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2-8-25 Everything You Wanted to Know About Retirement Income

Want to create retirement paycheck? Richard Rosso & Danny Ratliff serve up their first Candid Coffee episode for 2025 with tips, tidbits, and Danny's new theme park adventure site, "Rattland."
They'll also cover Retirement income strategies, how to generate income in retirement, and the best retirement investment options; plus Passive income for retirees and Retirement planning tips 2025.
And they answer a LOT of questions.

1:05 - How to create a retirement paycheck (Wilson on Tool Time revealed), and the problem of listening to bad advice.
What to do with an annuity? Annuities are sold, not planned for.
Understanding what income you need
The Retirement Smile
Revisit your plan annually
Thoughts on Mortgage/no Mortgage?
Cashflow is the life-blood of retirement.
The FED is not going to be lowering rates anytime soon.
Income nirvana
Dividend Stocks: WalMart has the best (but you have to monitor those companies, because the dividend can go away.)
Accumulation vs decumulation, accumulator-lite.
Disneyland vs Rattland
Moving from high-tax to lower-tax states
When is best time for spouse to take SS?
Older men getting married to younger women...and having more children.
(Can you take SS at 24?)
Work until 70 to maximize wife's spousal benefit.
Should you always take a survivor benefit in a pension?
Why the 4% Rule is bunk. The goal has to be dynamic.
Thoughts on Multi-year Annuities: Are they safe?
Can you convert your RMD?
Is there an income limit to converting to Roth?
Converting 401k rollover to Roth?
What about backdoor contributions?
Is there a target for pre-tax vs after tax money?
What about Bonds?
Should you take profits from stocks and put into Bonds?
There's not much spread between stocks and're not being paid enough to take risk in corporate bonds vs Treasuries.
Anticipated impact of Tariffs and Bond moderation recommendations
Do you need earned income to contribute to a HSA?
Closing Comments
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#retirementincome #FinancialPlanning #WealthManagement #PassiveIncome #InvestingForRetirement #Markets #Money #Investment_Advice
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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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