Prediction For 2025 Using Valuation Levels
It’s that time of year when Wall Street polishes up its crystal balls and predicts next year’s market returns. Since Wall Street never predicts a down year, these forecasts are often wrong and sometimes very wrong. For example, on December 7th, 2021, we wrote an article about the predictions for 2022. “There is one thing …
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12-19-24 Did the Fed Steal Christmas?
Heads-up: We’re on vacation for the next two-weeks starting Monday (12/23); audio podcasts will be available on iTunes, Spotify, and a host of other audio platforms. Check our website, for complete links. The House’s Continuing Resolution fails to pass muster, thanks to pressure from president-elect Donald Trump and the emerging D.O.G.E. team. Meanwhile, the Fed cuts rates, as expected, but adds a hawkish slant to their language, and markets shed 3% on Wednesday. Lance & Michael discuss whether the Fed has stolen Christmas in this fashion, dealing with the lag effect, and whether the Fed has inflation under control. Is the Fed going to suddenly pivot to a dovish stance in the first half of 2025? The restrictive policuy of the Fed, and short-term investing in
10-23-24 Technical Analysis Techniques
As promised, a show about that voodoo that we do!
(Actually, it’s not voodoo, and Lance Roberts will explain why and how).
Markets sold off on Tuesday to break even. following six straight weeks of gains; still, markets have no fear of recession. Lance shares his personal strategy for Bonds (using his own money, not clients’) When everyone is hating on Bonds is the time to buy. After the Election, the focus will return to Yields and Interest Rates. Lance next provides a primer on the Technical Analysis tools he uses at RIA Advisors: Why we use it; keeping it simple. the $SPX & Moving Averages; Rules of Thumb: When markets break, that’s an alert to pay attention to; are markets breaking, or is it a dip? Is the break confirmed? Give it time. The Relative Strength Indicator and MACD tools: