Blog Archive

Marc Faber Discusses Intel Shares, Dollar Outlook: Video

Oct. 14 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg Television about his investment strategy for Intel Corp. and the outlook for the dollar. (This report is an excerpt. Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Discusses Outlook for Dollar Going to Zero: Video

Oct. 26 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report, talks about the outlook for the U.S. dollar going to a “value of zero” and the country’s fiscal situation. Faber says the dollar will become worthless when people eventually realize the fiscal situation in the U.S. is a “disaster.” (Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Says Keep the U.S. Dollar’s Fall in Perspective: Video

Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg’s Carol Massar about the outlook for the U.S. dollar, historical market comparisons and government currency policy. (Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Discusses U.S. Asset Prices, Stock Market: Video

Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, comments on U.S. asset prices and outlook for the stock market. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Still Sees Some Opportunities in Stocks: Video

Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg’s Margaret Brennan about the outlook for the gold and equity markets and his investment strategy in Asia. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Says Dubai Debt May Make Banks More Cautious: Video

Nov. 30 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg’s Lori Rothman and Mark Crumpton about Dubai World’s debt crisis. Dubais government said Nov. 25 that Dubai World, the state-controlled holding company, would seek a standstill agreement with creditors and an extension of loan maturities …

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Marc Faber Discusses Risk of Another Financial Crisis: Video

Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg Television about the outlook for another credit crisis. (This report is an excerpt. Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Discusses 2010 Outlook for U.S. Stock Market: Video

Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg’s Carol Massar about the outlook for the stock market. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Sees Need to Establish European Bond Market: Video

Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, New York-based global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg’s Deirdre Bolton and Scarlet Fu about the need for European governments to establish an interconnected bond market. Chandler also discusses the lack of details in the recovery plan for Greece. (Source: Bloomberg)

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Brown Brothers’ Chandler Says Euro May Fall to $1.18: Video

May 5 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York, talks with Bloomberg’s Susan Li about Greece’s debt crisis and its implications for other European economies and the euro. (Source: Bloomberg)

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Thomas Mayer Discusses European Monetary, Fiscal Policy: Video

May 12 (Bloomberg) — Thomas Mayer, chief economist at Deutsche Bank AG, talks with Bloomberg’s Deirdre Bolton about Europe’s bailout of indebted nations to overcome the sovereign-debt crisis, monetary policy of the European Central Bank and the outlook for the euro. (This report is a excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

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Brown Brothers’ Chandler Says Euro May Weaken to $1.18

Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, chief currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg’s Lucy Meakin about the outlook for the euro. They spoke in London on Jan. 12. (Excerpts. Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Says Euro May Rise to $1.47 on ECB Rate Bets

March 24 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., and Gerard Lyons, chief economist at Standard Chartered Bank, discuss the European debt crisis and the outlook for the euro. They speak with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance Midday.” (Source: Bloomberg)

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Bofinger Says EU Lacks Political Will for Greek Solution

June 1 (Bloomberg) — Peter Bofinger, an economic adviser to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, talks about the prospect of a Greek debt restructuring. He speaks from Munich with Francine Lacqua on Bloomberg Television’s “On The Move.”

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The Firm and Strategic Factor Markets | Per Bylund

Lecture presented by Per Bylund at the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s annual Austrian Scholars Conference (Session on New Developments from the “Missouri School”); Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama; 10-12 March 2011. Playlist for complete 2011 Austrian Scholars Conference: Links to selected online resources on Austrian Economics: Human Action: A Treatise on...

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Otmar Issing Quotes

What was your favorite Otmar Issing quote? ‘Like’ and leave a comment below, then jump over to and make a list of your favorites, so you’ll never forget! We update our Twitter and Facebook with new quotes every few minutes, don’t miss out! | If you enjoyed these quotes, please LIKE, SHARE …

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Weimarer Reden 2012: Otmar Issing

Weimar, 11.03.12: Quo vadis Europa? fragen die Weimarer Reden 2012. Quo vadis Euro? Von Otmar Issing, Finanzökonom, Ex-Banker bei Bundesbank und Europäischer Zentralbank erhofften sich viele am Sonntag gerade darauf eine Antwort.

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Frank Schäffler: Rede im Bundestag zur 2. Griechenland-Hilfe am 27. Februar 2012

Frank Schäffler spricht vor dem Deutschen Bundestag zur zweiten Griechenland-Hilfe.

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Heiner Flassbeck: “Das Problem sind nicht die Staatsschulden” (2011.12) Tipp: NachDenkSeiten

Der Chefvolkswirt der UN-Konferenz für Handel und Entwicklung (UNCTAD), Heiner Flassbeck, sieht im Auseinanderdriften der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit das Hauptproblem bei der Finanzkrise in Europa. Der Rettungsversuch der Zentralbanken sei eine “absolute Notmaßnahme“. Deutschlandradio Kultur, InterviewDirekter Link zur Audiodatei Dieser kostenlose Download ist eine Audio-Datei aus der Serie des Podcast-Angebotes – Ortszeit. Quelle:...

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Heiner Flassbeck – Was tun mit Griechenland? (16.02.12)

Heiner Flassbeck (Chef-Ökonom der Welthandels- und Entwicklungskonferenz der UN [UNCTAD]) im „Morgenecho” (WDR 5, 16.02.2012) über die Situation bezügl. Griechenland. Quelle:

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