27:54 -(4-1-23) Long term Care is a hot topic, with lots of twists and turns. This is The One Topic about which we regularly receive lots of questions. Danny and Rich go through the basics and some of the details about Long Term Care costs, coverages, and concerns. 0:00 - Intro/Disclaimer/Agenda 2:12 - What is Long Term Care? 3:20 - What Qualifies as Long Term Care? 5:48 - Long Term Care Realities 9:10 - RIA's Financial Guardrails for LTC 14:14 - Types of Long Term Care 17:54 - What Your Long Term Care will look like 19:24 - The Expense of Long Term Care 22:15 - Payment Option Misperceptions 24:54 - Why Medicare May Not Be a Realistic Solution 26:23 - What If You Don't Plan for LTC? 27:54 - LTC is Likely to be Informal/Unpaid 29:00 - LTC Cost Planning 33:10 - How to Get Started 36:32 - LTC Cost Assessment 37:49 - Comparing Indemnity & Reimbursement Plans 41:55 - How we can assist Q&A: How old is too old for acquiring LTC? How does a Hybrid Plan for LTC work? What About Pre-existing Conditions? Is it wise to self-insure? Can you use a HSA for LTC premiums? Can you incorporate SEP IRA and ROTH IRA into life insurance plan? What insurance policy is right for you? Hosted by RIA Advisors' Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP. ------- Register for our next Lunch & Learn: "What's New with Social Security?" https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1116747818184/WN_1UI2lJqsSSS3N5r8lmWovg ------- Get more info & commentary: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/newsletter/ -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: http://www.youtube.com/c/TheRealInvestmentShow -------- Visit our Site: www.realinvestmentadvice.com Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: https://www.simplevisor.com/register-new -------- Connect with us on social: https://twitter.com/RealInvAdvice https://twitter.com/LanceRoberts https://www.facebook.com/RealInvestmentAdvice/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/realinvestmentadvice/ #InvestingAdvice #Markets #LongTermCare #SocialSecurity #Medicare #Money #Investing |
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