Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Old School Investment Lessons

  Laughing at Blue Monday On May 28, 1962 – dubbed “Blue Monday” – the market fell 6%… its worst single-day slide since 1929. Peter Stormonth Darling was an investment manager at investment bank S. G. Warburg & Co. at the time. He strolled in to tell...

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US Economy – Gross Output Continues to Slump

  The Cracks in the Economy’s Foundation Become Bigger Last week the Bureau of Economic Analysis has updated its gross output data for US industries until the end of Q4 2015. Unfortunately these data are only available with a considerable lag, but th...

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Alternative Currency | Dr. Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at Liberty Now, the 2016 Libertarian Party of Texas state convention, in San Antonio, Texas, on April 9, 2016. Recorded by Zodiac Studios and Rob Calder. Special thanks to Paul Ottenbacher and David Daniel Turner, the two AV volunteers for the convention. Special thanks also to all those who purchased tickets to the convention …

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The “Canary in the Coal Mine” for Chinese Stocks

  The Largest Online Marketplace in the World This company is twice the size of Enron at its peak ($100 billion). Pharmaceutical giant Valeant, which blew up in the last year, was only $90 billion at its peak. Before I get to what the stock is, let m...

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Robert Murphy na FMRS Bratislava 2016

Americký ekonóm Robert P. Murphy z Institute for Energy Research a z Independent Institute rozpráva o skrytých nákladoch zdanenia.

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Affairs of State: Erdogan and Böhmermann

  Insulting Mr. Erdoğan Can Be Dangerous Most of our readers are probably aware by now that the German government finds itself in a rather awkward situation over its relations with Turkey’s government again – with which the EU has just struck a widel...

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Chinese Dragon: Breathing Credit Fumes

Economic forecasting, no matter how complex the underlying model may be, is essentially about extrapolating historical trends. We showed last week how economic models completely fail to pick up on structural shifts using Japan as an example. On the other hand, if an economy doesn’t really change much, as in the case of Australia over the last thirty years, model “forecast” are generally quite accurate.

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Russian Aggression Unmasked (Sort Of)

  Provocative Fighter Jocks Back in 2014, a Russian jet made headlines when it passed several times close to the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea. As CBS reported at the time:   “A Pentagon spokesperson told CBS Radio that a Russian SU-24 fighter jet...

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Rational Insanity

  Intel Employees Get RIF’d Dark storm clouds gather along the economic horizon.  They multiply ominously with each passing day.  The recovery, weak as it has been, has run for nearly seven years.  Now it appears to be sputtering and stalling out.   ...

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100 Years of Mismanagement

  Lost From the Get-Go There must be some dark corner of Hell warming up for modern, mainstream economists. They helped bring on the worst bubble ever… with their theories of efficient markets and modern portfolio management. They failed to see it fo...

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Is the Stock Market Overvalued?

  Dismal Earnings, Extreme Valuations The current earnings season hasn’t been very good so far. Companies continue to “beat expectations” of course, but this is just a silly game. The stock market’s valuation is already between the highest and third ...

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Fighting Recessions with Hot Air

   “Prepping” for Recession GUALFIN, Argentina – Stocks are going up all over the world. Meanwhile, it appears to us that the U.S. economy is going down. Go figure. For instance, a labor-market index created by Fed economists… and closely watched by ...

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[4/20/16] – 39. Gun Control with Ryan McMaken

The show notes page for this episode can be found at: Ryan McMaken, Editor of Mises Wire and author of “Commie Cowboys: The Bourgeoisie and the Nation-State in the Western Genre,” joins Adam Camac and Daniel Laguros to discuss gun control and statistics related to gun ownership and gun violence.

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Willy Wimmer auf dem ersten Anleger-Kongress des Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds am 9. April 2016

Einen Tag nach seiner Rückkehr aus Russland und Gesprächen mit Wladimir Putin, berichtete Willy Wimmer am 9. April 2016 auf dem ersten Anlegerkongress des Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds über seine aktuellen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse und hält ein Plädoyer für den Frieden in Europa. Weitere spannende Beiträge und Kolumnen von Willy Wimmer und Dirk Müller …

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Ronald Stöferle: “Helikoptergeld der EZB wird kommen”

Der Finanzexperte Ronald Störferle (Incrementum AG Liechtenstein) glaubt fest daran, dass die Europäische Zentralbank alles machen wird, damit die Inflation steigen wird. “Draghi hat selbst gesagt, dass er Helikoptergeld sehr interessant findet. Früher oder später wird es kommen. Man nennt es dann vielleicht People´s QE zum Beispiel”, so der Experte bei Wirtschaft TV-Chefredakteur Manuel Koch …

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LTR: Permitting Women in Combat with Ryan McMaken

Ryan W. McMaken is the editor of Mises Daily and The Austrian.He has degrees in economics and political science from the University of Colorado, and was the economist for the Colorado Division of Housing from 2009 to 2014. He is the author of Commie Cowboys: The Bourgeoisie and the Nation-State in the Western Genre. I’d …

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A Morally Sound Tax Reform Proposal

  The Oppressed U.S. Taxpayer This year, Americans’ day of tribute to their federal overlords falls on April 18.  As calculated by the Tax Foundation, the average American will work from January 1 to April 24 (Tax Freedom Day) to pay his share of tax...

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Q&A with George Friedman: Venezuela, North Korea, the Middle East, Kazakhstan

Send your questions for George Friedman to Mauldin Economics on Twitter (@mauldinecon) with the hashtag #TWIG. Every week, we’ll pick the most interesting questions and have George Friedman answer them in this Q&A video series. Stay tuned!

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US Economy – Ongoing Distortions

  Business under Pressure A recent post by Mish points to the fact that many of the business-related data that have been released in recent months continue to point to growing weakness in many parts of the business sector. We show a few charts illust...

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[4/18/16] – 37. Resistance to the European Union with Claudio Grass

The show notes page for this episode can be found at: Claudio Grass, Managing Director of Global Gold and a co-founder of, joins Adam Camac and Daniel Laguros to discuss resistance to the EU in Switzerland and Iceland, the upcoming Brexit referendum, and growing Euroscepticism in Germany.

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