Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Business Cycles and Inflation, Part II

We recently received the following charts via email with a query whether they should worry stock market investors. They show two short term interest rates, namely the 2-year t-note yield and 3 month t-bill discount rate. Evidently the moves in short term rates over the past ~18 – 24 months were quite large, even if their absolute levels remain historically low.

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Dirk Müller – Geplatze Koalitionsverhandlungen – Wieso die ganze Aufregung?

Auszug aus dem 21.11.2017. Das ganze Video unter: – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte:, Kunstzeug / & Mattis Kaminer /

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Markets, Gold – Ross Clark. Fed, Cyrptos – Bill Bonner. Real Estate – Robert Campbell. AMY.V, CCD.V

Air Date: November 18, 2017 Ross Clark – Stock Markets and Gold email: [email protected] Bill Bonner – Will The Dow Top 40 Thousand? US Fed, Cyrptocurrenies Guest’s website: Robert Campbell – For the First Time Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds are all Going Up Together Guest’s website: Larry Reaugh, President & CEO of …

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Ronald Stöferle über Gold, Kryptowährungen und Öl

Ronald Stöferle im Interview mit Rohstoff-TV über Gold, Kryptowährungen und die aktuelle Situation am Ölmarkt. More information:

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Business Cycles and Inflation – Part I

Incrementum Advisory Board Meeting Q4 2017 – Special Guest Ben Hunt, Author and Editor of Epsilon Theory. The quarterly meeting of the Incrementum Fund’s Advisory Board took place on October 10 and we had the great pleasure to be joined by special guest Ben Hunt this time, who is probably known to many of our readers as the main author and editor of Epsilon Theory.

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Dirk Müller – Die Automatisierung als Rettungsanker für die deutsche Wirtschaft

Auszug aus dem vom 16.11.2017. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte: & xieyuliang /

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Ronald Stöferle zu Gold und Kryptowährungen

Ronald Stöferle zu Gold und Kryptowährungen. Interview mit dem Fondsmanager der Incrementum AG Get our free Newsletter (English) ►: Get our free Newsletter (German) ►: Subscribe to our YouTube channel ►: *Stay ahead of the investment-crowd* Commodity-TV and Rohstoff-TV offer you free interviews and company presentations across the...

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What President Trump and the West Can Learn from China

Expensive Politics. Instead of a demonstration of its overwhelming military might intended to intimidate tiny North Korea and pressure China to lean on its defiant communist neighbor, President Trump and the West should try to learn a few things from China.

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The Economics and Politics of Education | Robert P. Murphy and Jeffrey Tucker – The Best Documentar

More on education: Recorded: 28th, 2005 LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE – CREATIVE . Jeffrey Tucker interviews Robert Murphy on the topic of Murphy’s upcoming Mises Academy online course, Principles of Economics, which runs from . Recorded during the 2008 Mises University, Jeffrey Tucker interviews Bob Murphy on the topic of Henry Hazlitt’s classic book Economics …

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A response to Neil deGrasse Tyson regarding NASA | by Robert P. Murphy – The Best Documentary Ever

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism | by Robert P. Murphy: Murphy’s website: Reposted from: . This video originally came from Dave Murphy, but I’m stealing it from DITRH. Here’s a link to both channels. Dave Murphy’s channel . Presented by Robert Murphy at the 2009 Mises University. Recorded 28 2009 at the Ludwig von …

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Dirk Müller – Horror! UN verzichtet auf Verbot autonom tötender Waffen

Auszug aus dem vom 15.11.2017. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Das im Ausschnitt von Dirk Müller angesproche Video: Bildrechte: & leolintang /

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Heat Death of the Economic Universe

Physicists say that the universe is expanding. However, they hotly debate (OK, pun intended as a foreshadowing device) if the rate of expansion is sufficient to overcome gravity—called escape velocity. It may seem like an arcane topic, but the consequences are dire either way.

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The Downright Sinister Rearrangement of Riches

Simple Classifications. Let’s begin with facts. Cold hard unadorned facts. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at standard atmospheric pressure. Squaring the circle using a compass and straightedge is impossible. The sun is a star.

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The Strange Behavior of Gold Investors from Monday to Thursday

Known and Unknown Anomalies. Readers are undoubtedly aware of one or another stock market anomaly, such as e.g. the frequently observed weakness in stock markets in the summer months, which the well-known saying “sell in May and go away” refers to. Apart from such widely known anomalies, there are many others though, which most investors have never heard of.

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Claudio Grass über Waehrungsalternativen, Dezentralismus und Internationale Finanzplaetze In Zusammenhang mit aktuellen Entwicklungen bzgl. EU und Euro wird auch das Thema Internationalisierung von Kapital und Ersparnissen immer wieder diskutiert. Wir haben Claudio Grass, unabhängiger Berater im Bereich Edelmetalle, um seine Ansicht zu Finanzplätzen außerhalb der EU wie beispielsweise Schweiz und Liechtenstein gebeten. Auf der Internationalen Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse Anfang November 2017 in …...

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Credit Spreads: The Coming Resurrection of Polly

Suspicion isn’t Merely Asleep – It is in a Coma (or Dead). There is an old Monty Python skit about a parrot whose lack of movement and refusal to respond to prodding leads to an intense debate over what state it is in. Is it just sleeping, as the proprietor of the shop that sold it insists? A very tired parrot taking a really deep rest?

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Is a Rapid Advance in the Japanese Stock Market Imminent?

The Japanese stock market is quite unique: it would need to rally by approximately 80% to reach its former historical peak. What’s more, said peak was attained on the final trading day of 1989, more than 25 years ago. In short, Japanese stocks have been anything but a good investment in recent years.

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Dimitri Speck ueber Gold, Kreditwaehrungen und Bitcoin Dimitri Speck hat das Thema Goldpreismanipulation analysiert und aufgearbeitet und dazu unter anderem ein Buch (Geheime Goldpolitik) veröffentlicht. Im Rahmen der Internationalen Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse Anfang November 2017 in München ist Dimitri Speck dafür mit dem Preis der Deutschen Edelmetall-Gesellschaft e.V. (DEG) ausgezeichnet worden. Wir haben im Rahmen der Veranstaltung mit dem Finanzanalysten D. …...

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How to Survive the Winter

One of the fringe benefits of living in a country that’s in dire need of a political, financial, and cultural reset, is the twisted amusement that comes with bearing witness to its unraveling. Day by day we’re greeted with escalating madness. Indeed, the great fiasco must be taken lightly, so as not to be demoralized by its enormity.

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Dirk Müller – Abschaffung der Nationalstaaten: Auftakt zu neuer Staatsordnung!

Auszug aus dem vom 02.11.2017. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte: & Zia Liu /

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