Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Prognose Bitcoin & Gold | Inflation & Kaufgelegenheiten | Ronald Stöferle | Incrementum

Ronald-Peter Stöferle von Incrementum @InGoldWeTrust auf der Deutschen Goldmesse @deutschegoldmesse7291 im Interview über den Gold, Goldaktien, Inflation, FED, türkische Verhältnisse, Immobilien und seiner Präsentation auf der Deutschen Goldmesse. Der Börsenexperte im Gespräch über die Wirtschaft und das Leben aus dem Gleichgewicht. Hier geht's zur Präsentation auf der Deutschen Goldmesse: -3I&ab_channel=DeutscheGoldmesse Mehr...

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Pro Investor: “The Bear Market Ended in June”

Want a transcript? Sign up for our free weekly e-letter, and you’ll get a transcript every week, plus a summary and link to the video: You can buy low and sell high. You can make money no matter what the markets doing. These ideas sound so simple and so easy to implement, yet for most investors, these ideas are next to impossible to achieve. And yet this is exactly what Milton Berg, CFA, CEO, and...

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Deflation Is Not a Problem: Reversing It Is

The yearly growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell to 7.7 percent in October from 8.2 percent in September. Note that in October 2021 the yearly growth rate stood at 6.2 percent. Some experts are of the view that it is quite likely that the momentum of the CPI might have peaked.

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On Secession and Small States

The international system we live in today is a system composed of numerous states. There are, in fact, about two hundred of them, most of which exercise a substantial amount of autonomy and sovereignty. They are functionally independent states. Moreover, the number of sovereign states in the world has nearly tripled since 1945.

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1000€ – wie investieren? (WEIHNACHTSSPECIAL)

Im letzten Livestream habe ich euch gefragt, ob ihr ein "Wie investiere ich ... Betrag" Special sehen wollt und dieses wurde enorm von euch begrüßt. Deswegen starten wir auch gleich heute! Dabei besprechen wir gemeinsam, wie ich Investments (Bitcoin, ETF, Gold, Silber, Rohstoffe usw.) prozentual auf verschiedene Generationen gewichten würde und worauf ihr achten müsst. Anfangen werden wir bei 1.000€ und gehen nächste Woche auf die...

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The way forward: 

A practical roadmap to reclaiming individual and financial sovereignty – Part II of II Essential ingredients There have always been people with a passion for liberty. Since the earliest historical records, we can find questioners, dissenters, “trouble makers”, contrarians and all kinds of free and inquisitive minds. In this day and age, however, technology has played a decisive role in the influence they can have. Sure, the “bad guys” might...

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#China #crisis #economia #inversiones Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Who Really Owns Big Digital Tech?

By now it should be perfectly clear that the most prominent Big Digital companies are not strictly private, for-profit companies. As I argued in Google Archipelago, they are also state apparatuses, or governmentalities, undertaking state functions, including censorship, propaganda, and surveillance.

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The Statist Victory on Trump’s Tax Returns

The mainstream media is celebrating big time over a recent ruling by the Supreme Court that forces the Treasury Department to deliver President Trump’s income-tax returns to Congress. A good example is the Washington Post, which published an editorial last week praising the ruling.

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Who Pays Wealth Tax: The Rich or the Poor?

The Spanish government’s announcement that it plans to introduce a new “solidarity tax” on the wealth of those who possess over €3 million has again brought to the fore the debate about taxes levied on wealth and capital. The issue is not merely that the announcement is highly politicized in what is already, de facto, a preelection period, nor that it could disrupt the fiscal autonomy of Madrid, Andalusia, and Galicia.

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The way forward: 

A practical roadmap to reclaiming individual and financial sovereignty – Part I of II Those who are familiar with my ideas and my writings undoubtedly know that one the issues I’m most passionate about is individual freedom, on all levels. I believe that free-thinking people know what’s best of them and they need no “guardians”, no “nannies” and certainly no bailiffs and enforcers, to limit or to dictate their choices “for their own good”. As...

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#pensiones #impuestos #españa #economia #sanchez #crisis #paro Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Money-Supply Growth in October Fell to a 39-Month Low. A Recession Is Now Almost Guaranteed.

Money supply growth fell again in October, dropping to a 39-month low. October's drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during the thirteen months between April 2020 and April 2021. During that period, money supply growth in the United States often climbed above 35 percent year over year, well above even the "high" levels experienced from 2009 to 2013. 

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Vortrag in Regen am 17.12.2022

Https:// Vortrag von Claudio Grass am Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022 in Regen Der «Great Reset» und was es wirklich bedeutet Claudio Grass stellt die  «geistigen Täter» der heutigen Gesellschafts- und Systemkrise vor und erklärt, was hinter dem Schlachtruf «der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen» steckt. Er beleuchtet die Geschichte des Geldes und des heutigen Bankensystems. Was bedeutet Inflation...

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Grabber Video

Grabber Video

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Digital Dollar: Beginning Of A New Dark Age? | Keith Weiner

The Federal Reserve is rolling out a test of the Digital Dollar. This represents an increase in control of the monetary system. Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals joins us to discuss the potential for loss of liberty resulting from the Digital Dollar. The fight for liberty is not one that needs to be fought by going to the streets, but is an intellectual battle, he says. The American people continue to accept further restrictions on their liberty...

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College Loans and Hazlitt’s Lesson: Ignoring the Larger Picture

As of 2022 the national student debt reached $1.6 trillion with the average student loan debt at about $28,000. Many former college students are discovering it is difficult to pay back such a large amount of debt. This is especially true of students that graduate with fruitless degrees like sociology, for example.

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Experte: Wir haben das instabilste Stromnetz aller Zeiten!

Die Blackout-Gefahr wird immer größer! So meint YouTuber und Experte für Krisenversorgung, Stefan Spiegelsberger: "Wir haben offiziell das instabilste Stromnetz aller Zeiten!". Was seiner Meinung nach ein Rat an die Politik wäre, um einen Blackout zu vermeiden, ob wir uns in Deutschland mit grüner Ideologie selber zerstören (Deindustrialisierung, Gas- und Stromkrise) und welchen Rat er meinen Zuschauern für die perfekte Vorsorge geben...

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Latinoamérica. Inflación y pobreza “Imprimiendo dinero para el pueblo”

#shorts #argentina #venezuela Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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The Great Gold Robbery of 1933

[Originally published August 13, 2008] It's been 75 years since the federal government, on the spurious grounds of fighting the Great Depression, ordered the confiscation of all monetary gold from Americans, permitting trivial amounts for ornamental or industrial use.

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