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Could the Markets Run Out of Gas?

(4/19/23) Despite the past "rolling disasters" repeatedly hitting markets, the bullish mood persists. Could markets run out of gas? A normal, 10% correction is not out of the question. How the Government is wasting your tax dollars; the most important strategies for Retirees now; how higher interest rates are impacting retirement, both good and bad. What does retirement even look like, anymore? Locking in returns w Treasuries at higher rates. Dalbar investor behavior: 30% underperform markets by 4% or more. Movie nights w Netflix and the Blockbuster Air BNB; moving your money for higher returns; how sweep accounts work; Schwab vs Fidelity; Apple Pay and Goldman.

3:09 - Are Markets Running Out of Gas?
14:31 - How the Government Is Wasting Your Tax Dollars
30:25 - How Higher Interest Rates are Impacting Retirement, for better or for worse
44:25 - Movie Nights & Netflix; Moving Money for Higher Returns
Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Advisor Danny Ratliff, CFP
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell | "Are Higher Prices on the Way?" is here:
Here are articles mentioned in today's show: "The Cash Hoard Of 2023 (And The Sideline Money Myth)"
Our previous show is here: "There's No Such Thing as Money on the Sidelines"
Register for our next Lunch & Learn: "Transitioning to Medicare"
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#InvestingAdvice #MarketCorrection #Bullishness #GovernmentWaste #TaxDollars #Retirement #RollingRecession #InventoryManagement #RetailSales #Markets #Money #Investing
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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