Blog Archive

Technical Analysis: GBPUSD gaps lower after Scotland Poll

The GBPUSD has gapped lower after a poll about Scotland referendum turned in favor of forming a separate country.

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Technical Analysis: EURUSD preview for the week starting September 8th, 2014

The EURUSD is starting the trading week near levels from Friday after the sharp move lower post the ECB decision. What are the key levels to watch in the September 8th week? Watch and learn.

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ECB September Interest Rate Decision Preview

The September ECB interest rate decision will dictate the technical trading action in the EURUSD. Click on the video for the technical analysis levels that the market will be watching.

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Technical Analysis: USDCAD positions itself for the September 5, 2014 Employment Reports

Both the US and Canadian employment reports will be released at 8;30 AM on September 5, 2014. The technical analysis is giving traders key levels to lean against for low risk entries and exits.

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Marc Faber: Don’t Blame Rich For Asset Price Inflation

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed money manager, newsletter writer, investor, world traveler, author and Sprott Board Member, Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom Boom Doom Report from his home in Thailand. We apologize in advance for the call quality and how it was not always great. During this 30 minute …

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Raw Uncut Footage of Marc Faber Home Interview | Squawkonomics | |

Raw uncut footage of a Squawkonomics Home Interview with investment legend Dr. Marc Faber. Dr. Faber discussed with Keith Hilden of Squawkonomics about Bitcoin vs. gold, the Vietnamese investment environment, the South China Sea, Ukraine vs. Russia investment, the question of whether Africa will emerge, and the People’s Bailout, bailing out Main Street rather than …

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39: Marc Faber: Only Asset Class That is Relatively and Absolutely Depressed is Gold & Silver Shares

This week we are kicking off the relaunch of Palisade Radio to mark our one year anniversary and over 100,000 views to date. We have put together an all star line up of industry experts that include Jim Rogers, Doug Casey, Eric Sprott, Rick Rule, Frank Holmes, James Turk, and today on the show with …

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ForexLive Ice Bucket challenge

Adam Button from ForexLive does the ice bucket challenge

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Wem gehört die Welt? Machtkampf um Ressourcen | Heiner Flassbeck | SWR Tele-Akademie – Heiner Flassbeck analysiert den globalen Kampf um wirtschaftliche Macht, um Ressourcen, Wissen und Technologie, und er beschreibt die Rolle der Finanzmärkte bei diesen Auseinanderstzungen.

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Robert P. Murphy – ‘Insider Trading Actually Helps People, It Should Be Legal’

John Stossel Show.

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[180] Scott Sumner on monetary offset and Marc Chandler on trading currencies

If you’ve been following the events in Ferguson, Missouri over the past week, then you’ve seen an egregious display of an over-militarized police force. But with unarmed protestors going up against assault rifle-wielding law enforcement, many are questioning and criticizing the tactics of local law enforcement considering police departments across the US have been amassing …

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Standort Berlin mit Dr. Marcel Fratzscher. Teil- 2

1925 wurde das „Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung“ (DIW) gegründet und gibt seither fundierte Analysen über die Zustand der deutschen Wirtschaft heraus. Peter Brinkmann spricht mit dem gegenwärtigen Präsidenten des DIW, Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher.

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Standort Berlin mit Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher. Teil – 1

1925 wurde das „Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung“ (DIW) gegründet und gibt seither fundierte Analysen über die Zustand der deutschen Wirtschaft heraus. Peter Brinkmann spricht mit dem gegenwärtigen Präsidenten des DIW, Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher.

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In Business- Rajan Right In Warning Of A Crisis: Marc Faber

Emerging markets are closely watching the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing program as it reaches its final leg. Earlier in response to a Bloomberg TV India query, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan had warned that the probable rise in developed markets’ interest rates may create some jitters across the Indian markets. Harsha Subramaniam discusses the same with …

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BlogHer ’14 10×10 – Doug French

Doug French took part in the first Voices of the Year Community Keynote at BlogHer ’08. He shares the experience and how blogging has changed his life, in his 10×10 keynote at BlogHer ’14. BlogHer is the premier cross-platform media network created by, for and with women social media leaders. Reaching 100 million women monthly, …

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Interview: Dr Heiner Flassbeck on the economic need of a wage rise

We speak with Dr Heiner Flassbeck, the former Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies at UNCTAD in Geneva, and, former deputy finance minister of Germany. A prominent economist, Flassbeck has been at the forefront of critiquing myths about the financial crisis, and is an unparalleled expert in the particular challenges of the …

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Gold-Experte Speck: "Im Goldpreis wird manipuliert"

Rohstoff-Experte Markus Bußler vom Anlegermagazin DER AKTIONÄR spricht in seiner Sendung Gold Spezial mit Dimitri Speck. Er war einer der Ersten, der in seinem Buch "Geheime Goldpolitik" Manipulationen am Goldmarkt öffentlich gemacht hat.

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Swiss Kid Explains Ukrainian Gold Transport By US

17 year old Michael explains how the US transported 42 tonnes of sovereign gold from the Ukraine to US soil in the turmoil that erupted after president Yanukovich resigned.

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Swiss Kid Explains Ukrainian Gold Transport By US

17 year old Michael explains how the US transported 42 tonnes of sovereign gold from the Ukraine to US soil in the turmoil that erupted after president Yanukovich resigned.

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Segment of Koos Jansen interview by Lars Schall.

Segment of an interview conducted in March 2013.

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