Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

07-03-12 – STATISM – Part I – Charles Hugh Smith – MACRO ANALYTICS

In Part I of this 2 part series, Gordon T Long and Charles Hugh Smith discuss Statism and how the US has placed itself on a self reinforcing roadmap towards this potential destructive destination.

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Non-Farm Payrolls: Today’s preview

A detailed comparison of Non-Farm Payroll estimators from six different sources, like Bloomberg, ISM, Department of Labor and ADP.

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Global Macro with all Global PMIs July 4th

updated July 4,2012 This page inside our macro data menu contains global PMIs  compared with the main risk indicators S&P500, Copper, Brent and AUD/USD as of the day after most PMIs came out. JP Morgan’s Global PMI:  Click for details inside the table, History of composite PMI  

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Quantitative Easing Indicators, June 2012

The main drivers for demand for Swiss francs are the Euro crisis, but even more the behavior of American investors, who go out of the dollar in the fear of further bad US economic data and in the fear of Quantitative Easing. This will push down the dollar and safe-havens like the CHF, gold or the … Continue reading »

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05-29-12 – PEAK EVERYTHING – Charles Hugh Smith – MACRO ANALYTICS.wmv

Charles Hugh Smith and Gordon T Long discuss how the financial markets are showing a mulitude of signs of clear peaks. Peaks across the board that are linked by cause and effect. Altogether, they can best be described as “PEAK EVERYTHING”.

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The latest bubble: Real estate in Russia

Still a draft, From Barnaul, Siberia, Russia Inna, 28, is a high-school teacher, she has one child. Her monthly salary is 8’500 Russian Rubel, about 257 USD. Similarly as many state employees her salary is very low. Recently the state doubled the salary of policemen and soldiers from 20’000 RUB to 40’000 RUB. A main …

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05-26-12 – CRONY CAPITALISM – Charles Hugh Smith – MACRO ANALYTICS.wmv

Charles Hugh Smith and Gordon T Long discuss Crony Capitalism. What is it, the central issues it is presently causing and what can and must be done to stop its insidious and relentless expansion in America.

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The vicious cycle of the US economy or why the US dollar must ultimately fall again

Just some simple words about the vicious cycle of the US economy and the consequences on the US dollar: A stronger USD will not rescue the US economy, quite the contrary. US companies will not hire in the US, but outsource or hire overseas. If they hire in the US, due to the high number …

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Charles Hugh Smith discusses the Global Neo-Liberal Capitalistic System

REFERENCE: BROADCAST YEAR: 2011 ABOUT Charles Hugh Smith: Charles Hugh Smith Official Website: Charles Hugh Smith: Charles Hugh Smith (related links): (2011) (2011) (2012)

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The Chinese Government, a bubble creator or when finally does China consume ?

The years 2009 to 2011 have seen four institutions that created bubbles in commodity, stock and real estate markets. 2008 and 2009 saw the massive Keynesian interventions by the US state and the Chinese government. In 2009 the first Quantitative Easing measures enabled a first flood of hot money into Emerging Markets. Summer 2010 witnessed …

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Forget Non-Farm Payrolls, Take US Personal Disposable Income as Lead Economic Indicator

The unreliable Non-Farm Payrolls has far too much importance  Interesting to see that markets needed two relatively bad NFPs to really believe that their main indicators, the “Non-Farm Payroll” reports were strongly biased in January and February by a positive weather effect. HFT algorithms that highly influence stock market prices, are not able to take …

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05-05-12 DOOMED AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS – Charles Hugh Smith – Macro Analytics – .wmv

Gordon T Long and Charles Hugh Smith debate the future of the American Middle Class.

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05-03-12 – US HOUSING: Shifting Perceptions and Demographics – Charles Hugh Smith.wmv

Gordon T Long and Charles Hugh Smith follow up on their “Generational Cycles” presentation and continue with a discussion on the shifitng perceptions and demographics which are now impacting the US Housing industry.

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05-01-12 – “GENERATIONAL CYCLES” – Charles Hugh Smith on MACRO ANALYTICS.wmv

Gordon T Long and Charles Hugh Smith discuss GENERATIONAL CYCLES in Economics and Financial Markets.

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Round Table with Charles Hugh Smith & Rick Ackerman–23.Apr.2012 presents Charles Hugh Smith and Rick Ackerman joined us today for another investment roundtable, and what to do with your retirement investments was a big topic. Each day, the government gets more desperate in their frantic search for new revenues to keep the bankrupt system afloat. Therefore, the multi-trillion dollar pool of private retirement …

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Charles Hugh Smith on the Death of the Middle Class–17.Apr.2012 presents Charles Hugh Smith is a published author who also has the blog OfTwoMindz. He has studied economic cycles and his prognosis for the country is not positive. But, he has developed a number of steps that you can take to avoid much of the brunt of the coming economic calamity. HisUnconventional Guide to …

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Keynesians vs. Anti-Keynesians: How price deflation has kick started the US growth

In recent posts Keynesians were criticized that hikes in the monetary base like Quantitative Easing (QE2) failed to lift the US economy, but it was the debt ceiling that helped to restore confidence in the US and that austerity can lead to GDP growth. Paul Krugman angrily replied that “even a huge rise in the …

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Costerg Says Triple Shock to Send Europe Into Recession

Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) — Thomas Costerg, a European economist at Standard Chartered Bank Plc, talks about shocks to the euro-zone economy in 2012. He speaks with Owen Thomas on Bloomberg Television’s “On the Move.”

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Costerg Says Triple Shock to Send Europe Into Recession

Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Thomas Costerg, a European economist at Standard Chartered Bank Plc, talks about shocks to the euro-zone economy in 2012. He speaks with Owen Thomas on Bloomberg Television's "On the Move."

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