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Why the Recession Will Be Here Later than Expected

(5/23/22) The Dow is now stringing together 8-weeks of losses--its worst performance since the 1920's. Contrary to media claims of a bear market, the 20% drop is but a correction on the road to Bubblization: This will be The Most Forecasted Recession in history. Graduation Weekend at the Roberts' house; Davos 2022 = Pinky & The Brain. When all the experts agree, something else is bound to happen; why buy & hold doesn't work at the wrong end of market cycle. NABE Report: increased expectations for inflation and recession. The Bullwhip Effect in retail inventories will be deflationary. The Roberts' Pool Project & Sugar Rush pricing; the next hurdle will be Labor and coming layoffs. Recession may not be averted, but will occur later than expected. Corresponding trends with Monkey Pox: Is God trying to tell us something? If the Apostles had cellphones...The Elephant in the room is the Demographics of Social Security (and why Obamacare is a failure): Demographics are Destiny.
1:53 - Markets' Minor Correction on Road to Bubblization
13:15 - High School Graduation;
16:04 - When Experts Agree, Something Else is Bound to Happen
29:16 - NABE & The Bullwhip Effect
32:05 - The Roberts' Pool Project
43:11 - Monkey Pox & The Destiny in Demographics
Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO
Our Latest "Three Minutes on Markets & Money: Why a 20% Correction Does Not a Bear Market Make," is here:
Our previous show, "Dealing with Healthcare Costs in Retirement," is here:
Articles mentioned in this podcast:
"Economic Stagnation Arrives As “Sugar Rush” Fades"
Other Videos mentioned in this podcast: "If Bible characters had iPhones" w/ John Crist:
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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