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ForexLive Education: How to adjust to market sentiment shifts

Market sentiment shifts can be a difficult thing to put a finger on. However if a trader can try and anticipate the shifts, it can be very valuable to their trading. In this video, Greg Michalowski, Director of client education and technical analysis at, explores how forex traders can adjust their trading to market …

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05-03-15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Learning To Innovate – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK

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Im Dialog: Alfred Schier mit Marcel Fratzscher am 02.05.2015

Für Marcel Fratzscher, Präsident des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), ist Griechenland “eigentlich schon seit fünf Jahren pleite”. Er warnt, dass das Land “nach wie vor über seine Verhältnisse” lebe.

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Rede von Prof. Marcel Fratzscher Ph.D., Vorsitzender der Expertenkommission

Bundesminister Sigmar Gabriel eröffnete am 21.4.2015 den Investitionskongress. An der Konferenz nahmen hochrangige Gäste aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft teil. Die von Gabriel im Sommer 2014 einberufene Expertenkommission “Stärkung von Investitionen in Deutschland” stellte auf der Veranstaltung ihre Handlungsempfehlungen vor. Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter...

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Börsen-Talk vom 30. April 2015

Marc Faber über den Verlauf der Börsen.

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Forex education: GBPUSD got it’s push from what it could not do

The GBPUSD price action was more about what it could not do. Today GDP came out weaker than expectations at 0.3% vs 0.5% and the price moved lower. However, when the price could not extend below key support, traders shifted their bias back to the upside and ripped higher. Sometimes the market moves because what …

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Osama Bin Laden, Daniel Fjellström | Radio Mises #050

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Radio Mises gästas återigen av Daniel Fjellström och ett rekordlångt avsnitt uppstår. Vi får lära oss om personen Osama Bin Laden, hans historia, drivkrafter, krigsförklaring, fredsinbjudan. Islamismens historia och hot mot Sverige. Realpolitiska visdomsord som ”Om man verkligen ska kriga måste man döda fienden.” FACEBOOK: TWITTER:...

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Jayant Bhandari Part 1: China, Student Loans, War, Liberty, And the Democracy that Failed.

In this part one of three discussions I have with Jayant Bhandari, free market thinker and renowned iconoclast, we discuss China, India, today’s youth in the developing worlds, the failed wars, anti-government philosophy, and the democracy that has failed. Part two will be about economics, Austrian economics, mining equities and value investing. Jayant Bhandari has …

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Dirk Müller – Tagesausblick 24.04.2015 – TTIP – Ende der Demokratie & Beginn der Konzernherrschaft

Weitere Themen: – EU denkt über Handlungsbedarf beim Datenschutz nach – Marktmanipulationen der Deutschen Bank: “Too Big to jail” – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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CK on Tour in Griechenland 2013 – Schauplatz einer modernen griechischen Tragödie?

Der Beitrag wurde bereits Anfang 2013 gedreht und veröffentlicht. Da das Thema nicht an Aktualität verloren hat, möchten wir Ihnen den Bericht natürlich auch auf diesem Kanal nicht vorenthalten: Anfang des Jahres waren wir mit einem eigenen Cashkurs-TV-Team in Athen um einerseits notwendige Recherchen für mein neues Buch zu machen und uns ein eigenes Bild …

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Börsen-Talk vom 24. April 2015

cash-Guru Alfred Herbert über die Entwicklung der Märkte.

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AZ Rep. Mark Finchem & CEO Keith Weiner Give Testimony in Texas Senate

Constitutionally Legal Tender is a growing demand put forward by Representatives in a growing number of states. The latest is Texas, and here is the truth about the effort.

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AZ Rep. Mark Finchem & CEO Keith Weiner Give Testimony in Texas Senate

Constitutionally Legal Tender is a growing demand put forward by Representatives in a growing number of states. The latest is Texas, and here is the truth about the effort.

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Forex Technical Analysis: A look all around the AUDUSD

The AUDUSD has been supported by better data over the last month with employment and CPI showing stronger values. Yet the expectation are still for a cut in rates at the May 5th Reserve Bank of Australia meeting. The following video outlines the fundamental and technical picture for the AUDUSD currency pair. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR …

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Sophia Wurm, Technische Analystin der Commerzbank

Sophia Wurm über den starken Franken und die Entwicklungen am Aktienmarkt.

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U.S. Becoming Laughing Stock of the World – Jayant Bhandari Interview

Protect Yourself with Hard Assets, learn more about dramatically increasing your exposure to real things at

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Forex Education: To live like a king, trade like a rat

Rats may be disgusting rodents, but they are masters a learning habits. Traders need to create good trading habits by trading near levels that they can see, where risk can be defined and limited. Yet many choose not to create good habits. In this video. Greg Michalowski, Director of Technical Analysis and Client education, explores …

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Forex technical analysis: EURUSD today? Like kissing you sister

The EURUSD ended where it began in trading today – little changed on the day. Little excitement from that respect. Like kissing your sister. However, intraday there was a move lower that tested MA and Fibonacci support, and a move higher that tested resistance against a different Fibonacci resistance level. Moving back to where we …

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Andreas Brun, Bankenspezialist ZKB

Analyst Andreas Brun zum Ergebnis der Credit Suisse.

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