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How To Revive Your Freeze-Damaged Garden with RANDY LEMMON (Texas Freeze 2021)

The Great Texas Freeze of February 2021 is five-weeks past! Randy Lemmon (KTRH-AM/Houston Garden Line Host) and Richard Rosso (RIA Advisors' Director of Financial Planning) offer an intimate chat about how to resuscitate frost-bitten yards and gardens:

* March is the new February this year
* The importance of composting
* How do you know a fruit tree is dead?
* How to focus feed: Azaleas
* Are Azaleas appropriate for this climate?
* The Value of Independent Nurseries
* Azalea Types Matter: What strains to avoid & how to plant them correctly
* What are the best low-maintenance plants for a beach house?
* The Natal Plum & Variegated Ginger
* How long should we wait to see if plants will come back from the freeze?
* 9 Rules of Freeze Recovery
* When Rosemary Turns from Green to Gray
* The Care and Cutting of Oleanders
* Indian Hawthorne & Bottle Brush
* Randy's Rules for Palms
* Care and Feeding of Wax Myrtles
* 3-1-2m 4-1-2 Lawn Food
* How to Put the Green back in Evergreen
* What's Wrong with Weed-n-Feed: The Hypocrisy of Scott's
* What are Suitable Replacement Plants for Those Lost in the Freeze?
* How Often Do We Get Freezes Like February 15, 2021?
* The South shall rise again: Confederate Roses
* The Lowdown on Dollar Weed
* How to Get Rid of Lawn Grubs & Sod Webworms
* Split-leaf Philodendrons
* When the Wax Myrtle leaves have turned brown...
* Cutting Back the Brown Until You See the Green
* Why Your Sego Palm May Not Need to be Cut Back Now
* The Hardy Knock-out Rose
* Randy's Top Three Palm Trees
* Randy's Recommendations for Trees & Planting
* How to Get Started on Composting
* Coffee Grounds for your Garden?
* Is 2021 a good year to plant bulbs, considering the freeze?
* How to Get Rid of an Oleander Tree and Japanese Blueberry?
* Randy's Favorite Fertilizer
* Irrigation basics
* Essential Tools for Yard Work
* Mulching Basics
* Lessons From the Texas Freeze
* Behind the book
* The Trouble with Gardenia's


Articles mentioned in this episode:

➢ In 2021, March is the new February | GardenLine with Randy Lemmon:

➢ Randy's 9 Rules For Horticultural Freeze Recovery:


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