Adnan Al-Abbar

Articles by Adnan Al-Abbar

Much of the World’s Oil Is Owned by Governments. There’s No Good Reason for This.

It is as if the average human assumes that a coercive governance must be established or assigned despite the fact that such a government is often not very efficient or even involved in the outcomes we ultimately want, peace and prosperity.
—Walter Block and Stefan Sløk-Madsen, “Who Should Own the North Pole?“
In many oil-producing countries, governments own the resource (namely, oil) that they’re extracting. Whether this is a favorable state of affairs in matters of productivity and efficiency will not matter to us in this article. What does matter is that libertarians claim that government “ownership” of resources commits an infraction of the nonaggression principle.
This article will attempt to set to ink (or to bits) my sequence of thoughts regarding the issue. I will especially focus

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Nationality and Statelessness: The Kuwaiti Bidoon

In his Nations by Consent, Murray Rothbard reminds us that the concept of a nation “cannot be precisely defined; it is a complex and varying constellation of different forms of communities, languages, ethnic groups, or religions.”

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