How scientists calculate climate change | The Economist

Climate activists talk a lot about following “the science” around climate change. What actually is the science and how is it calculated? Read more here: Find our school briefings series here, including our recent climate explainers: Sign up to receive The Economist’s fortnightly newsletter to keep up to date with our latest coverage …

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Getting A Sense of the Economy’s Current Hole and How the Government’s Measures To Fill It (Don’t) Add Up

The numbers just don’t add up. Even if you treat this stuff on the most charitable of terms, dollar for dollar, way too much of the hole almost certainly remains unfilled. That’s the thing about “stimulus” talk; for one thing, people seem to be viewing it as some kind of addition without thinking it all the way through first.You have to begin by sizing up the gross economic deficit it is being haphazardly poured into – with an additional emphasis...

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Charles Hugh Smith on Meeting the Challenges of the “New Normal” World

Charles Hugh Smith on Meeting the Challenges of the “New Normal” World

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Hong Kong Turbulence Likely to Rise as US-China Relations Worsen

Recent moves by China call into direct question the “one country, two systems” approach.  Hong Kong assets have held up surprisingly well but we see turbulence ahead as US-China relations are set to deteriorate further.

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An Economy That Cannot Allow Stocks to Decline Is Too Fragile To Survive

The fragile ice shelf of speculative bets and debt clinging to the mountainside is making strange creaking sounds-- will you listen or will you ignore it because 'the Fed has our back'? Feast your eyes on the chart below of the Nasdaq 100 stock market Index, which is dominated by the six FAAMNG (rhymes with "famine") stocks: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix and Google which now account for over 20% of the entire U.S. stock market's...

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Restricted Market Trading Comments

By Dara O’Sullivan, Derrick Leonard, and Ilan Solot, Covid-19 related measures for restricted markets remain largely unchanged this week. Philippines, Bangladesh and Kuwait have extended their lockdown periods, while Kenya and Nigeria continue to face limited liquidity.

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Covid-19: why the economy could fare worse than you think | The Economist

Three months after lockdown was relaxed in China, its economy is now running at around 90% of normal levels. Although 90% may sound fine, for many it could be catastrophic. Read more here: Further reading: Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage: Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19 here: Read...

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Covid-19: why the economy could fare worse than you think | The Economist

Three months after lockdown was relaxed in China, its economy is now running at around 90% of normal levels. Although 90% may sound fine, for many it could be catastrophic. Read more here: Further reading: Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage: Find …

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Re-Opening the Economy Won’t Fix What’s Broken

Re-opening a fragile, brittle, bankrupt, hopelessly perverse and corrupt "normal" won't fix what's broken. The stock market is in a frenzy of euphoria at the re-opening of the economy. Too bad the re-opening won't fix what's broken. As I've been noting recently, the real problem is the systemic fragility of the U.S. economy, which has lurched from one new extreme to the next to maintain a thin, brittle veneer of normalcy.

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So Much Dollar Bull

According to the Federal Reserve’s calculations, the US dollar in Q1 pulled off its best quarter in more than twenty years – though it really didn’t need the full quarter to do it. The last time the Fed’s trade-weighed dollar index managed to appreciate farther than the 7.1% it had in the first three months of 2020, the year was 1997 during its final quarter when almost the whole of Asia was just about to get clobbered.In second place (now third)...

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Crypto Soundbites 3 – Jeff Snider, Defiance and Lyn Alden

3 clips this week, Defiance takes a big look at how you money gets diluted. Jeff Snider takes on the Fed and Nathaniel Whitmore talks to Lyn Alden about how the potential for Inflation vs Deflation. Links to the episodes below. What the Fed with Jeff Snider Lyn Alden Defiance

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The Pandemic Gives Us Permission To Get What We Always Wanted

Dear Corporate America: maybe you remember the old Johnny Paycheck tune? Let me refresh your memory: take this job and shove it. Put yourself in the shoes of a single parent waiting tables in a working-class cafe with lousy tips, a worker stuck with high rent and a soul-deadening commute--one of the tens of millions of America's working poor who have seen their wages stagnate and their income becoming increasingly precarious / uncertain while the...

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Dollar Firm as China’s Hong Kong Gambit Triggers Risk-Off Trading

Legislation was introduced that allows Beijing to directly impose a national security law on Hong Kong; US-China tensions are still rising; the dollar is bid as risk-off sentiment takes hold. There are no US data reports or Fed speakers today; Canada reports March retail sales; Mexico reports mid-May CPI.

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Why politicians have failed to tackle climate change | The Economist

Global warming is the defining threat facing the planet. So why has so little been done to curb it? Read more here: Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Sign up to receive The Economist’s fortnightly newsletter to keep up to date with our latest coverage on climate change: Find our school briefings series here, including our recent climate explainers:...

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Why politicians have failed to tackle climate change | The Economist

Global warning is the defining threat facing the planet. So why has so little been done to curb it? Read more here: Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Sign up to receive The Economist’s fortnightly newsletter to keep up to date with our latest coverage on climate change: Find …

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No Flight To Recognize Shortage

If there’s been one small measure of progress, and a needed one, it has been the mainstream finally pushing commentary into the right category. Back in ’08, during the worst of GFC1 you’d hear it all described as “flight to safety.” That, however, didn’t correctly connote the real nature of what was behind the global economy’s dramatic wreckage. Flight to safety, whether Treasuries or dollars, wasn’t it.

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