Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

Monopolies and Cartels Are "Communism for the Rich"

What's unfettered in America is "Communism for the Rich" and the normalization of corruption that results from the auctioning of political power to protect monopolies and cartels. The irony of constantly being accused of being a communist is rather rich.

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The Blowback from Stripmining Labor for 45 Years Is Just Beginning

The clueless technocrats are about to discover that unfairness and exploitation can't be measured like revenues and profits, but that doesn't mean they're not real. Economists and financial pundits tend to make a catastrophically flawed assumption.

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Weekly Market Pulse: Envy

Legendary investor and Berkshire Hathaway vice-chair Charles Munger recently stated: “The world is not driven by greed.

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How Things Fall Apart

That's how things fall apart: insiders know but keep their mouths shut, outsiders are clueless, and the decay that started slowly gathers momentum as the last of the experienced and competent workforce burns out, quits or retires. Outsiders are shocked when things fall apart. Insiders are amazed the duct-tape held this long.

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Why the counterfeit business is booming

The quantity and quality of counterfeit sneakers has never been greater. As online sales boom, many buyers are deliberately choosing the steal over the real. 00:00 - The counterfeit epidemic 00:57 - How does eBay authenticate goods? 03:34 - What is driving the counterfeit boom? 05:24 - How is the sneaker resale market affecting counterfeits? 07:11 - What is the role of influencers? 08:56 - China: the world's counterfeit capital 10:45 - Is...

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The Monopoly – Labor "Let It Rot" Death Spiral

The only rational response to this reality is to opt out, lay flat and let it rot. In my previous post, The Bubble Economy's Credit-Asset Death Spiral, I described the self-reinforcing feedback of expanding credit and soaring asset valuations and how the only possible result of this financial perpetual motion machine was a death spiral of collapsing debt service, collateral and credit impulse.

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There is no mistaking these signals; that’s the bad news.

You really, *really* need to understand what market curves are telling you - and why. To get the best sense, let's go through the fundamentals, make what might seem a startling comparison, and then see if all that matches what we're just now seeing come up in the data.

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What was Vladimir Putin like 20 years ago? #Putin #Russia

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Die “Titanic”-Analogie, die Sie noch nicht gehört haben | Von Charles Hugh Smith

Den vollständigen Tagesdosis-Text (inkl. ggf. Quellenhinweisen und Links) finden Sie hier:

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Die “Titanic”-Analogie, die Sie noch nicht gehört haben | Von Charles Hugh Smith

Den vollständigen Tagesdosis-Text (inkl. ggf. Quellenhinweisen und Links) finden Sie hier: Ein Kommentar von Charles Hugh Smith. Passive Akzeptanz des Verleugnens Ob wir uns dessen bewusst sind oder nicht, wir reagieren mit passiver Akzeptanz des Verleugnens. Sie haben zweifellos gehört, dass die Neuanordnung der Liegestühle auf der Titanic eine...

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The Bubble Economy’s Credit-Asset Death Spiral

Who believed that central banks' financial perpetual motion machine was anything more than trickery designed to generate phantom wealth? Central banks seem to have perfected the ideal financial perpetual motion machine: as credit expands, money pours into risk assets, which shoot higher under the pressure of expanding demand for assets that yield either hefty returns (junk bonds) or hefty capital gains as the soaring assets suck in more capital...

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SMART BOURSE – Marchés à thème(s) : Thomas Costerg (Pictet WM)

Lundi 5 décembre 2022, SMART BOURSE reçoit Thomas Costerg (Économiste senior US, Pictet WM)

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SMART BOURSE – L’invité de la mi-journée : Thomas Costerg (Pictet WM)

Lundi 5 décembre 2022, SMART BOURSE reçoit Thomas Costerg (Économiste senior US, Pictet WM)

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What should Xi do next?

China has been rocked by protests at the country’s zero-covid policy, and Xi Jinping now faces a dilemma: should he relax restrictions and risk hundreds of thousands of deaths, or continue lockdowns at the expense of the economy and, potentially, further social unrest? 00:00 - Protests spread in China 01:13 - What is the zero-covid policy? 01:30 - What is Xi’s dilemma? 02:32 - What should Xi do next? Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter:...

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The cost of health care: how to make it affordable

The cost of health care is unaffordable for many in the developing world. But while universal health care may sound like an impossible dream, it’s more achievable than you might think. Film supported by @bainandcompanyinsights 00:00 – The argument for universal health coverage is clear 00:57 – Thailand’s path to universal health coverage 03:31 – Universal health care around the world 04:48 – How to finance universal health coverage? 05:30 –...

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This Is of Course Insane

Greed is a powerful motivation to be an ardent believer in the central banking cult. The ideal cult convinces its followers that it isn't a cult, it's simply the natural order of things.In current terms, this normalizes insane behaviors and beliefs. Sacrificing youth to appease the gods isn't a cult; it's simply the natural order of things.

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The "Oil Curse" and Splashy PR Announcements of Oil Production Cuts

It's not just the price of oil that matters: how much disposable income consumers have left to buy more goods and services matters, too. The Oil Curse (a.k.a. The Resource Curse) refers to the compelling ease of those blessed with an abundance of oil/resources to depend on that gift for the majority of state/national revenues.

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Weekly Market Pulse: Currency Illusion

When we think about the challenges facing an investor today, the big problems, the things we worry about that could cause a lot more harm than some interest rate hikes, are mostly outside the United States. China is prominent this weekend because of demonstrations against their zero COVID policies. The Chinese people appear to be pretty well fed up with the endless lockdowns and have finally decided to try and do something about it. Unfortunately,...

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The Uncertainty in China Is Kryptonite to Global Markets

Few seem alive to the potentially consequential financial risks arising from uncertainties evolving in China. One thing we know rather definitively is that markets don't like uncertainty: uncertainty is Kryptonite to markets. Another thing we know is that the events unfolding in China are generating uncertainty on multiple levels.

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How will businesses use the metaverse?

The metaverse could offer multi-trillion-dollar opportunities for businesses in the long term, with the potential to transform many aspects of daily life. 00:00 - How the metaverse could transform our daily lives 01:22 - How filmmakers are using metaverse technology 02:30 - What is the metaverse? 04:09 - An opportunity for creative industries 05:59 - How tech titans are profiting off the metaverse 06:53 - What is Roblox? 09:51 - Gen Z:...

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