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6-13-24 Federal Reserve and BLS Labor Data Discrepancies Explored

June is half-over, and the stock buy back blackout begins today, removing that source of activity from the market. Economic data points continue to weaken, but Fed Chairman Jerome Powell wants to see "more good data." There is an alternative universe of debt; the Fed wants weaker economy so they can lower rates. The S&P 500 sets another new, all-time high; Apple, Miscrosoft, & Nvidia are driving the market. There is an ever-widening performance gap between the S&P 500 and everyone else. Mrs. Roberts' Roomba and an FOMC Meeting recap; the economy is "normalizing." Jerome Powell's humility; interest rates are restrictive; the problem with being data-dependent. Elon Musk's pay package; markets are still being driven by fewer and fewer stocks; buy backs' influence on market performance; was Apply buying back shares to bolster reaction from Apple Intelligence rollout? What happens when correction comes; what will trigger. Chocolate chip cookies & Cinnabons; the Bond market is picking up as consumer spending slows. there's plenty of room for downside in bonds; Gold's response to real rates. Speculation is driving gold. Private Credit opportunities and trends. Buy now pay later companies' credentials are very opaque; are you being rewarded for the risk you're taking on?

3:15 - Lopsided Market Response to FOMC Meeting/Inflation
14:47 - Mrs. Roberts' Roomba
16:09 - FOMC - The Economy is Normalizing
30:23 - Elon Musk's Pay Package
31:11 - Markets' Driven by Fewer Stocks - What Happens When Correction Comes?
44:30 - Chocolate Chips & Cinnabon
45:30 - CPI & Employment Data is Belying Deeper Problem

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager Michael Lebowitz, CFA
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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