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What Do Rising Treasury Yields Mean?

(8/23/23) It's NVDIA Report Day: The NVDIA Drinking Game: How many times will they mention, "AI?" Economic data & the Citi Economic Surprise Index. Manufacturing data is not improving; what happens on the Services side? Dick's, Nike, Target, et al earnings and outlooks not good; WalMart & Kohl's are okay. Markets rally and sell-off Tuesday. The Barbie Movie: To see or not to see? What's the implication behind rise in Treasury yields: higher real rates & expectations for direction in rates; expectation for no recession and stronger economic growth for next several years (are they right?) Refilling the SPR: How will that affect inflation? (It won't): How CPI is calculated. The cost of electric & water utilities: How we measure personal inflation. Are we spending too much on our kids' extra-curricular activities? Parents spending themselves into bankruptcy, and then must rely on children for support in retirement. Former Fed Gov James Bullard believes stronger economic growth will require higher interest rates.

3:12 - The NVDIA Drinking Game & Economic Data
14:36 - The Barbie Movie
16:31 - The Meaning Behind the Rise in Treasury Yields
30:24 - Inflation & The SPR, and the Cost of Keeping Cool
33:37 - Why Kids Are Expensive
52:24 - James Bullard Goes for Broke

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Financial Advisor Danny Ratliff, CFP
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Can Markets Hold Onto Highs?" is here:
Our previous show is here: "What's in Store for 2024?"
Articles mentioned in this report:
"Stock Market Rally Coming? And Investing In 2024"
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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