Did the Fed just create the 472nd sequel to the Fast & Furious franchise with its "Sooner & Faster" pronouncement? Markets will be more volatile this year; the Fed basically told the markets what they already knew; the sincerity of Jerome Powell. 2022 will be The Year of Volatility; how large cap companies will cope. How the YOLO investing mentality turned sour; managing fear and greed in 2022. 1:42 - The Sooner, Faster Fed's Policy Error 12:55 - The Fed Threads the Needle 28:45 - 2022: The Year of Fear and Greed...and trading...and volatility 43:02 - How to Invest in 2022: Manage Your Fear, Manage Your Greed Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO -------- Our Latest "Three Minutes on Markets & Money: What Does the Fed's "Sooner & Faster" Stance Mean for Markets?" &list=PLVT8LcWPeAujOhIFDH3jRhuLDpscQaq16&index=1&t=21s -------- Our previous show, "Is Deflation the Watch-word?" is here: _tJDM&list=PLVT8LcWPeAugpcGzM8hHyEP11lE87RYPe&index=1&t=2601s -------- Articles mentioned in this podcast: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/fear-and-greed-an-investors-two-worst-enemies -------- Get more info & commentary: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/newsletter/ -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: http://www.youtube.com/c/TheRealInvestmentShow -------- Visit our Site: www.realinvestmentadvice.com Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to RIA Pro: https://riapro.net/home -------- Connect with us on social: https://twitter.com/RealInvAdvice https://twitter.com/LanceRoberts https://www.facebook.com/RealInvestmentAdvice/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/realinvestmentadvice/ #FederalReserve #Inflation #Deflation #InterestRates #YOLO #FearAndGreed #Markets #money #investing |
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