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Bruno Richle, VR-Präsident und CEO von Crealogix

Das Softwareunternehmen Crealogix streicht nach hohem Verlust die Dividenden. Im Video-Interview zeigt sich Bruno Richle, VR-Präsident und CEO in Personalunion, für die Zukunft trotzdem zuversichtlich.

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Sept 29 Forexlive morning meeting

This is a test morning meeting we ran in Google Hangouts. if this is a feature you’d like to see from us then leave a comment or like the video.

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Martin moraeus (Bonde på riktigt), GMO, patenterade grödor | Radio Mises #062

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Rikets mest praxeologiske bonde besöker återigen RM-studion. Behöver jordbruket ingå i Värdegrunden eller ska konsumenter tillåtas att med sina val diktera vad bönder ska producera? Genetiskt modifierade grödor, ska det tillåtas, är det farligt? Någon tycks argumentera för att Monsanto bör få statens hjälp att skydda sin vinst och …

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Thomas Jordan – SNB-Präsident – Starker Franken und die Geldpolitik der SNB

Prof. Dr. Thomas Jordan die Fäden unserer Geldpolitik fest in seiner Hand. Die Aufhebung des Mindestkurses zum Euro hat er als unumgänglich bezeichnet. Dass sich damit gewisse Engpässe für die Schweizer Wirtschaft – zumindest vorübergehend – ergeben haben, bestreitet er nicht, hält diesen Umstand aber in Anbetracht «der Kosten zur Verteidigung der Untergrenze, die in …

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Real reason China building islands in South China Sea – clip from ‘China on the Edge’

This is a clip from John Mauldin’s groundbreaking “China On The Edge” documentary, available to view FREE here:

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Bill Bonner: Empire of Debt

Bill Bonner, founder of Agora Financial, joins the show to discuss the hysteria preceding Janet Yellen’s announcement last week that the Fed would not raise interest rates. We also consider various ugly endgames for the US dollar, and whether federal debt will all come crashing down with a bang or a whimper.

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The Power of Brands

Successful brands can generate consistent and superior shareholder returns, explains Mayssa Al Midani, Financial Analyst at Pictet Wealth Management.

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Oliver Roth – Tagesausblick 23.09.2015 – “Dieselgate”: VW-Aktie verliert 40% und bewegt den Markt – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Börsen-Talk vom 23. September 2015

Börsenexperte Marc Faber über Zinsen und Börsentrends.

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Ryan Littlestone from ForexLive on TipTV

Ryan Littlestone from ForexLive talks about the forex market on TipTV. He’s asked about currency trading in broad terms and on specific pairs, including charts on USDJPY and EURJPY. Littlestone talk about how to trade forex and offers tips from his 20 years of trading experience.

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Minusränta och minuspolitik | Radio Mises #061

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Även Edra Ödmjuka Poddpladdrare D. G. ger sig i kast med att kommentera de rådande migrationsströmmarna, avhandlar de skeva konsekvenserna av välfärdspolitik, filosoferar kring det moraliska i självförsvarsröstande och slutligen diskuterar vad negativa räntor är för typ av ekonomisk perversion. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT:...

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Per Bylund: Refugees, Property Rights, and Open Borders

Our guest this weekend is Professor Per Bylund, whose article on immigration (…) elicited plenty of discussion on and social media earlier this week. Dr. Bylund argues that property rights, not government immigration policies, should serve as the natural regulator of immigration and human movement. Since the state is never legitimate, “open borders” is …

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Adam Button of looks for no Fed rate change

Adam Button, Managing Director and Currency Analyst at, appeared on Canada’s BNN and predicts no Fed rate change when they make their decision at the September Fed meeting. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST!… LET’S CONNECT! Google+ ►… Facebook ► Twitter ► Linkedin ►...

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Börsen-Talk vom 17. September 2015

Hyung Jin Lee von Baring Asset Management über die Entwicklungen an den asiatischen Märkten.

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China on the Edge – OFFICIAL TRAILER

To watch the full documentary, “China on the Edge” for free, click here:

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China’s growth fueled by debt – CHINA on the EDGE Clip

Much of China’s incredible economic growth has been based on incredibly high debt accumulation. To watch the full documentary, “China On The Edge” for free, click here:

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US Military believes China is America’s long-term adversary – CHINA on the EDGE Clip

According to geopolitical expert Ian Bremmer, the U.S. military believes China is America’s long-term adversary. To watch the full documentary, “China On The Edge” for free, click here:

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China’s aircraft carrier not a threat to US – CHINA on the EDGE Clip

Stratfor’s George Friedman explains why China’s navy isn’t a threat to the United States. To watch the full documentary, “China On The Edge” for free, click here:

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Stratfor founder: Chinese President Xi Jinping is a very scary man – CHINA on the EDGE Clip

Stratfor Chairman George Friedman offers his perspective on the kind of man Chinese President Xi Jinping really is. To watch the full documentary, “China On The Edge” for free, click here:

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Bill Bonner Interview: hold on to your cash, the real financial crisis is yet to come

MoneyWeek’s editor in chief Merryn Somerset Webb talks to Bill Bonner about economic cycles and the ‘cashless society’. Click here to find out how it could affect you: Interview recorded March 2015 Click here to subscribe to MoneyWeek videos:

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