Blog Archive

Anarchism and Radical Decentralization are the same thing (by Ryan McMaken)

Why libertarian anarchists should support secession movements, nullification and decentralisation everywhere. Article text: Patreon:

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With Trump we are entering a new episode of currency wars – Ronald Stöferle

Subscribe to Free Newsletter: Ronald is back again to talk about Trump, the Fed, and how the actual political situation is impacting on the rest of the world. Also, he is going to talk about precious metals and how they behave in recession times. On the road we are also going to talk about …

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Breweries boom in Switzerland

The number of breweries in Switzerland has mushroomed over the past ten years, even though the Swiss are not drinking more. Swiss Public Televison, RTS, reports on the ‘La Comète’ brewery, which has been revived in La Chaux-de-Fonds. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Crescent Arts Centre -Yanis Varoufakis Event

In conversation with William Crawley discussing Democracy on the edge of Europe.

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Yanis Varoufakis speaking in Belfast

Former Greek finance minister and left wing economist Yanis Varoufakis speaking in Belfast ahead of a DiEM25 event

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Where have all the fish gone?

The death of corals is already affecting the human communities that depend on the ocean for survival. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: The world’s OCEANS cover 70% of our planet, are the frontline in the battle against climate change, and yet are relatively unknown. Dive down to their deepest depths …

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Patrik Gisel, CEO Raiffeisen Schweiz

Starkes Hypothekenwachstum, aber grosse Probleme mit der Leonteq-Beteiligung: Das Geschäftsresultat von Raiffeisen bietet Höhen und Tiefen. CEO Patrik Gisel stellt sich im Interview den Fragen von cash.

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The dirty secret of clean energy | The Economist

The road to a future with an unlimited supply of clean energy is a rocky one. Ed Carr, our deputy editor, explains why energy features on the cover of this week’s The Economist. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films every day of the working week. For …

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Taking an abbot as a model

A 300-year-old fresco adorns the south facade of the monastery in Disentis, canton Graubünden. It has been undergoing restoration for the past few months. Because several figures were no longer visible, they have been re-painted from scratch, and it was the current abbot who posed as a model. (SRF/ — is the international branch …

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Börsen-Talk vom 24. Februar 2017

cash-Guru Alfred Herbert freut sich über den neuen Schwung im SMI. Er traut dem Markt noch Kurssteigerungen zu, rechnet aber mit einer Ernüchterung im Sommer. Im Börsen-Talk sagt er, was Anleger bis dahin tun können.

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Robert Arnott, Gründer von Research Affiliates

Robert Arnott ist einer der brillantesten Finanzökonomen und Vater des Fundamental-Index. Im Interview mit cash sagt er, wie Markt-Schnäppchen entstehen und warum ein erfolgreicher Trump eher schlecht für die US-Börse ist.

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UBS Safe: the digital safe deposit box | UBS

Safe your documents and passwords securely via e-banking in UBS Safe or in the UBS Safe app. Find more information about the UBS Safe under

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Login to Mobile Banking via Access App | UBS

Watch our video for the UBS Access App. Log in to Mobile Banking securely via app and use all the functions on your smartphone. More information about the App here:

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Login to E-Banking via Access App | UBS

Watch our video for the UBS Access App. Log in to E-Banking securely on your smartphone. More information about the App here:

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Eugen Weinberg, Leiter Rohstoffanalyse Commerzbank

Eugen Weinberg, Leiter Rohstoffanalyse bei der Commerzbank, macht im Interview mit cash klare Ansagen über die Entwicklung der Rohstoffpreise in den nächsten Monaten.

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Corals: the largest organism on the planet

From providing much of the oxygen we breathe to hosting myriad forms of life, corals are a critical part of our planet’s eco-system. But they are dying. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: The world’s OCEANS cover 70% of our planet, are the frontline in the battle against climate change, and …

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Rex Tillerson: America’s new chief emissary | The Economist

Rex Tillerson, America’s secretary of state, will need all his nimble diplomacy when he meets Mexico’s president Enrique Pena Nieto to discuss trade and security. But any calming reassurance could be undermined the next time President Trump tweets. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films every day …

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Dividenden-Aktien: Achtung?

Vorsicht vor Dividenden! Einige von euch werden jetzt die Stirn runzeln, da ich erst kürzlich ein Video zum Thema “Reich werden mit Dividenden” gemacht habe. Das steht aber in keinem Widerspruch zu dem, was ich euch im heutigen Video erklären möchte. Da geht es um den Ausspruch “Dividenden sind der neue Zins”. Das ist so …

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Tagesausblick vom 22.02.2017 – Harte Wirtschaftsdaten und -prognosen: Europa gut, USA naja…

Weitere Themen: • DAX 12.000 Punkte – auf dem Weg zum Allzeithoch • Brexit hinterlasst noch immer keine Spuren bei den Wirtschaftsdaten • Ärgernis Bausparverträge • Unternehmensmeldungen von Fresenius, Ströer, Thyssen-Krupp, VW – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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