Category Archive: 6b.)

As the Bubble Slowly Pops, the Economic Chain Reaction Is Now in Progress

Much has been written about the economic consequences of covid-19, yet, just as in many of the analyses of the Great Depression and the 2008 crisis, the years of accumulating debt preceding the event do not attract the attention they deserve.

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Calculating GDP Correctly

There are many reasons we should be skeptical of the GDP statistic. But it is nonetheless important to understand how it is calculated.

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The Debt-Inflation Spiral Is Driving up the Demand for Gold

Measured in dollars, the current bull market for gold started in December 2015, since which its price in dollars has almost doubled. Other than the odd headline when gold exceeded its previous September 2011 high of $1,920, only gold bugs seem to be excited.

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MMT Follow-up: A Framework for Money, Inflation, and Debt

As a follow-up to his discussion on MMT with Rohan Grey (in ep. 130), Bob goes solo to explain the basic cash balance framework for thinking about money, inflation, and debt. Specifically, Bob will explain why he thinks it's far more important to know how the government finances a deficit rather than knowing what it spends the money on.

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#31 Gold – Der Aufwärtstrend ist intakt – Golden Times

Edelmetalle wie Gold und Silber haben eine Wertspeicherfunktion. Das macht diese Anlagen derzeit sehr attraktiv, sagt Thorsten Polleit, Chefvolkswirt der Degussa. "Das wird auch in den kommenden Quartalen zu steigenden Edelmetallpreisen führen." Allerdings müssen Anleger noch deutlichere Kursschwankungen aushalten als bisher. Anleger denken um und realisieren, "dass es eine Zinsnormalisierung in absehbarer Zeit nicht geben...

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What Has Government Done to Our Money? (Audiobook) by Murray N. Rothbard

Get full version of this audiobook for free(30 day free trial) Best null AudioBooks What Has Government Done to Our Money? (Audiobook) by Murray N. Rothbard Reviews: Publisher's Summary The Mises Institute is pleased to present this audio edition of Rothbard's most famous monetary essay - the one that has influenced two generations of economists, investors, and business professionals. The...

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Trump’s Payroll Tax Order Is Good Politics, but Doesn’t Offer Much Tax Relief

President Trump issued a new executive order on August 8 directing the Treasury Department to defer the 6.2 percent Social Security tax on wages for employees making less than about $100,000 a year. The suspension on collections will be in effect from September 1 through December 31. 

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Dear Portland, It’s Not America’s Job to Solve Your Problems​​​​​ | Ryan McMaken

In response to my article last week opposing the use of federal soldiers and federal agents on the streets of American cities (see "Keep Those Federal Troops out of American Cities" at, my inbox and the article's comment section filled up with readers claiming that it most certainly is the job of the US federal government to step in and take control of US cities against...

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Dr. Yu on Newly Discovered Mice Cells, Jeff Deist on the Future of Gold

LIVE. Call in at 1 727 587 1040.

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Are Negative Rates a Natural Historical Development?

Negative interest rates have long since become a reality. But we are not talking about negative real interest rates. This is the case when the return on an investment is lower than the officially stated inflation rate. In today's context, negative interest rates are rather negative nominal interest rates; that is, the nominal interest rate is below 0 percent.

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Kamala Harris Is Basically Obama-Clinton 2.0, but Worse

No doubt, many of Harris's detractors will call her radical or a tool of the far left. The reality is actually far more alarming.

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Per Bylund Introduces The Austrian Business Model

Every business needs a business model, a recipe for generating profitable and sustainable revenues that result from bringing the customer an experience on which they place a high value. How do entrepreneurs design successful and profitable business models? They combine theory and experience — theory provides the foundational starting point, and experience refines the model based on action-based learning and real-life feedback. The best theory —...

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Why Fed Bugs Really, Really Hate Gold

Judy Shelton, a Trump nominee to the Fed Board of Governors, may not have coined the excellent term "Fed Bug," but she used it to delicious effect in this 2019 Financial Times interview: “People call me a goldbug, and I think, well, what does that make them? A Fed bug,” she says.

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Virtual EnCore | “The Aeneid, History, and Tradition” featuring Dr. Moran

View a video presentation by Associate Professor of English Andrew Moran, BA '91 MA '99 PhD '04, "The Aeneid, History, and Tradition" which is taken from a free course in the Studies in Catholic Faith & Culture Program at UD.   After the lecture, Dr. Moran will join us in a live discussion moderated by Dr. Michael West. About EnCore EnCore is a lecture series, conducted by faculty of the University of Dallas in conjunction with the Office...

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Ralph Welborn on the Ecosystem-Based Strategy

Business strategy and business model design has traditionally been firm-centric. Entrepreneurs are called upon to establish firms, to make the firm the locus of value creation through value proposition design, assembly of resources, and production; and to ensure competitive advantage in comparison to rival firms pursuing the same customers.

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Why Keynes Was Wrong about Consumer Spending

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, most experts are of the view that it is the role of the government and central bank to minimize the damage inflicted by the virus—and the policy response to it—on the economy.

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Political Self-Determination and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

The right of self-determination in regard to the question of membership in a state thus means: whenever the inhabitants of a particular territory, whether it be a single village, a whole district, or a series of adjacent districts, make it known, by a freely conducted plebiscite, that they no longer wish to remain united to the state to which they belong at the time, but wish either to form an independent state or to attach themselves to some other...

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The Government Wants Your Crypto Data. And Lots of It.

Cryptocoins aren't entirely anonymous, and the state is hard at work gathering as much information as it can on all crypto users.

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Ep. 116: On the Culture Wars, with Jeff Deist

My guest this week is Mises Institute President, Jeff Deist. Jeff and I discuss many of the aspects of the culture wars in America right now and what it looks like from our perspective. We also get into whether libertarians should attempt to form alliances with groups on the left or groups on the populist right. Jeff is always articulate and has a wonderful take on so many issues. I'm so happy to have had him on the show once again. I think you'll...

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Episode 452: Abandoning The Identifier ‘Libertarian’ w/ Jeff Deist

55 Minutes Safe For Work Jeff Deist is the president of the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama and former chief of staff to congressman Ron Paul. Jeff was originally contacted by Pete to discuss his recommendation that people should stop using the term "libertarian" as a personal descriptor, but only as an adjective. They then talk about whether the term "capitalism" is salvageable and how hyperbolic statements used...

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