Blog Archive

When Switzerland opened its arms to POWs

One town has been marking the time 100 years ago when Switzerland welcomed tens of thousands of prisoners of war. Revisiting the place has been an emotional experience for some of their descendants. Based on agreements with the belligerent nations, who paid the costs, 68000 sick and wounded British, French, German, Belgian, Canadian and Indian …

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Stay safe in your trading before the UK referendum vote. Key levels to lean against.

he UK referendum is upon us next week. Will the UK stay “In” or will they opt “Out”. In either case, traders will be nervous. Liquidity will likely be limited. Look for extremes BEFORE the event (that means at the beginning of the week – not and hour before the event!) Lean against them. IF …

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Does this remind you of your forex trading?

Having trouble pulling the trigger in your forex trading? Do you lunge at your forex trades with no rhyme or reason? Get help! Get a coach! The Attacking Currency Trends course will smooth your trading swing out. Do you want to hit it down the middle? For more information: Or email Greg Michalowski at …

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Switzerland’s special EU deal

Brexit – yes or no? If the United Kingdom were to leave the European Union, would it work out a series of bilateral agreements, similar to the ones between the EU and Switzerland? Some Brits believe Switzerland has benefited from the bilateral approach. The Swiss-EU treaties give Switzerland direct access to the best parts of … Continue...

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Luggage robot could make flying even easier

Geneva Airport now boasts what it says is the first ever robot that both checks in and carries luggage: the prototype “Leo”. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews …

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Thomas Form, Head of Electronics and Vehicle Research bei Volkswagen

Thomas Form über selbstfahrende Autos.

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Fritz Zurbrügg, Vize-Präsident Schweizerische Nationalbank

Die Schweizer Grossbanken brauchen zusätzliches Kapital, so das Urteil der SNB. Vizepräsident Fritz Zurbrügg äussert sich im cash-Video-Interview zu Massnahmen und zur Situation auf dem Hypothekenmarkt.

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US economy is like Botox, looks fine only on the outside – world-famous investor Marc Faber

Reverberations from the economic meltdown of 2007-2008 can still be felt across the globe, even though politicians claim the economy is getting better. Unemployment, cuts in the manufacturing sector, extreme economic inequality – all these symptoms still plague nations, including the US. However, the worst is, possibly, yet to come, as some economists warn. What’s …

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PHO in Action – Beate Sander

Dr. Beate Sander explains how evaluating the cost-effectiveness of public health programs can have positive impacts on policy and decision-making. For more information please visit 2014

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Yanis Varoufakis: My Message to the People of Poland #festiwalkuronia

A video presentation by Yanis Varoufakis, the ex-Greek Finance Minister and founder of DiEM25. An introduction to the “There’s no Europe without solidarity” debate, a part of 2016’s Jacek Kuroń Festival: Wideo wystąpienie byłego greckiego ministra finansów i lidera ruchu DiEM25, Janisa Warufakisa, otworzyło debatę “Nie ma Europy bez Solidarności”, zorganizowaną w ramach Festiwalu …...

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Duncan Goodwin – Head of Global Resources bei Baring Asset Management

Duncan Goodwin über die Entwicklung der Rohölpreise, seinen Investment-Ansatz und “Next-Generation”-Ressourcen.

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Yanis Varoufakis — Another Europe is Possible #VoteIn

Yanis Varoufakis’ speech that he gave on 28 May 2016 at Another Europe Is Possible’s conference in London, presenting the case for people to #VoteIn on 23 June. [Subtitled by Umaar Kazmi]

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Hannah Macleod shares her journey as a GB women’s hockey player

Hannah Macleod discusses her inspirational journey to becoming a GB women’s hockey player.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 15.06.2016 – NATO rüstet weiter in Osteuropa auf

Weitere Themen: – Brexit, Fed-Sitzung und bevorstehender Hexensabbat sorgen für Bewegung – Hohe Volatilität: VDAX schießt nach oben – Gefallene Kurse = Kaufgelegenheiten – Kapitalabzug aus China setzt sich fort – Finanztransaktionssteuer dem Tode nahe – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Keir Martland om Brexit | #085 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Studion gästas av Keir Martland från den brittiska Libertarian Alliance. Han berättar om läget inför folkomröstningen, hur han tror den kommer sluta och spekulerar i vad som sedan kommer hända. Att träda ut ur EU är en början för europeiska länder, det behövs mer. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: …

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Forex Education: If risk is too high, you could always go to the beach…

…or trade other pairs The action today in the GBPUSD was beyond words. Rumors about a BREXIT poll, led into a release which was reported incorrectly. The comedy of errors highlights the unscheduled event and liquidity risk that traders face in the market. What exactly is that? What can you do or cannot do to …

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Innovators or Imitators – 64

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and founder of ME Fonds – Special Values: “Innovators or Imitators”, June 13th, 2016

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Dirk Müller vom 13.06.2016 – EU-Kommission: CETA braucht keine Zustimmung der nationalen Parlamente

Weitere Themen: • Brexit-Diskussion steckt Börsen an • Französischer Notenbankchef als (unfreiwilliger) Komiker • Elektromobilität: Daimler und Tesla – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Sri Lanka’s heritage art of batik inspired a fashion label | The Economist

Designer Sonali Dharmawardena runs one of Sri Lanka’s fashion labels from her traditional workshop in Colombo. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Passport is an original travel series for the intellectually and culturally curious, exploring some of the most exciting city destinations in the world. The insiders’ guide to each city …

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Ekonomisk frihet och välstånd | #084 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: RM gör några slumpmässiga dyk i nyhetssörjan och övergår sedan till att tala om tiden då mänskligheten övervann svälten och skapade ett aldrig tidigare skådat materiellt välstånd. Och teorier om hur detta gick till. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES:...

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