Blog Archive

About Investec Rhino Lifeline

In 2012 Investec established Investec Rhino Lifeline to respond to the rhino poaching crisis. The main aim is to raise awareness through youth education in South Africa and Vietnam. Our approach is Out of the Ordinary as it targets both the supply and demand side of rhino poaching. By working closely with our partners, Coaching … Continue...

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Thomas Jäger, Analyst St. Galler Kantonalbank

Aktienspezialist Thomas Jäger zum UBS-Ergebnis.

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Investing with Jayant Bhandari

Join veteran investors Albert Lu and Jayant Bhandari as they talk in the run-up to the Sprott Natural Resource Symposium in Vancouver.  Jayant is the author of a new guide on called <em>High Risk, High Reward: Disciplined Junior Mining Investing</em>. In it, he shares some key advice for how to keep your head (and …

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Excerpt from a Lecture of Heiner Flassbeck in Athens (22/11/14)

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Börsen-Talk vom 24. Juli 2015

Martin Neff von Raiffeisen über die Entwicklung der Aktienmärkte.

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Zero 2015-07-23

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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Zero 2015-07-23

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures – more details at

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Jayant Bhandari: “India…Still A Gold Bull OR Not?”

Jayant gives us an update on the demand for gold in India given the slowing economic growth worldwide, and we also discuss India gold smuggling remaining rampant despite the relaxation of gold import rules, and finally we discuss why certain Indian leadership figures don’t agree with the positive India growth numbers. Based in Singapore, Jayant …

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The London premiere of John Meyer’s Lost in the Dust

Investec and Bonhams welcomed the great and the good of the finance and art world to Bonhams London gallery yesterday evening for an exclusive view of ‘Lost in the Dust’ a collection of narrative works by South Africa’s leading realist painter John Meyer. The highlight of the evening was an auction for a painting donated …

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Investec International Rugby Academy | The Business of Rugby

The Investec International Rugby Academy South Africa, headed by Dick Muir, has harnessed the formula, credibility and success of the International Rugby Academy New Zealand to capitalise on the untapped demand for high-performance rugby tuition in South Africa. In this video the Investec International Rugby Academy coaches and leaders speak to the world class programme …

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90 Jahre DIW Berlin: Festansprache Prof. Marcel Fratzscher

Ansprache Prof. Marcel Fratzscher Festveranstaltung 90 Jahre DIW Berlin „Auf dem Weg nach Europa – 25 Jahre deutsche Währungsunion“ Das DIW Berlin feierte am 1. Juli 2015 Jubiläum: 1925 als Institut für Konjunkturfoschung geründet, kann das DIW Berlin mittlerweile auf sein 90jähriges Bestehen zurückblicken. Seither hat das Institut viele historische Ereignisse wissenschaftlich begleitet, etwa das …

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Investec Rhino Lifeline | Tanya dos Santos on the Youth and Rhino Awareness

Tanya dos Santos from Investec Rhino Lifeline speaks about the twenty two school young learners from Vietnam who visited South Africa with the objective of learning about the protection and importance of rhinos so that they could raise awareness back in their native Vietnam, where over 90% of the world’s rhino horn is consumed. The …

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An interview with Kasete: Building the theatre | Investec Opera Holland Park

In the final instalment of our exclusive interviews, we speak with Kasete Skeen, the Operations Manager at Investec Opera Holland Park, the man charged with the task of building the theatre. For more information about Investec Opera Holland Park, please visit here: In this behind the scenes interview Kasete takes us back to the …

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Stefan Garlicki | Investec Sponsored SA National Downhill Mountain Bike Champion 2015

In this video Stefan shares with us his personal view on preparation, sacrifice, team-work and maintaining the winning spirit. “For anything you’re going to do in your life, preparation is 95% of the the end result”, he says. Stefan also says you get out what you put in, but there’s always a chance that something …

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Marc Faber: Markets will not make new highs

Marc Faber talks on CNBC stating his views that the markets even though they have rebounded will not make new highs. He also believes that Greece is a sideshow and not the real crisis to rock the world markets. More Marc Faber news at

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CK*Interview: Peter Boehringer – Der Kampf um das deutsche Staatsgold – Holt unser Gold heim

Vor kurzem traf Cashkurs*Autor Helmut Reinhardt Peter Boehringer bei einer Veranstaltung des IFAAM-Instituts in Hamburg. Im Interview geht es um die Heimholung des deutschen Goldes aus dem Ausland, die Geschichte der Bürgerinitiative „Holt unser Gold heim“, die Rolle der Bank für internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (BIZ) und weitere interessante Themen. Peter Boehringer gründete 2003 die PBVV Vermögensberatung …

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Simon Hughes Ashes Report – Second Test Review

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Ross Clark – Anxiety in the Markets? Bill Bonner – Violence, Politics and Finance. July 18, 2015

Ross Clark – Anxiety in the Markets? email: [email protected] Bill Bonner – Violence, Politics and Finance – his latest book “Hormegeddon” Guest’s website: Produced by

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Simon Hughes Ashes Report – Second Test Day 3

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Hur friheten offras på trygghetens altare | Radio Mises #057

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Staten motiverar sig själv med att den bringar trygghet i en osäker värld. Den tryggar inte bara våra pengar, utan även vår barndom, vårt arbetsliv och vår ålderdom. Vi tar avstamp ur psykiatrikern David Eberhards bok ”I trygghetsnarkomanernas land – Sverige och det nationella paniksyndromet” för att undersöka vad …

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