Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Life Out of Balance | Keynote Ronald Stöferle

Ronald Stöferle gave a keynote presentation at this year’s Zuri-Invest under the title “Koyaanisqatsi” or “Life Out of Balance” in which he goes over how markets and the world are currently out of balance and in dire need of stabilization. The key problem A large part of today's financial, political and social imbalances can be traced to our monetary system and the fact that we have been under a fiat money regime for over 50 years now. This year...

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Invest in the Best, with Keith Fitz-Gerald

Want a transcript? Sign up for our free weekly e-letter, and you’ll get a transcript every week, plus a summary and link to the video: Markets can move with lightning speed, and black-swan events can wipe out your investments almost overnight. FTX, the crypto exchange that just declared bankruptcy, is only the latest example of this. This week, I talk with my guest Keith Fitz-Gerald, top analyst,...

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Zuri-Invest Keynote with Ronald Stöferle: KOYAANISQATSI – Life Out of Balance

Ronald Stöferle, author of the "In Gold We Trust" report and fund manager at Incrementum poses the question of balance in the financial markets in his presentation, giving new and exciting macro analysis on global currencies, central banks and interest rates, the U.S. dollar, inflation, equities and what it all means for the precious metals markets as they too are in "Inbalance". Want to ask direct...

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Krieg gegen die EU-Bürger – Wie sich Deutschland selbst zerstört in 10 Schritten

Der Krieg der Politik gegen die eigenen Bürger? Geldtraining: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Schaffen sich Deutschland, Österreich und die EU selbst ab? Das heutige Freitagstippvideo hat es thematisch in sich, denn wir schlüsseln in 10 verschiedenen Bereichen auf, wie – ich kann es einfach nicht anders sagen - gegen die Bevölkerung Krieg geführt wird....

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What I Learned from my Grandfather about Money

When I was a child, my mother and I would take the Long Island Railroad to Brooklyn to see relatives a few times a year. My grandfather was always outside in front of the apartment house in Park Slope, where he and my aunts and uncles lived. Upon seeing him, I would run down the sidewalk to greet him, but before I could say “Hi, Grandpa!,” he would without fail press a shiny silver dollar into my hand.

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World War I: The Great War Was also the Great Enabler of Progressive Governance

Commentaries about World War I frequently discuss causes and consequences but almost never mention the enablers. At best, they might mention them approvingly, as if we were fortunate to have had the Fed and the income tax, along with the ingenuity of the liberty bond programs, to finance our glorious role in that bloodbath.

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Why “Greedflation” Isn’t Real

Even as price inflation slows and we move past June’s peak, progressives continue to push the concept of “greedflation”—that this year’s price inflation is caused by corporate greed and price gouging. This is inaccurate, based on bad economics, and it blames a consequence of the problem rather than the problem itself.

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Economic Calculation and the Great Reset

A grand plan is advanced by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Its name, “The Great Reset,” conveys the scope of this undertaking. Among its many audacious goals, it will “offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”

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John Mauldin: The truth about the secret cabal that runs the government

#shorts #finance

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UKRAINE-KRIEG – Diplomatie statt Waffen?

Short zum Grupp Interview ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram: TikTok:...

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Joe Biden and the “Transformational” Presidency

Much is made of the failure of Republicans to make predicted gains in the recent midterm elections, but, as Ryan McMaken has pointed out, Congress plays a much-diminished role in national governance to the point that even had the so-called Red Wave actually occurred, it is doubtful that much would have changed regarding Joe Biden’s presidency.

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Wolfgang Grupp: “STOPPT die Waffenlieferungen und verhandelt!”

Heute wird mein Format "Marc spricht mit.." besonders spannend! Mit dem bekannten TRIGEMA-Chef Wolfgang Grupp bespreche ich, ob er für seine offene Meinung schon diffamiert wurde, was seine Gedanken zur momentanen Sanktionspolitik sind, wie sein Unternehmen mit der aktuellen Krise umgeht und wann auch er die Koffer packen würde, da sich der Industriestandort Deutschland nicht mehr rentiert. Viel Spaß! Website Trigema:...

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The Rise and Fall of Trussonomics

On July 8 this year, UK prime minister Boris Johnson resigned as Conservative Party leader after a Cabinet revolt over a series of ethics scandals had made his position untenable. A leadership election was then set in motion to allow party members to elect the next party leader who would succeed Johnson as PM.

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Tom Malengo on Brandjectory, An Innovative New Platform for Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Businesses

A great benefit of the internet age is the capacity to accumulate, accelerate, and intensify connections between entrepreneurs, knowledge sources, investors, mentors, collaborators, and service providers. Businesses with a valid value proposition who are in the launch and early expansion phases can interconnect a network of powerful and qualified resources to support their growth.

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How to Lose $143 Billion Trading Stocks

Now here’s the headline! Swiss National Bank loses nearly $143 billion in first nine months Reuters reported the Q3 result last week, in which Switzerland’s publicly traded central bank (SNB) suffered its largest loss in its 115-year history.

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Nationality and Statelessness: The Kuwaiti Bidoon

In his Nations by Consent, Murray Rothbard reminds us that the concept of a nation “cannot be precisely defined; it is a complex and varying constellation of different forms of communities, languages, ethnic groups, or religions.”

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John Mauldin: Understanding the Threats in the Global Financial Markets

Want a transcript? Sign up for our free weekly e-letter and you’ll get a transcript every week, plus a summary and link to the video: Any one of the problems we currently face—energy prices, housing, high inflation—by itself wouldn’t break our back, says John Mauldin, co-founder of Mauldin Economics and one of the most brilliant minds in macroeconomics. But all of them coming together, as they are...

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Sven Hannawald – Wie funktioniert Erfolg? (Interview)

Skisprunglegende Sven Hannawald im Interview Sven Hannawald Homepage: Thorsten Wittmann Homepage: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Skisprunglegende im Interview Dieser Mann steht für Höchstleistung, denn er hat in seinem Sport alles erreicht, was man erreichen kann: Olympiasieger Weltmeister Vierschanzentournee-Sieger Sportler des Jahres...

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