Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Digital Currency: The Fed Moves toward Monetary Totalitarianism

The Federal Reserve is sowing the seeds for its central bank digital currency (CBDC). It may seem that the purpose of a CBDC is to facilitate transactions and enhance economic activity, but CBDCs are mainly about more government control over individuals. If a CBDC were implemented, the central bank would have access to all transactions in addition to being capable of freezing accounts.

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Wie investiert man 10.000 €?

Nachdem wir letzte Woche zusammen besprochen haben, wie ich 1.000 € investieren würde, geht es jetzt in die zweite Runde. Im Special "Wie investiere ich XY Euro" zeige ich euch meine auf verschiedene Generationen (Schüler, Berufstätige, Rentner) aufgeteilten Investitionsbeispiele bei Werten um 1.000 €, 10.000 €, 100.000 € und zuletzt ganze 1.000.000 €. Dabei gehen wir ebenfalls Vor- und Nachteile von Bitcoin, ETFs, Edelmetallen und vielen...

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Uns erwarten „niedliche” 90 % Inflation wie in der Türkei – Interview Dr. Markus Krall

Geldtraining: Homepage Thorsten Wittmann: YouTube Atlas Initiative: Homepage Atlas Initiative: Freitagstippvideo mit Dr. Krall: Welche Banken sind jetzt sicher? Als Ex-Bankenberater und vormaliger Degussa-CEO hat Dr. Markus Krall Einblicke wie kaum ein anderer in...

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Wie GELD anlegen? #shorts

Short zum Investmentspecial. ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram: TikTok:...

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Keith Weiner: Beginning Of A New Dark Age?! Be Prepared! Own Gold & Silver!

▶︎1000x – Enter your Email ▶︎ ▶︎ Subscribe to this YouTube channel ▶︎ ▶︎ Join the official 1000x Telegram channel! Join us on the road to 1000x: Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was...

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“Los Gobiernos NO BAJAN PRECIOS, se benefician de la INFLACIÓN”. Con Toni Cantó.

No te pierdas el programa de Toni Cantó "Con Toni" cada semana en 7NN. Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: #crisis #economia #inflación #wikipedia #deudas #paro #libertad #inversiones #macroeconomía ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros...

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Fiat and Gold: Two Fixes for a Broken US Monetary Base

In the laboratory of history, great inflation followed by great disinflation opens the road to monetary regime change. Sometimes the road leads to a better place. Think of the US return to gold in 1879 following the inflationary issue of greenbacks during the Civil War; or the era of the hard deutsche mark when the German Bundesbank responded to the great inflation and bust of the late 1960s and early 1970s by insulating its money from continuing...

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Keith Weiner – Americans Understand Gold The Least!

SBTV ( spoke with Keith Weiner, Founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, about why gold is the best money and why the yield curve inversion in Treasury yields point to a collapse of credit demand. Keith Weiner's Monetary Metals: Discussed in this interview: 00:00 Introduction 01:41 Chip's in the Fed's casino 03:14 Gold, the economic constant 08:04 Why bitcoin cannot be money 11:09 What...

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US markets: Systemic Calamity | Felix Zulauf

Rising interest rates, geopolitical tensions, a looming recession, and shifting global power structures: How this all plays out in the coming years—and how you are positioned—could determine whether you win or lose in this global macro drama.

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Do Falling Prices Cause or Predict a Recession?

In the midst of excessive US economic and geopolitical uncertainties due to rampant inflation and the continuing Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 7.7 percent October inflation report comes as a small relief. The unemployment rate touched 3.7 percent in October, remaining near the 3.5 percent prepandemic level and slightly above the 3.4 percent natural rate of unemployment of the fourth quarter of 2021.

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“Classical Liberalism” Will Never Satisfy the Left

“Today the tenets of this nineteenth-century philosophy of liberalism are almost forgotten. In the United States “liberal” means today a set of ideas and political postulates that in every regard are the opposite of all that liberalism meant to the preceding generations.”

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Reflections upon the Centennial of Mises’s Socialism

Ludwig von Mises published Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus in 1922 (translated into English as Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, 1951). In more than five hundred pages, the most prominent representative of the Austrian school offers a comprehensive and deep analysis of the “socialist phenomenon.”

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“It begins”: The rise of the digital dollar

In mid-November, while the whole world was focused on the Ukraine crisis, the US midterms or whatever other “big story” the media decided was more important, a truly momentous shift took place in the global financial system. It might seem like a small step on the surface, but it has the potential to bring about a real and possibly irreversible sea change in the way we use money; or better said, the way it uses us.  As Reuters reported on the...

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Economic Progress and Economic Decay: North versus South

They read like Civil War battlefields: Chattanooga, Tennessee; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Greer, South Carolina; West Point, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Tupelo, Mississippi; Smyrna, Tennessee. They are the towns and small cities in the Deep South where America now builds its cars and trucks.

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Total Employed Workers Fell Again in November as Savings and Incomes Fall

Total employed workers fell for the second month in a row in November, dropping nearly 400,000 workers below the pre-pandemic peak in February 2020. According to new employment data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, the current population survey shows employed workers fell to 158,470,000 in November, down 138,000 from October's total of 158,608,000.

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NATO Experte: Krieg dauert mindestens noch 1 Jahr! (Ukraine-Krieg)

"Der Krieg dauert mindestens noch 1 Jahr an und Russland als auch Ukraine werden Verlierer sein", das sagt NATO Experte und Insider Prof. Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn in dieser Folge "Marc spricht mit". Gunnar Heinsohn ist deutscher Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Soziologe, hat Militärdemografie am NATO Defense College in Rom gelehrt. Zusammen mit ihm begeben wir uns auf geschichtliche Rundfahrt und erläutern, wie es derzeit seiner...

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The Fed Is Not “a Good Idea that Became Corrupt”: It Always Was Corrupt

There’s an idea rooted among some libertarians that the Federal Reserve was originally a sound institution but has grown corrupt. As a bankers’ bank, it was fine, they believe, but not as the monster it has grown to be. If we could only go back to the Fed’s founding charter, all would be well.

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Renewables and EVs in the Grip of Lesseps Syndrome

Most people are familiar with the Panama Canal, but they probably don’t know the first effort to build the Panama Canal, spanning almost a decade, was by France. Facing considerable initial naysaying and ridicule, Ferdinand de Lesseps had the acumen and drive to construct the Suez Canal. Success was realized after overcoming many obstacles and difficulties. Naturally enough, France turned to him to build a sea-level canal in Panama.

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