Category Archive: 6b.)

Ep. 116: On the Culture Wars, with Jeff Deist

My guest this week is Mises Institute President, Jeff Deist. Jeff and I discuss many of the aspects of the culture wars in America right now and what it looks like from our perspective. We also get into whether libertarians should attempt to form alliances with groups on the left or groups on the populist right. Jeff is always articulate and has a wonderful take on so many issues. I'm so happy to have had him on the show once again. I think you'll...

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Episode 452: Abandoning The Identifier ‘Libertarian’ w/ Jeff Deist

55 Minutes Safe For Work Jeff Deist is the president of the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama and former chief of staff to congressman Ron Paul. Jeff was originally contacted by Pete to discuss his recommendation that people should stop using the term "libertarian" as a personal descriptor, but only as an adjective. They then talk about whether the term "capitalism" is salvageable and how hyperbolic statements used...

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Mercado versus turbas | Jeff Deist

Grabado en el Instituto Mises en Auburn, Alabama, el 18 de julio de 2020. Artículo referido: La política y el lenguaje inglés por George Orwell

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* Jeff Deist: Immeasurable, Self Inflicted Economic Damage Done By Politicians Shutting Down Econom

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, President of the Mises Institute @misesmedia Jeff Deist, for an interview. Jeff's bio is here: The Mises Institute just released a free, 164 page eBook called, "The Anatomy of The 2020 Crash" about what has lead up to the US stock market crash in February and how governments and central banks, specifically the Fed...

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Dr. Yu on Dogs’ Magnetic Sense, Jeff Deist on Gold Rally, Our Economic Future

LIVE. Comment, share, and call in at 1 727 587 1040.

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The Government Wants Your Crypto Data. And Lots of It.

The Venezuelan government recently announced that its Administrative Service for Identification, Migration and Foreigners (SAIME) is now accepting bitcoin as a payment method for passports. The problem with that is that bitcoin is not anonymous but pseudonymous.

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Murray N. Rothbard – Education Free & Compulsory (1999)

Text to speech converter audio book.

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New Unemployment Increased to 1.4 Million Last Week as Recovery Falters

The rising unemployment comes partly as a result of state governments forcing the closures of some businesses, or restricting operations, in the name of mandatory social distancing.

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American Police Forces Were Created to Fight Rioters. But Police Probably Made Things Worse.

Whenever the vicious portion of population shall be permitted to gather in bands of hundreds and thousands, and burn churches, ravage and rob provision-stores, throw printing presses into rivers, shoot editors, and hang and burn obnoxious persons at pleasure, and with impunity,” Abraham Lincoln told a crowd in Springfield, Illinois, in 1838, “the feelings of the best citizens will become more or less alienated from it.

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There Are No Winners in the US-China “Tech War”

After unleashing a disruptive trade conflict with China, the Trump administration has also escalated the lingering “cold tech war” between the two rival powers. Over the last two years, the US has passed new rules limiting China’s investments in the US, restricting bilateral information and communications technology (ICT) trade and controlling exports of sensitive and emerging technology to China.

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The Myth of the Failure of Capitalism

The nearly universal opinion expressed these days is that the economic crisis of recent years marks the end of capitalism. Capitalism allegedly has failed, has proven itself incapable of solving economic problems, and so mankind has no alternative, if it is to survive, than to make the transition to a planned economy, to socialism.

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Money-Supply Growth Hits New High For Third Month In a Row

In June, for the third month in a row, money supply growth surged to an all-time high, following new all-time highs in both April and May that came in the wake of unprecedented quantitative easing, central bank asset purchases, and various stimulus packages.

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What Has Government Done to Our Money? – Murray N Rothbard

"Strict separation of money and state",... to see any progress... and wake up from the myth that one can survive their entire life by harvesting only one delivery of goods and services, no payment.

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Consumer is sovereign – Per Bylund – Talks with Petri

Per Bylund talks about the role of entrepreneurship in society, what's wrong with economics, why prices are always rising and how to spend a year in Hawaii. Bio Per Bylund is a Swede in Oklahoma, USA, where he works as assistant professor of entrepreneurship in the Spears School of Business. He had careers in politics and as business consultant and systems developer before moving to the USA and starting a career in academia. He has also...

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New Opportunities for Marxists: Climate Change and Coronavirus

In The Communist Manifesto (1848) Karl Marx (1818–83) and Friedrich Engels (1820–95) predicted that capitalism would lead to the impoverishment of the laboring class. Why? Well, to raise profit on capital invested, Marx and Engels argued, entrepreneurs (the capitalists) would exploit the workers.

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Three Reasons Representative Democracy Doesn’t Work

In representative democracies, voters ostensibly control the state through the politicians they vote for. However, most representative democracies fall far short of this goal. Three of the reasons for the trouble are the problems of scale, bundling, and omission.

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Modern Monetary Theory’s Connection to Soviet-Era Money

MMT starts to make a little more sense when thinking of it as comparable to money systems used under the USSR and the old Soviet Bloc.

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Could the Economy Survive a W-Shaped Recovery?

In the weeks following the United States shutting down over what has turned out to be mainly a nursing home epidemic, the economic geniuses on CNBC and Bloomberg discussed the various letter recoveries.

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Inflation: This Time Is Different

Bank lending is contracting, and it is important to understand why. At this stage of the credit cycle, which began expanding following the aftermath of the Lehman crisis over a decade ago, a sharp contraction of bank credit to nonfinancials is normal.

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A Rising Demand for Money Won’t Save Us from Inflation

According to popular thinking, not every increase in the supply of money will have an effect on the production of goods. For instance, if an increase in the supply is matched by a corresponding increase in the demand for money, then there will be no effect on the economy.

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