Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

The Fabian Society and the Gradual Rise of Statist Socialism

The Brexit referendum has revealed the existence of a deep polarization in British politics. Apart from the public faces of the opposing campaigns, there were however also undisclosed parties with a vested interest which few people have heard about. And yet, they have been instrumental in transforming Great Britain into a State based on the principles of democratic socialism.

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Another Serious Real Interest Rate Fallacy

Modern monetary economics is a siren song, especially alluring in a world of falling, zero, and negative interest rates. I urge you not to dash your wealth against the rocks.

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Bank of England QE and the Imaginary “Brexit Shock”

Mark Carney, Wrecking Ball. For reasons we cannot even begin to fathom, Mark Carney is considered a “superstar” among central bankers. Presumably this was one of the reasons why the British government helped him to execute a well-timed exit from the Bank of Canada by hiring him to head the Bank of England (well-timed because he disappeared from Canada with its bubble economy seemingly still intact, leaving his successor to take the blame).

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US Nuclear Weapons in Turkey Are Safe—If They Are Even There

George Friedman writes the free weekly column “This Week in Geopolitics” for Mauldin Economics. Subscribe now ( and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now.

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US Economy – Something is not Right

Another Strong Payrolls Report – is it Meaningful? This morning the punters in the casino were cheered up by yet another strong payrolls report, the second in a row. Leaving aside the fact that it will be revised out of all recognition when all is said and done, does it actually mean the economy is strong?

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States Must Help Restore Sound Money in America

Control the money, and you control the people. Over the last hundred years, the federal government and the Federal Reserve, a privately owned bank cartel conceived of in secret, have waged a war on sound money in America. They’ve ended the free circulation of gold (and, for a time, criminalized its ownership), while imposing taxes on those who trade with it.

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Negative Consumer Financing Rates in Germany, Soon More Negative in Switzerland?

Things are increasingly upside down in the brave new centrally planned world: thanks to negative deposit rates central banks have put an explicit cost on saving, while in various instances, such as taking out a mortgage in Denmark and the Netherlands, the bank actually pays the borrower, thus rewarding living beyond one's means.

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Trump is Right About Stocks

It is not often that you get investment advice from a presidential candidate. It is even rarer that you get good advice.

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Investing in Gold in 2016: Global Paradigm Shifts in Politics and Markets

Crumbling Stability. In the past few months, we have witnessed a series of defining events in modern political history, with Britain’s vote to exit the EU, (several) terror attacks in France and Germany, as well as the recent attempted military coup in Europe’s backyard, Turkey. Uncertainty over Europe’s political stability and the future of the EU keeps growing.

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Deflation Is Always Good for the Economy

“Experts” Assert that Inflation is an Agent of Economic Growth. For most experts, deflation, which they define as a general decline in prices of goods and services, is bad news since it generates expectations for a further decline in prices.

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Jailing Banksters Will Not Resolve the Economic Crisis

Meet the scapegoats! Three Irish bankers sent to jail: former finance director at the failed Anglo Irish Bank, Willie McAteer (42 months); former Irish Life and Permanent Bank Chief Executive Denis Casey (33 months); and former head of capital markets at the Anglo Irish Bank, John Bowe (24 months).

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Why Americans Get Poorer

OUZILLY, France – Both our daughters have now arrived at our place in the French countryside. One brought a grandson, James, now 14 months old. He walks along unsteadily, big blue eyes studying everything around him. He adjusted quickly to the change in time zones. And he has adjusted to the French culture, too – he likes gnawing on a piece of tough local bread. But when she has trouble getting the little boy to sleep, our daughter asks Grandpa for...

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Finansregelement och finanskriser, Stellan Abrahamsson | FreedomFest 2015

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Finansregelement och finanskriser med Stellan Abrahamsson på FreedomFest 2015 FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+: LINKEDIN:...

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Bill Bonner Pe Pio v2

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Dirk Müller auf dem Jahrestreffen des Diplomatic Council – Für ein faires Finanzsystem

Als Vorsitzender des Fair Finance Forums eröffnete Dirk Müller das Jahrestreffen des Diplomatic Council 2016 mit einer Grundsatzrede. Hierin forderte er nicht nur die Rückkehr zu mehr gesellschaftlichem Verantwortungsbewusstsein bei den Akteuren an den Finanzmärkten, sondern zeigte auf wie Unternehmen wieder dazu gebracht werden können, auch das Gemeinwohl bei Ihren Handlungen zu berücksichtigen. Neben Gesetzesänderungen, …

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Should the Government Give Us Infrastructure?

“Bad” Monopolies? An argument against absolutely free markets comes up often. What about so-called natural monopolies? So-called infrastructure projects (e.g. sewage plants) have high barriers to entry, and are a challenge to true competition.

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Bill Bonner Pe Pio v1

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This Election Is Less Critical Than You Think

George Friedman writes the free weekly column “This Week in Geopolitics” for Mauldin Economics. Subscribe now ( and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now. — With the party conventions over, US voters are waking up to what …

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Visions of Tomorrow from the Permanently High Plateau

Mad as a Hatter. Somewhere, someone first said “bull markets don’t die of old age.” We suppose this throwaway phrase was first uttered in a time and place much like today. That is, in the midst of a protracted bull market where stock prices had detached from the assets and earnings of companies their shares represent claim to.

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The FOMC Butterfly that Will Ruin the World

Given the fact that the core CPI is currently over the arbitrarily set 2 per cent target unemployment below what the FOMC regards as full employment and GDP running at a rate far above the Federal Reserve’s own estimates of so-called potential; you would say the Federal Funds rate would be in the vicinity of five per cent.

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