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Would You Rather Pay Tax Now or Later (when they’re higher)

(4/20/22) The Q1 Earnings Parade continues; the conundrum for Netflix, bundling vs a la carte--it's an issue of too many providers for a paucity of quality content. What's really important this earnings season is what companies will be saying about forward guidance. A 20% correction is not impossible. QE vs QT: Quantitative Easing did not cause inflation--"free" money from the Government did. You wanna avoid paying taxes, or make money? Taxes are bound to go up to finance government debt. The strategic benefit of tax-loss harvesting: Pay it now or pay it later. Why the 4% Withdrawal Rate in financial planning is outdated. Why $1-mil isn't going to generate enough income in retirement.
Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP.

1:21 - Netflix, Bundling vs a la cart, Over-crowded space
12:36 - QE vs QT; What's Really Important this Earnings Season
28:33 - Paying taxes, Now or Later
42:33 - Why the 4% Withdrawal Rule is Outdated
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#CorporateEarnings #ForwardGuidance #Netflix, #QuantitativeEasing #QuantitativeTightening #Inflation #Deflation #TaxLossHarvesting #FinancialPlanning #Markets #Money #Investing
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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