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Adverse Effects in the Higher Minimum Wage Debate [5/4/21]

There is a very real economic result from raising the minimum wage. A comparison of California's minimum wage to that of Kentucky demonstrates how prices rise to meet higher wages. So increasing the minimum wage actually hurts those living at that economic level, because it drives inflation and increases prices.

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO


Articles Mentioned in this show:

➢ Technically Speaking: Doug Kass’ 50-Laws Of Investing

➢ The Adverse Consequences Of A $15/Hour Wage Hike


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  1. Phx King

    Increasing the federal minimum wage, has nothing to do with Senior, Teenagers, Business Owners or iNFLATiON or EDUCATION, SKILLS, COLLEGE DEGREES or Debating why not $20 or $25 or $30…

    We The People demand that the TRiLLiONS of Dollars of Corporate Welfare be redirect to MOM and DAD business owner be Welfare Subsidized to pay the employee a livable wage (Problem Fixed). Mom and Pops businesses needs the help. Not Walmart or Amazon.

    Our fail nation in the United Corporation of America has used their legislative powers to keep wages stagnant for over 30 years. So We The People are DEMANDiNG an update and CORRECTiON on this BS. Because we all already know if our corrupt politician on both sides did not take bribes from the top 15% AKA our overlords to KEEP WAGES LOW.

    Because We The People would have already be earning $25 an hour if wages kept up with real inflation trend, or $45 an hour if wages kept up with up WallStreet raise trend in America. So you are MiSSiNG the BiGGER PiCTURE, our corrupt politician on both side being such BUTTiNSKY on behalf of their overlords kept the wages low on purpose on behest of their (SUGAR DADDiES)!!.

    The same way that our government used their legislative power to pass legislation to SCREW The American people by GiViNG Corporate Welfare to Walmart, Amazon, and spend TRiLLiONS of dollar on ENDLESS WAR.

    They can redirect that $$$$$$$$$$$ to MOM and DAD business owner to pay the employee a livable wage (Problem Fixed). Mom and Pops businesses needs the help. Not Walmart or Amazon.

    What We The People should be demanding is that we should have a maximum wage limit of ONLY ONE MiLLiON a Month. If you can’t survive on a MiLLiON a Month, then you should seek mental health care, or a budget counselor.
    $15 minimum wage NOW!

    1. Brent Clanton

      …and you completely missed/ignored the core point of Lance's argument: The minimum wage is Zero. Employees are paid according to the VALUE they bring to the employer. The minimum wage is NOT, and never was intended to be a living wage. In order to improve your earnings, bring more value to the equation as a worker.

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