Category Archive: 6b.)

The US Dollar Collapse Is Greatly Exaggerated

The US Dollar Index has lost 10 percent from its March highs and many press comments have started to speculate about the likely collapse of the US dollar as world reserve currency due to this weakness. These wild speculations need to be debunked.

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The Evidence Keeps Piling up: Lockdowns Don’t Work | Ryan McMaken

Extraordinary measures require extraordinary evidence. Have the advocates for lockdowns made their case? The data suggests they have not.

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Hayek’s Plan for Private Money

The most famous Austrian economist is 1974 Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek. Because of his moderate views excusing state interventions in various circumstances, hardcore Rothbardians tend to regard Hayek as less than pure in many areas.

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Howard Buffett: Against Legal Plunder

In August of 1963, Human Events published an article written by Howard Buffett entitled “’Thou Shalt Not Steal!’ But Government Confiscation Has Been Legalized.”

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Where Did the US Government Get the Power to Assassinate People?

In an August editorial, the New York Times called for an investigation into the attack on Russian dissident Aleksei Navalny, who was recently transported to Germany in a coma after apparently being poisoned.

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Ep. 1730 Jeff Deist on Silver Linings from the COVID Dystopia

The COVID lockdowns and restrictions are terrible and inexcusable and dystopian, without a doubt. Yet might there be some weird silver linings here? Jeff Deist explains. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show:

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The EU’s Drive toward Political Centralization Will Doom Its Economy

In the wake of the economically disastrous covid-19 shutdowns, the political class has desperately tried to save the failing euro system. On July 21 European leaders agreed on what they called a "historic" deal. It was nothing more than a multitrillion euro stimulus package.

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Bankruptcies Rise Despite Trillions in New Liquidity

Misguided lockdowns have destroyed the global economy and the impact is likely to last for years. The fallacy of the “lives or the economy” argument is evident now that we see that countries like Taiwan, South Korea, Austria, Sweden, and Holland have been able to preserve the business fabric and the economy while doing a much better job managing the pandemic than countries with severe lockdowns.

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We’re Headed toward Stagnation—Unless the Fed Reins In Its Money Printing

The US Fed is considering lifting its inflation target above 2 percent in order to revive the economy. Contrary to the accepted practice, the Fed is not expected to raise an alarm if the measured price inflation begins to rise.

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Jeff Deist: How the 2020 Crisis will Change US Education and Politics Forever

It takes a lot of effort to provide added educational value by selecting the videos for this channel, philosophyinsights. Usually, there are hours of work involved to skim through videos and edit it, in order to make a fit to the channel. If you enjoy the selection, consider subscribing! Also check out the facebook page of philosophyinsights, where we discuss the videos: Jeff Deist, president of the...

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How Capitalists Improve Human Productivity

To quote the last paragraph of this 2008 article by Robert Murphy, when asked why Austrian school economics should be studied, the best answer is: the Austrian theory of capital is the best one you can find if you really want to grasp how the economy actually works—beyond sterile mathematics and static timeless analysis.

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Coming Apart, Coming Together | Jeff Deist

Last time we met in Orlando, Bob Murphy mentioned how much worse our political and social divide would be if the economy crashed like 2008. Now we face this very problem—with COVID-19 lockdowns and George Floyd protests decimating the economy and social media exposing raw animosity along racial and "woke" lines. Congress and the Fed have gone into overdrive creating new stimulus and "liquidity," but 40 million Americans are unemployed and major...

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The Failures of Federal Race-Based Paternalism

In an address to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in 1865, Frederick Douglass noted that he had often been asked “What should we do with the Negro?”

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Monetary and Fiscal Sorcery Make Home Price Magic

Make the money cheap enough and government intrusive enough, and incongruous headlines appear side by side. For instance, from the Las Vegas Review-Journal comes this head-scratcher: “Las Vegas Housing Market ‘on Fire’ as Economy Limps Along.”

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The Fed’s Latest Lie: It Can Make Everything Go Back to Normal

The Fed Emperor’s New Clothes Show is a continuous comedy without laughter. The latest act, the virtual Jackson Hole conference (August 27), was dreadful. The show's audiences are accustomed to the Fed chair and his board delivering solemn pronouncements about their aims—low inflation, high employment, and financial stability.

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Why Economics Cannot Be Understood through Experimentation

In the natural sciences, a laboratory experiment can isolate various elements and their movements. There is no equivalent in the discipline of economics. The employment of econometrics and econometric model building is an attempt to create a laboratory where controlled experiments can be conducted.

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Industrialization and Free Trade Are the Way out of Poverty

Progressive politicians repeatedly tell us that capitalism is a system rooted in the wealthy’s exploitation of the poor. To convey this in an emotionally resonant way, they employ images of "sweatshops" in the developing world. While some people labor away in factories, often in terrible conditions, the owners of Walmart and Nike rake in profits, enjoying their luxurious penthouses in Manhattan. Many find this compelling.

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Protectionism and “Weak Dollar” Trade Policy

Until disco came back to me at dance clubs and via the great “boogie nights” in the 1990s, I didn’t recall a whole lot from my childhood in the 1970s. Trying to build my own “Speed Racer” and being in awe of the rock group KISS stand out. “Too many dollars chasing too few goods” was another.

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Coming Apart, Coming Together

Last time we met in Orlando, Bob Murphy mentioned how much worse our political and social divide would be if the economy crashed like 2008. Now we face this very problem—with COVID-19 lockdowns and George Floyd protests decimating the economy and social media exposing raw animosity along racial and "woke" lines.

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Bob Murphy The Fed’s Stock Market Casino

Jeff Deist and Robert P. Murphy address the vital topic of Fed interference in financial markets. Are the global equity and bond markets a charade, engineered by monetary expansion and destined to collapse like a house of cards? Is the investing game basically rigged? How can Janet Yellen and financial elites keep markets from crashing without endless new rounds of quantitative easing? Why is understanding Austrian economics necessary, but not...

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