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What should Xi do next?

China has been rocked by protests at the country’s zero-covid policy, and Xi Jinping now faces a dilemma: should he relax restrictions and risk hundreds of thousands of deaths, or continue lockdowns at the expense of the economy and, potentially, further social unrest?

00:00 - Protests spread in China
01:13 - What is the zero-covid policy?
01:30 - What is Xi’s dilemma?
02:32 - What should Xi do next?

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Read all our coverage on protests in China:

Unrest breaks out across China, as frustration at lockdowns grows:

The protests in China may change the way Xi Jinping runs the country:

Harsh lockdowns have united the Chinese:

China’s failing covid strategy leaves Xi Jinping with no good options:

Xi Jinping’s zero-covid policy has turned a health crisis into a political one:

Ending China’s zero-covid policy could unleash chaos:

China’s slowdown is hurting the young:

China’s response to a surge in covid-19 cases is muddled:

Listen to The Economist’s China Podcast episode: “Could protests in China threaten Xi Jinping’s plans for total control?”

Students are often at the heart of protests in China:

What 1989 can teach us about the recent protests in China:

Lessons from a Chinese protest:

What happened to the man who led the chants against Xi Jinping?
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