Blog Archive

India Expected to Cut Gold Import Duties

Bloomberg TV India. Indian government expected to lower gold import by 2 % early July 2014.

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India Expected to Cut Gold Import Duties

Bloomberg TV India. Indian government expected to lower gold import by 2 % early July 2014.

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Marc Chandler from Brown Brothers Harriman commenting on RMB with Jackie Pang

Mr. Chandler believes, RMB’s exchange rate does not impact Chinese trade too much, neither to Chinese economic growth.But it does impact…..

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Claudio Grass UP in Switzerland, Swiss Gold Refiners and More

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Claudio Grass – All the Governments Are Trying to Get Away From Cash…

I sat down with Claudio Grass, Managing Director of -out of Switzerland, on June 18. Our conversation began with a lively discussion of the local politics in Switzerland, the new UP Independent Party. The UP Party is a Libertarian movement that believes the Swiss Franc should be backed by 20% gold. This is …

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[148] Marc Chandler looks at ECB policy & Catherine Austin Fitts on tech & future econ

The US Department of Commerce released its final estimate for gross domestic product in the United States for the first quarter of this year. And while analysts had expected downward revisions, this latest revision was a shock– it was the largest downward revision in the history of GDP reporting. The economy contracted at a 2.9% …

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KarolSmiiah – Thilo Sarrazins Ängste (Free-Beat) (Deutschrap Beat)

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Charles Hugh Smith–Era Of The Lawless Presidency 20.Jun.14

Charles Hugh Smith has written recently about the two Most Destructive Presidencies in U.S. History: George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama. Powers once granted are almost impossible to take back. After 13.5 years, there is more than enough evidence for reasonable people to conclude that the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack H. …

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Interview with Professor Peter Bofinger

Professor Peter Bofinger talked on ELIAMEP WEB TV on the European debt crisis, the policy of the European Central Bank, German priorities, the sustainability of the Greek debt and the lively debate about the way economics are tought worldwide.

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Marc Faber on Gold and Media effects on gold

Marc Faber with his usual humour and outlook on Gold. CNBC interview with Jackie Deangeles. More daily news available at

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Fed is making rich richer and more income inequality – Marc Faber

Marc Faber is a world known stock market investor and author of the Gloom Boom Doom report. He is bullish on Gold. For more daily news visit Marc Faber Blog at

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Keith Weiner on Gold Manipulation, Naked Short Selling, and China’s Gold Imports

Cris Sheridan, Senior Editor of Financial Sense, welcomes Keith Weiner PhD, president of Gold Standard Institute USA, and CEO of Monetary Metals. In looking at the futures market, Keith explains there is no evidence for gold manipulation through naked short selling. In looking at the supply and demand dynamics in the futures market, Keith provides the likely outlook for gold and silver prices this year.

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Keith Weiner on Gold Manipulation, Naked Short Selling, and China’s Gold Imports

Cris Sheridan, Senior Editor of Financial Sense, welcomes Keith Weiner PhD, president of Gold Standard Institute USA, and CEO of Monetary Metals. In looking at the futures market, Keith explains there is no evidence for gold manipulation through naked short selling. In looking at the supply and demand dynamics in the futures market, Keith provides …

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Keith Weiner Capital Account Interview

check us out on Facebook Follow us @ Welcome to Capit. Keith Weiner discusses Gold and Silver Manipulation with Lauren Lyster on Capital Account. Chris Martenson says, The risks are. Lauren Lyster interviews Keith Weiner on the Capital Account – Gold and Silver Manipulation. Keith Weiner discusses Gold and Silver Manipulation with Lauren Lyster on …

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Zero 2014-06-10

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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Zero 2014-06-10

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures – more details at

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Zero 2014-06-09

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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Zero 2014-06-09

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures – more details at

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Marc Faber: Completely Unacceptable to Have American Military Presence in Asia |Squawkonomics|

Follow us on Twitter @squawkonomics Marc Faber on the US for its Pivot to Asia in the South China Sea, and talks about declining US economic hegemony in the world. With Keith Hilden from the Squawkonomics team.

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Marc Faber: Unbanked Developing World Not Ready for Bitcoin | Squawkonomics

Follow us on Twitter @ squawkonomics Marc Faber in the latest Squawkonomics interview talks about Bitcoin IPOs in Developing Countries, and Developing Countries Usage of Bitcoin. Marc also talks about Buying Houses with Gold in Vietnam. Keith Hilden of the Squawkonomics team also talks about his on the ground experience during the Vietnam bank runs …

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