Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Will Texit Be on the GOP Primary Ballot in 2024?

Daniel Miller, founder and president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, joins Bob to discuss the exciting developments in the push for a referendum on Texas secession. Daniel explains the prospects and then answers common objections to the idea. Daniel Miller's Website: Bob's Pamphlet on Texas Independence:   Human Action Podcast listeners can get a free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State:...

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After Ukraine, Realpolitik Will Be the New Interventionist Status Quo

Between war weariness and the inability of the US government to pay war bills, reality is going to come to the fore even if Washington doesn't like it. Original Article: After Ukraine, Realpolitik Will Be the New Interventionist Status Quo

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Zoning Laws: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

As younger generations grow older and take on adult responsibilities, they will at some point struggle with the cost of housing. This year alone more than 582,000 people in the United States are without a home, with about three in ten people being part of families with children. Governments today have implemented various policies recommended by different schools of economic thought, predominantly that of the Keynesians, to address the issue of...

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Der erste Schritt aus der Matrix

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Der erste Schritt, um aus der Matrix herauszukommen, ist zu verstehen, dass man selbst in der Matrix ist. Denn bereits von Kind an, ähnlich wie bei unseren Eltern, in den meisten Fällen wurden hineingeboren und sehen es als ganz normal an, dass wir ein paar tausend € beispielsweise pro Monat verdienen, dann halt ein bisschen was übrig bleibt, wir dann das Haus abbezahlen und so die ganz normalen Matrix Dinge machen....

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Political Authorities and Covid: Creating Crises in the Name of Public Health

Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During Covid Mania. By Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Libertarian Institute, 2023. In the Foreword to this outstanding book, the eminent Stanford University physician Dr. Jay Bhattacharya makes an arresting claim. He says that people often make mistakes in recollecting the past because they confuse having intended to do something with actually having done it. That confusion is more likely to occur...

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Student Loans: The Continuing Crisis That Is Getting Worse

The student loan program is descending into chaos and the Biden administration is clueless about what to do. Furthermore, the value of a college education continues to fall while college costs increase. Original Article: Student Loans: The Continuing Crisis That Is Getting Worse

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Ex-Fed Economist Claudia Sahm on Global Dynamics, Politics, and the Economy

Good stuff is happening. GDP is up. Unemployment is low. Inflation has dropped. And families are bringing in more money than they have in years. Yet people seem miserable. Former Fed economist Claudia Sahm explains the disconnect between the rosy economic data and how people perceive things. Please be sure to subscribe to Global Macro Update on the Mauldin Economics website. Subscribers get a free weekly email with a link to each new video,...

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What an Old Coin Collection Tells Us about Money from the Past

I was recently given a coin collection that belonged to another relative. Most of the coins in it are not in circulation anymore, and while you don’t see them every day, they are definitely not rare. Most aren’t in good condition either. In fact, they look much worse for wear than the coins you get as change at the grocery store. So, why would anyone bother to save these when they could have spent these coins? The reason is because, up until 1964,...

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Wohin auswandern? 3 Top-Freiheitsländer auf 3 verschiedenen Kontinenten erklärt.

Meine 3 Top-Freiheitsländer auf 3 Kontinenten! Was ist dein Favorit? 3 Freiheitsländer und der legendäre Europakongress: Klartext-E-Letter: Im heutigen Tippvideo gebe ich dir 3 Freiheitsfavoriten an die Hand und je ein Land auf folgenden Kontinenten: - Europa - Südamerika - Afrika Was diese 3 Länder gemeinsam haben, was die...

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Truth Is the Biggest Threat to Democracy in DC

Early this year, Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard member, was arrested and charged with transmission of national defense information and other charges. Teixeira allegedly leaked classified documents on the Ukraine war and other foreign policy issues to a Discord gaming group. The document propagated from there and appeared in many news articles in the following months. The Post article sympathetically portrays the...

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Inflationary Expectations Do Not Cause Inflation

According to mainstream economists, the expectation of inflation leads to higher prices. That is impossible, however, because actual inflation involves real increases in the money supply. Original Article: Inflationary Expectations Do Not Cause Inflation

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Texit, Gold, and Ideas for States in 2024

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss ideas for states to consider going into 2024. With faith in the federal government dropping across the country, Ryan and Tho identify meaningful steps states can pursue to help decentralize political power. Claim your free book: Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at the Mises Store....

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Unraveling the Roots of the German Mark’s Collapse

The 1920s in the Weimar Republic, Germany, constitute a unique chapter in the global economic narrative, a chaotic symphony of financial forces that culminated in one of the most prominent hyperinflations ever witnessed. In this ephemeral period, the upward curve of price indices tested the limits of economic understanding and monetary stability. Between 1921 and 1923, the reichsmark—the German currency of the time—plunged into an inflationary...

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Israel Weltkrieg Wahrheit vs Propaganda

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten Finanztipps und Geldanlagen: Wer ist Thorsten Wittmann? Hier klicken:...

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As the US Treasury Runs Out of Creditors, Its Options Dwindle

With US government debt skyrocketing past $33 trillion and possible recession looming, the Treasury faces the prospect of running out of suckers. Finding buyers for US debt will become much more difficult. Original Article: As the US Treasury Runs Out of Creditors, Its Options Dwindle

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President Biden Is Wrong. Military Spending Does Not Produce Wealth

So far, the White House has justified its unwavering support for Ukraine on lofty grounds such as defending democracy and freedom—both in Ukraine and in the West. However, with the American public—who bears the cost of the war in Ukraine—turning against it, several Republican lawmakers questioning its purpose and affordability, and elections approaching, the Biden administration has changed the messaging on the war. Its new line is that sending...

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Get Your Free Booklet by Joe Salerno!

There has been a radical change in the social and political landscape in this country, and any person who desires the victory of liberty and the defeat of Leviathan must adjust his strategy accordingly. New times require a rethinking of old and possibly obsolete strategies.–Murray N. Rothbard Murray Rothbard wasn't only a brilliant economist, historian, and political philosopher; he was a man driven to defend the cause of liberty against the...

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Will Powell’s Pivot Bail Out Biden?

For the last few years, Jerome Powell has remained constant: the Fed was ready to do anything necessary until inflation returned to its 2% target.  Today, Powell blinked. While the Federal Reserve’s own optimistic projections place their preferred inflation measures staying above two percent until 2026, Powell used the December meeting to unravel the equivalent of a Mission Accomplished banner on the fight against inflation, potentially with the...

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Should We Embrace the Stateless Roman Political Thought?

The concept of the state has more to do with the worldview of ancient Greek philosophers than with the Roman Empire. We could learn a few things about statelessness from the Romans. Original Article: Should We Embrace the Stateless Roman Political Thought?

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