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Growing deficits, slowing inflation. More debt diverts productive dollars into debt service. Interest on debt surpassing military budget! 💸 Watch the entire show here: https://cstu.io/56307d YouTube channel = @ TheRealInvestmentShow |

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Watch the entire show here: https://cstu.io/e7411a
YouTube channel = @ TheRealInvestmentShow

Gold Fish are changing their name to Chilean Sea Bass, and Spam will henceforth be known as Filet Mignon; the world has gone awry, and Richard & Jonathan discuss the surprise results from Tesla, Polymarket odds for the 2024 Election, and goal scooping and setting expectations for 2025. Richard compares the Saudi’s newest, biggest building in the world to the Tiny Homes trend, and Gen-Z’s housing preferences (No car, no garage = no problem!) The Atlanta Fed’s Home Ownership Affordability Monitor is a good gauge; the death of Elizabeth Warren’s 50-30-20 Rule of Thumb. You can find affordable housing if you look, but you might not like where it is. Housing will eventually become more affordable. Comparisons of Sears’ Craftsman Homes to Tiny Home enclaves (as in Independence, Texas);

Seasonality has long influenced stock market trends, offering insights into predictable cycles of strength and weakness throughout the year. Yale Hirsch, the creator of the Stock Trader’s Almanac, is one of the most well-known contributors to studying these patterns. His research has highlighted that certain periods of the year consistently present better opportunities for investors to generate returns, while other times warrant caution.
The adage ” Sell May and Go Away “ is a common topic of discussion that many investors are familiar with. The historical analysis supports that the market tends to be the weakest of the year during the summer months. Hirsch’s Stock Trader’s Almanac introduced the idea that the stock market follows a seasonal rhythm, where certain times of the year

Richard & Jonathan recap their recent recruiting visit on the campus of Texas A&M University: There is hope for the next generation. Earnings season continues, discussion of Netflix and Lance’s coffee rants. Anti-globalization & the China effect; the fallacy of International buys; "I love Lucy" & Vitametavegamin. Why fasting should be called slowing; Medicare Open Enrollment and changes in many plans: What happens when Medicare advantage plans go away; many supplemental benefits go un-used. Changes in Medicare prescription drug formularies. What happens if you don’t make a choice ; the importance of healthcare literacy; health is connected to wealth.
3:08 – A&M & The Next Generation
14:42 – Coffee Tawk & The Fall of Globalization
30:18 – Medicare Open Enrollment changes for 2025
44:29 –
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