Blog Archive

In Business- Rajan Right In Warning Of A Crisis: Marc Faber

Emerging markets are closely watching the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing program as it reaches its final leg. Earlier in response to a Bloomberg TV India query, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan had warned that the probable rise in developed markets’ interest rates may create some jitters across the Indian markets. Harsha Subramaniam discusses the same with …

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BlogHer ’14 10×10 – Doug French

Doug French took part in the first Voices of the Year Community Keynote at BlogHer ’08. He shares the experience and how blogging has changed his life, in his 10×10 keynote at BlogHer ’14. BlogHer is the premier cross-platform media network created by, for and with women social media leaders. Reaching 100 million women monthly, …

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Interview: Dr Heiner Flassbeck on the economic need of a wage rise

We speak with Dr Heiner Flassbeck, the former Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies at UNCTAD in Geneva, and, former deputy finance minister of Germany. A prominent economist, Flassbeck has been at the forefront of critiquing myths about the financial crisis, and is an unparalleled expert in the particular challenges of the …

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Gold-Experte Speck: "Im Goldpreis wird manipuliert"

Rohstoff-Experte Markus Bußler vom Anlegermagazin DER AKTIONÄR spricht in seiner Sendung Gold Spezial mit Dimitri Speck. Er war einer der Ersten, der in seinem Buch "Geheime Goldpolitik" Manipulationen am Goldmarkt öffentlich gemacht hat.

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Swiss Kid Explains Ukrainian Gold Transport By US

17 year old Michael explains how the US transported 42 tonnes of sovereign gold from the Ukraine to US soil in the turmoil that erupted after president Yanukovich resigned.

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Swiss Kid Explains Ukrainian Gold Transport By US

17 year old Michael explains how the US transported 42 tonnes of sovereign gold from the Ukraine to US soil in the turmoil that erupted after president Yanukovich resigned.

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Segment of Koos Jansen interview by Lars Schall.

Segment of an interview conducted in March 2013.

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Segment of Koos Jansen interview by Lars Schall.

Segment of an interview conducted in March 2013.

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Marc Faber: I Expect a Big Stock Selloff in the Fall

Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) — “Gloom, Boom and Doom Report” Editor and Publisher Marc Faber discusses his forecast for U.S. stocks with Trish Regan on “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg) — Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: On Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart,” hosts Trish Regan and Adam Johnson bring you the most important market news and analysis …

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Doug French: Is Las Vegas the Freest Place on Earth?

Direct from FreedomFest 2014, Kyle Platt catches up with Doug French, director of Mises Institute Canada. They discuss the annual setting of FreedomFest, Las Vegas, as the illusion of freedom it creates for tourists. Is Las Vegas really free? Find out. Bonus: Doug answers the question, if you could design a casino game after any …

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3sat Kulturzeit: Thilo Sarrazins 14 Axiome (24.02.2014)

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Capitalism Will Hit the Wall Again, Hard – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (5/5)

Mr. Flassbeck says people must get politically engaged and find an alternative or we will face dictatorship, because today’s capitalism is out of answers

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The Necessity for Higher Wages – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (4/5)

Mr. Flassbeck, former head of UNCTAD, says we’re going into the Japanese scenario, a stagnation with a kind of deflation, because we have no purchasing power in the hands of the mass of the consumers

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The US Dollar and the Search for a “Reasonable” Capitalist – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (3/5)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Flassbeck says the stock market bubble can burst at any moment because everybody knows there is no real growth behind it; then we are really in trouble as the whole effect of stabilization will disappear in one moment

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Racing to a Dead End – Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself (2/5)

Mr. Flassbeck, former head of UNCTAD, says current economic policy is heading back to the 1930s, a race to the bottom, they have no solution at all, we will end up again in trade wars or other wars

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Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest – Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (1/5)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Flassbeck, former director of UNCTAD, discusses growing up in a US dominated Germany and his opposition to the birth of neoliberal economics

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Contrasting Views of the Great Depression | Robert P. Murphy

Archived from the live broadcast, this Mises University lecture was presented at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 23 July 2014.

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Interview David Stockman and Mike Shedlock

Mike Shedlock and David Stockman suggest that the current bubble created by the Fed is nearing its physical limits and trouble is ahead and also talks about the current interest rates and if they are part of the “new normal”.

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Marc Faber: Stock Markets Go Up Amidst Doom Because Central Bankers Don’t Give A S**t!

Air Date: July 22nd, 2014 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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Keiser Report: Goldfish Cryptocurrency (E630)

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert remember George W. Bush in 2008 saying Wall Street got drunk, needs to sober up and stop playing with fancy financial instruments as today those 'fancy financial instruments' go downmarket with subprime loans on used automobiles. In the second half, Max interviews Jan Skoyles, CEO of the Real Asset Company, about bitcoin, silver and gold and the new service of offering gold on the...

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