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There’s No Such Thing as ‘Money on the Sidelines’

(4/18/23) Banks boost stocks as earnings season continues; markets remain in a trading range. Expect a pullback. Volatility Index (VIX) significantly down, closing Monday at 17. Rolling Recession vs The Big Event. Mounds of Cash: Who really owns it? Where does it come from (and where does it go)? The explosion of Money Market Funds in 2020: There is no such thing as "money on the sidelines." In the markets, for every buyer there is a seller. Who owns the cash? Institutional holdings of money market funds (money used to conduct business, make payroll, etc.); not for investing in stock market. If everyone used 'buy-and-hold,' markets would flat-line. Earnings Preview: Is the Banking Crisis over? Netflix: Is content compelling enough to attract new subs? How China derives GDP numbers: Are they to be believed? Was the Banking Crisis a one-off event, or is there more pain to come? Lockheed-Martin beats estimates, but what about earnings? The Best Book to read about investing.

2:51 - Earnings Parade Marches On: Banks Boost Stocks
14:20 - There's No Such Thing as 'Money on the Sidelines'
30:12 - Who Owns the Cash?
44:15 - Should China's GDP Numbers Be Believed?
Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell | "Volatility Index Sending a Message Not to Be Ignored " is here:
Here are articles mentioned in today's show: "The Cash Hoard Of 2023 (And The Sideline Money Myth)"
Our previous show is here: "Why Hasn't the Fed Panicked Yet?"
Register for our next Lunch & Learn: "Transitioning to Medicare"
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#InvestingAdvice #MoneyOnTheSidelines #MoneyMyths #EarningsSeason #RegionalBanks #Recession #RollingRecession #InventoryManagement #RetailSales #Markets #Money #Investing
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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