“We’re moving into a global recession that has nothing to do with Brexit,” warns Marc Faber stressing that Britain leaving the EU would not be disastrous, saying that if Switzerland can operate in a “single” market and outside of the EU so can Britain.
“Brexit is a victory of ordinary people, common sense and people who are prepared to take responsibility for the sake of freedom against a political and financial elite that only cares if stocks go up or down and does not care about the interests of the average British citizen.”
“We can only hope that more countries will opt out of the failed EU monster. I see only a good contagion.”
When asked why the markets and polls got it so wrong, the editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, told CNBC, “They were conducted or paid by the elite.”
As CNBC further noted, Faber agreed with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump that a Brexit is a benefit to his campaign. He said the U.S. could also see a revolt against the political establishment with the election of Trump to the presidency,
“It is already well underway. Brexit is a huge boon for Trump and a wake-up call to Hillary that ordinary people are sick and tired of being lied to and cheated by the crony capitalistic system.”
Finally, as FOX Business reports, the Swiss investor compared the current situation between the U.K. and the EU to Switzerland’s historic fight for its own freedom…
“In the 13th century we fought the Habsburg Empire to be free and not to have foreign justice and foreign laws and not to pay taxes to foreign overlords,” he explained.
“This is precisely what the EU does with all the countries. They want to impose courts of justice, taxes, regulations, new laws and most of which inhibit economic growth. This is a victory for freedom and for people, the Brits.”
Finally, Faber also said, confirming our earlier persepctive, that the Brexit will be the “perfect excuse” for global central banks to “coordinate the monetary policies to print even more money.”
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