Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

The Fed Has Busted Housing Bubble 2.0

As Austrian Business Cycle Theory explains, big-ticket capital expenditures are heaving influenced by interest rates, as we discussed here.Since housing is a big-ticket capital expenditure, demand for housing is strongly influenced by interest rates, which makes it an excellent leading indicator of the business cycle.

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The Folly of Federal Reserve Stabilization Policy: Part I 1948-1985

The Federal Reserve Board is responsible for formulating macro stabilization policy. More specifically, the Federal Reserve Board seeks tradeoffs between inflation and unemployment rates. Fed officials need meaningful data to formulate useful policies.

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The Myth of National Defense Spending

Among the most persistent of myths in the sphere of economics is of the supposed benefits of government spending in the economy. Apologists will include government spending in gross domestic product measures, as if government production is truly “productive.”

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Australian Government Blames Grocery Retailers for Inflation

In 2024 the Australian senate is establishing an inquiry into Coles and Woolworths, the two biggest grocery retailers in the country. These two retailers hold a market share of two-thirds of the retail grocery market in Australia.

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The Fed Cannot Cut Rates as Fast as Markets Want

Market participants started the year with aggressive expectations of rapid and large rate cuts. However, after the latest inflation, growth, and job figures, the probability of a rate cut in March has fallen from 39 to 24%. Unfortunately for many, headline figures will support a hawkish Federal Reserve, and the latest comments from Jerome Powell suggest rate cuts may not come as fast as bond investors would like.

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Playing for Kekes

Moderate Conservatism: Reclaiming the Centerby John KekesOxford University Press, 2022; 256 pp.John Kekes, who taught for many years at the State University of New York at Albany, does not agree with the protagonist of Henrik Ibsen’s Brand that “the devil is compromise,” at least where politics is concerned.

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Private property rights under siege 

People invest in gold for many different reasons. Many do so out of concern over economic, monetary or political uncertainty. Others seek a hedge against inflation, a way to protect and preserve the real purchasing power of their savings.

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A Black Man’s Inconvenient Truth: Canceling Racist Historical Omissions

Can a Black man communicate inconvenient truths? One did and a reporter for The Root, a Black on-line magazine, labeled them foolishness. What has he said? Among others, reportedly this: It was Africans who fought wars against Africans and then enslaved the losers.

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Governments Never Give Up Power Voluntarily

[A selection from Liberalism.]All those in positions of political power, all governments, all kings, and all republican authorities have always looked askance at private property. There is an inherent tendency in all governmental power to recognize no restraints on its operation and to extend the sphere of its dominion as much as possible.

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Digital Services Act: Extrem strittiges EU-Gesetz tritt in Kraft! Zensur und Social-Media-Kontrolle?

Digitales Ermächtigungsgesetz: Was steckt hinter dem umstrittenen Digital Services Act der EU? Klartext-E-Letter: Homepage Thorsten Wittmann: Eigentlich sollte dieses Skandalgesetz weitläufig diskutiert werden und dessen Gefahren für Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit. Leider ist davon nichts zu sehen und die breite Masse nimmt das stetige Abwärts einfach so in Kauf. Die EU hat...

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When Ideology Turns Pathological

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn may be the 1970 Nobel Prize winner for literature, but that does not make his work The Gulag Archipelago enjoyable reading. The detailed description of the methods of torture employed within the Soviet system alone will turn many readers away.

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The End of “Extend and Pretend”

The number of U.S. commercial foreclosures spiked to 635 in January 2024 from a low of 141 in May 2020 reports real estate data firm ATTOM.

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The Fed’s Milkshake Brings All the Foreigners to the Yard

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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Who Will Take Care of the Roads? Why, The Coercive, Substandard, and Monopolistic Government Department, That’s Who

The sight of fresh snow is always invigorating to me, so I was happy to wake up the other day to a blanket of snow—roughly three inches—on my yard. I was less happy, though, to see the same blanket still covering the street in my neighborhood.

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In Defense of GK Chesterton’s Manalive

G.K. Chesterton is a somewhat controversial author in most libertarian circles. As an intelligent man who wisely predicted a century out so many of the problems we face today, he has garnered great respect among many who have read him.

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IDEOLOGÍA CLIMÁTICA (Otra Vez) En El Banco Central Europeo

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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SÁNCHEZ deja a ESPAÑA a la COLA de la UE

El estudio del Instituto Juan de Mariana revela que España ha sido el país de la Unión Europea con los peores resultados económicos en el período 2019 - 2023. Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon -...

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Current PCE Inflation: 4.1%

The Bureau of Economic Analysis released January figures for Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) today, including the price index based on that data.News headlines report the year-over-year percent change in the PCE price index: 2.4%.

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For Socialists, It Doesn’t Matter if Socialism “Works.” What Matters Is Power.

A recent rash of libertarian-leaning right-wing podcasters’ rehashing of a shopworn takedown of socialism has bothered me to the point of launching into this essay. It goes something like “Why is this still a thing? When are they going to realize that IT DOESN’T WORK, and drop it?”

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The Myth of Democratic Socialism

Originally published September 1977 in Libertarian Review.In any debate between a socialist and a free-market capitalist, all too often the socialist quickly puts the free-market advocate on the defensive, and the entire time is consumed by the free-market person fending off attacks on the ability of the market to prevent inequality, or business cycles, or even the ravages of affluence and "materialism."

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