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Producer and Import Price Index rose by 0.2% in August

16.09.2024 - The Producer and Import Price Index rose in August 2024 by 0.2% compared with the previous month, reaching 107.4 points (December 2020 = 100). Rising prices were seen in particular for pharmaceutical products. Petroleum products, in contrast, became cheaper. Compared with August 2023, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 1.2%. These are the results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

In particular, higher prices for pharmaceutical products were responsible for the increase in the Producer Price Index compared with the previous month. Organic products of the chemical industry and raw milk also became more expensive. In contrast, falling prices were seen for petroleum products, electricity (for large-scale consumers), dyes and pigments as well as non-ferrous metal products.

The Import Price Index registered lower prices compared with July 2024, particularly for petroleum products, non-ferrous metals and products made therefrom and for plastic products. In contrast, organic products of the chemical industry, basic pharmaceutical products, petroleum and natural gas as well as other chemical products became more expensive.

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Producer and Import Price Index rose by 0.2% in August
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Producer and Import Price Index in August 2024

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