Category Archive: 6b.)

Walter Berns and the Cult of “Patriotic” Sacrifice

[unable to retrieve full-text content]In his great new book The Problem with Lincoln, Tom DiLorenzo brought back an old memory. As Tom points out, Walter Berns, who taught political science at Cornell and then worked for the American Enterprise Institute, was one of the main figures urging us to worship Honest Abe.

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ANDY MORAN & JOHNNY DOYLE: The Return of the GAA | Appetite for club action | New normal of training

Ballaghaderreen's Andy Moran & Johnny Doyle of Allenwood join Joe to discuss the new normal of the GAA after the return of club action.

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For a New Liberty (Audiobook) by Murray N. Rothbard

Get full version of this audiobook for free(30 day free trial) Best Money & Finance AudioBooks For a New Liberty (Audiobook) by Murray N. Rothbard Reviews: Publisher's Summary In For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, Rothbard proposes a once-and-for-all escape from the two major political parties, the ideologies they embrace, and their central plans for using state power against...

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The World Is Drowning in Debt

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), global fiscal support in response to the crisis will be more than $9 trillion, approximately 12 percent of world GDP. This premature, clearly rushed, probably excessive, and often misguided chain of so-called stimulus plans will distort public finances in a way which we have not seen since World War II.

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The Dangers Posed by State-Controlled Digital Currency

If we choose to break the state monopoly of money and allow private digital currencies to compete, a myriad of different solutions will emerge to serve a myriad of different needs.

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How Central Banks Destroy Money’s Purchasing Power

Without a monopolist central bank, market forces would restrain the issuance of bank notes. But once central banks monopolize money creation, wealth is systematically transferred to the central bank and the privileged few who are favored by the state.

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Markets vs. Mobs | Jeff Deist

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 18 July 2020.

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A Rothbardian Analysis of the Constitutional Convention

Relates to Murray Rothbard’s Conceived in Liberty, Volume V: The New Republic, 1784-1791 and my forthcoming book, Liberty versus Power: A History of Cronyism in the United States, 1607-1849 (2021?)

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The Current State of World Affairs — Murray Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard, at the 1989 Texas State Libertarian Conference Treat yourself, or give the gift of Liberty -- ( history, economics) If you like what I'm doing, or have helped you, feel free to donate with pay pal (I do not make anything with you tube) - [email protected] The Great Murray Rothbard Playlist...

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The Death Wish of the Anarcho-Communists

[This article first appeared in the Libertarian Forum, January 1, 1970.] Now that the New Left has abandoned its earlier loose, flexible non-ideological stance, two ideologies have been adopted as guiding theoretical positions by New Leftists: Marxism-Stalinism, and anarcho-communism. Marxism-Stalinism has unfortunately conquered SDS, but anarcho-communism has attracted many leftists who are looking for a way out of the bureaucratic and statist...

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Krugman’s Keynesianism Has Made Him Wrong about Much More Than Economic Theory

Let me tell you about Keynesian economists. They are different from you and me. They learn their mathematical models and aggregate terminology early and easily, and it does something to them, makes them proud and self-omniscient where the rest of us are circumspect, in a way that, unless you were born a Keynesian economist, is very difficult to understand.

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Dr. Yu on Anti-gravity, Jeff Deist on Masked Chaos

Science and U. Plus Jeff Deist returns. Call in at 727 587 1040.

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Como os Empreendedores construíram o Mundo | Per Bylund – Mises University 2020

CLIQUE AQUI E INSCREVA-SE: #MisesUniversity2020 #empreendedorismoliberario Legendas automáticas (alguns erros) Gravado no Mises Institute em Auburn, Alabama, em 16 de julho de 2020. Link Original: Camisetas Libertárias: LUDENS Use o cupom #augustosliberal e ganhe um desconto especial! Redes sociais: Doações...

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How Entrepreneurs Built the World | Per Bylund

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 16 July 2020.

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#29 Verwundbarkeit der Finanzmärkte nimmt zu – Golden Times

Der Weltgoldpreis ist auf neuem Allzeithoch und liegt weit über der bisherigen Rekordmarke. Thorsten Polleit: "Es ist damit zu rechnen, dass die nächste Bewegung im Goldmarkt Kurs nimmt die Marke von 1.900 Dollar pro Feinunze zu knacken." Für den hohen Goldpreis gibt es 3 Gründe: Niedrige Zinsen sorgen für geringe Preise bei der Goldhaltung, die Geldmengen steigen drastisch und schmälern somit die Kaufkraft der offiziellen Währungen und...

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Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute

Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute, discusses how growing totalitarianism funded by dishonest money has placed America on the path to financial, moral and spiritual ruin.

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Austrian Economics in Business | Per Bylund

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 14 July 2020.

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Why Bolivia Needs to Decentralize

It was only eight months ago that Bolivia concluded a bizarre political conflict that saw President Evo Morales step down from office. Morales was pursuing a fourth presidential term but encountered numerous constitutional roadblocks. Protesters cited irregularities and alleged voter fraud during elections in October 2019 as the principal motive behind their demonstrations.

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2020 U.S. – How to Deal with the Craziness | Jeff Deist

It takes a lot of effort to provide added educational value by selecting the videos for this channel, philosophyinsights. Usually, there are hours of work involved to skim through videos and edit it, in order to make a fit to the channel. If you enjoy the selection, consider subscribing! Also check out the facebook page of philosophyinsights, where we discuss the videos: Jeff Deist,...

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Geldentwertung (Perle 351)

Heute mit einem Beitrag von Thorsten Polleit Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere alternative Medienarbeit durch ein Abonnement von eigentümlich frei über und/oder über eine gezielte Spende für unsere Video- und Podcast-Formate: Per Paypal oder Kreditkarte: Oder per Banküberweisung an (Betr.: Ihr Lieblingsformat?):...

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