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How Can Inflation Affect Your Retirement? | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 4/15/21]

00:00 - Retirement: Qualitative vs. Quantitative. Are You Really Ready to Retire?
9:59 - How Inflation Affects Your Retirement and How To Deal with It.
23:00 - Jerome Powell: Sell vs Taper? #FedGrammarMatters
35:30 - Target Date Funds; Crypto Currency & CoinBase

Hosted by Danny Ratliff, CFP, RIA Advisors Senior Advisor with Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA.


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➢ Inflation: Making the Complex, Simple (Part 2):


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#TheRealInvestmentShow #FinancialAdvisor #Retirement
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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  1. The Real Investment Show

    Thanks for dropping by to watch! Lance is out today, but Danny Ratliff, CFP, and Michael Lebowitz, CFA, handily filled in for the hour. Today's Easter egg concerns Fed Head, Jerome Powell, and how he's addressing inflation: What are his two choices with regard to bond purchases?

  2. CJ Becker

    We can't always talk about what the past "paid" in CD's or Bonds when inflation was also as high…..going forward people have to have some cash on hand for a down time in the market while also having to be in stocks & bonds.

  3. Fortus Victus

    As an addon to the 'Lifecycle' date funds: I began investing 10% of my military pay in the government TSP L2030 fund in 2004. In 2008 those 4 years of 10% income deduction were reduced by 80% because of the risk profile, I 'rode the wave' and it was 2012-2013 before it even 'broke even' at the 2008 rate, and because it was becoming progressively more conservative by its distribution that fund has underperformed during the recovery and now.
    Irony is if an 'ignorant' retail investor had done EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what the fund managers set the L funds to do they would be very rich right now.

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