Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

Reaffirmation of minimum exchange rate (SNB news conference of June 2013)

This short film, which is included in the focus topic ‘The history of the minimum exchange rate’ on the SNB’s dedicated ‘Our National Bank’ website, shows the announcement of the monetary policy decision by Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board, on 20 June 2013, while the minimum exchange rate was still in place.

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Gros plan sur les pensions de titres

Ce film illustre le thème “La mise en oeuvre de la politique monétaire” traité dans le cadre de “Notre Banque nationale”. Il explique le fonctionnement des pensions de titres utilisées par la Banque nationale.

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La fin du cours plancher (conférence de presse du 15 janvier 2015)

Ce film illustre le thème “Zoom sur l’histoire du cours plancher” traité dans le cadre de “Notre Banque nationale”. Thomas Jordan, président de la Direction générale de la Banque nationale, y annonce la décision de politique monétaire du 15 janvier 2015, soit la suppression du cours plancher.

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La BNS valuta la situazione di politica monetaria (conferenza stampa di dicembre 2015)

Questo filmato è inserito in “L’importanza della stabilità dei prezzi”, una delle tematiche dell’offerta informativa “La nostra Banca nazionale” e mostra l’annuncio della decisione di politica monetaria da parte di Thomas Jordan, presidente della Direzione generale, del 10 dicembre 2015.

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Mantenimento del cambio minimo (conferenza stampa di giugno 2013)

Questo filmato è inserito in “La storia del cambio minimo”, una delle tematiche specifiche dell’offerta informativa “La nostra Banca nazionale”. Mostra l’annuncio, del 20 giugno 2013, della decisione di politica monetaria da parte di Thomas Jordan, presidente della Direzione generale, durante il periodo in cui era attuata la difesa del cambio minimo.

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Das Ende des Mindestkurses (Medienkonferenz vom 15. Januar 2015)

Dieser Kurzfilm gehört zum Fokusthema “Die Geschichte des Mindestkurses” des Informationsangebots “Unsere Nationalbank”. Er zeigt die Verkündigung des geldpolitischen Entscheids bei der Aufhebung des Mindestkurses durch Thomas Jordan, Präsident des Direktoriums der Nationalbank, am 15. Januar 2015.

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Swiss FINMA Exposed Najib Totally-Will Devine Shariah Law Bring Justice When Everything Has Failed?

Latest video by Matthias Chang. Please visit Thank you.

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Swiss central bank can cut rates further if needed, says bank president Jordan

The Swiss National Bank can cut interest rates further into negative territory if needed, President Thomas Jordan said. “We have still some room to go further if necessary,” Jordan said Saturday in an interview in Washington with Bloomberg Television’s Francine Lacqua. Jordan, who is attending the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, noted that the bank has already pushed rates quite far.

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Switzerland’s central bank offers a glimpse behind the curtain

The Swiss National Bank is offering a rare look into how it sets monetary policy. A video of SNB President Thomas Jordan and fellow members of the governing board shows them beginning their quarterly policy assessment discussing the state of the economy with about 30 people.

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Is Someone Trying To Buy The Swiss National Bank?

By now it is well-known that as we profiled previously, one of the most ravenous buyers of US stocks in recent years, has been a central bank: the Swiss National Bank... However, it is far less known that not only is the Swiss National Bank also a publicly traded stock, but is also one of the best performing stocks in the world this year.

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The Swiss National Bank – what it does and how it works

The SNB film takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and its monetary policy. It explains why the SNB has a mandate to ensure price stability, describes how it implements this mandate, and demonstrates what impact this has on our everyday lives.

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La Banque Nationale Suisse – son action et son fonctionnement

Le film sur la Banque nationale suisse (BNS) donne un aperçu de l’institution et de la conduite de la politique monétaire. Il explique pourquoi la BNS a reçu le mandat d’assurer la stabilité des prix, comment elle remplit cette mission et quelles répercussions a son action sur notre quotidien.

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La Banca Nazionale Svizzera – cosa fa e come opera

Il filmato sulla Banca nazionale svizzera si propone di presentare nelle linee essenziali la Banca nazionale e la sua politica monetaria. Vi si spiega perché essa ha il mandato di assicurare la stabilità dei prezzi, di quali strumenti dispone a tal fine e quali sono le conseguenze del suo operato sulla nostra vita quotidiana.

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Die Schweizerische Nationalbank – was sie tut und wie sie handelt

Der SNB-Film gibt einen Einblick in die Nationalbank und ihre Geldpolitik. Er zeigt, weshalb die Nationalbank den Auftrag hat, die Preisstabilität zu gewährleisten, wie sie diesen Auftrag umsetzt und welche Auswirkungen dies auf unseren Alltag hat.

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Negativzinsen: Unsere Schweiz als Versuchskaninchen

In der gestrigen Ausgabe der NZZ am Sonntag wird Nobelpreisträger Paul Krugman zitiert, wie er den Mindestkurs der SNB und deren Negativzinsen lobt. Die Negativzinsen seien ein „wertvolles Experiment“ meint er und „bedankt“ sich dafür sogar bei der SNB. „Die Schweiz eruiert neues Territorium. Aus akademischer Sicht liebe ich das.“

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Clinton Post NYC Presser

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SNB Monetary policy assessment September 2016 and Comments

The SNB inflation forecast showed a strange diversion of conditional inflation forecasts: Draghi expected inflation to rebound to 1.2% next year and 1.6% in 2018. The SNB, however, predicts 2017 inflation at 0.2% and 2018 at 0.6%. For us, one of the two is wrong.

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Seven years of inaction on SNB rates day won’t end this week

Anyone feeling let down that the European Central Bank didn’t do much last week might just want to skip the Swiss rate decision on Thursday to avoid more disappointment. While the Swiss National Bank may be infamous for some seismic policy changes in the last few years, those bombshells weren’t dropped at scheduled meetings. In fact, the last time the institution altered interest rates at a decision in its public calendar was more than seven years...

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Strong Swiss growth lessens chance SNB will act

Swiss real GDP growth data surprised on the upside in Q2, expanding by 0.6% q-o-q (and 2.5% q-o-q annualised). In addition, growth in the three previous quarters was revised significantly higher. As a result, our GDP growth forecast for growth in Switzerland rises mechanically from 0.9% to 1.5% for 2016.

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Swiss trains the most expensive in Europe

A study by GoEuro, compares the cost of travelling 100km by train. Switzerland led the ranking with the most costly train trips in Europe. Travelling 100km in Switzerland cost CHF 52.

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