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“Moderation” is a Polite Term for “Recession”

(8/18/22) It's College Move-in Week; parsing the latest meeting minutes of the FOMC: Markets rally despite economic backdrop; why retail sales numbers aren't what they seem: We're spending more, getting less; the lag-effect of Fed policy; How FOMC Meeting minutes are "crafted" for release; Hawks and Doves: There's something for everyone. Code words the Fed uses. Ice cream vs Bagels; Cheeseburgers vs salads; health in retirement; Gravity Payments CEO Quits; Entry level jobs/pay; minimum wage vs living wage; the problem with brining semiconductor production onshore; "Friend-shoring" to Vietnam; re-shoring of production to US is unfeasible; the false paradigm that everyone deserves a living wage; the minimum wage is actually zero--you're paid what you're worth. Why we have inflation: We want too much.
3:15 - College Move-in Season; FOME Meeting Minutes De-coded.
14:30 - "Moderation" is a Polite Term for "Recession"
30:38 - Ice cream, Healthy Food, & Retirement
44:33 - Lance's Rant: The False Paradigm of Minimum Wage

RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
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Lance Roberts
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